Interview with Jenna Terese // Teen Writers’ Rally day nine
Well, what better way to begin this season of writing insanity (also known as National Novel Writing Month) than with an interview from the writer mastermind herself, indie author, Jenna Terese! (YA Christian sci-fi author of Ignite.) Join us for the nineth day of the 2022 teen writers' rally!
How I Brainstorm Ideas // Teen Writers’ Rally Day 8
Day eight of the Teen Writers' Rally, and Madeleine is here to share how she brainstorm's ideas.
The Writing Journey of a TEEN AUTHOR // guest post from Penelope Rugan
For day seven of the 2022 Teen Writers' Rally, we have a guest post from one of TWN's FIRST readers. One of the authors featured in the Imagine Anthology, Penelope shares her writing journey and experience while also offering a few handy tips that have helped her grow as a writer along the way!
Interview with Caitlin Miller // Teen Writers’ Rally Day Six
Today I am interviewing Caitlin Miller, indie author of the historical fiction novel The Memories We Painted, for the latest installment of our Teen Writers' Rally.
Want a Higher Word-Count? Learn How to Type FASTER With These 5 Tips! // Guest Post from Mary @ Wild Writing Dreams
I am SO excited to be featuring Mary today with her guest post all about writing faster! Do you spend hours writing, only to peck out a few words? Do you get frustrated with how long it takes you to write a couple thousand? Then join TWN today as Mary unlocks her five best tips for writing faster.
Interview with Kara Linaburg // Teen Writers’ Rally Day Two
Join TWN for day two of our first-ever Teen Writers' Rally with an interview from indie author Kara Linaburg!
Introducing the 2022 Teen Writers’ Rally
Join us today to kick-off TWN's FIRST EVER Teen Writers' Rally. 13 authors. Two weeks. One big event.
Breaking Down the Three-Act Story Structure
The three-act story structure is one of the most well-known story structures. But what exactly IS it and how can you use it for YOUR story? That's what we're unpacking today at Teen Writers' Nook!
Plotting a Character’s Life {WORDS Blog Tour}
A new post on Teen Writers' Nook about backstories and how they can and should impact the character and their life!!!
Prologue Vs. Chapter One: Three Reasons Why You Need To CUT Your Prologue
Should you have a prologue? Can they ever be useful? In TWN's latest post, Issabelle gives three instances where you should probably consider CUTTING your prologue! Read on.
EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Traditional Publishing – Guest Post from Grace A. Johnson
Considering the traditional publishing route? Wondering what even goes into choosing this path? ALL your questions (or well, at least a lot of them ;) are answered today in this post from teen indie author of the Daughters of the Seven Seas series, Grace A. Johnson!
How to Handle Criticism, Feedback, Rejection, and Negative Book Reviews.
Have you ever struggled to handle constructive criticism or down right rejection? Do you fear negative book reviews? TWN's latest post brings the best advice and encouragement in dealing with this pretty much unavoidable challenge all writers will face!
How do I build my author platform? Tips for staying motivated and writing faster?—TWN Answers YOUR Writing Questions
How do I build my author platform? What are some tips for staying motivated and writing faster? Teen Writers' Nook answers writing questions submitted by some of our readers today!!
Know the Novel Part Two Featuring My NaNoWriMo Progress!!!
Today I'm participating in part two of Christine Smith's Know the Novel linkup for writers! I'll share some insights on how my writing's going, sneak peeks at Secrets We Hide, and more!!!
Know the Novel: Introducing Secrets We Hide!!
Introducing my newest work in progress today!! I'm so excited to take part in Christine Smith's annual Know the Novel linkup
How to Make Memorable Characters Part Five: My Attempt at Character Profiles (With FREE Resource!)
I'm finally making my return to my series on character development!! Today, TWN is going to be looking at character profiles with an example for the characters of my newest novel! So read on and stay turned until the end where I share a bit of news about my completion of the first draft for Heir to His Crown!
My First Collab Post with Jen Rose from Living Outside the Lines
via GIPHY Bonjour mes lecteurs! (Sorry, I literally had no clue how to start off this post. So, when I saw that gif, I was like why not speak French?! XD)🤣 Annywaay, as you can see from the title this is my FIRST EVER collab post!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!! I’m SuPeR excited for it!!!!!😀 But before I get into that, I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU LOVELY PEOPLE WHO FOLLOWED TWN!!!!!!!!!!!!😀 We have now reached over 100 followers (not counting me and Issabelle who of course follow our own blog XD)!!!!! via GIPHY ^^ That’s us trying to keep calm while internally screaming THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! via…
My Writing Process Collab with Kristianne from Whimsical Wanderings
Today I'm going to be going through my writing process step by step. You'll get to see how I take a novel idea and write from first drafts to the finish piece all with some fun GIFs and my signature wacky self. ;) Join me today and then check out Kristianne's site Whimsical Wanderings to read about how she does her writing process!
Join Heir to His Crown’s Beta Reading Team – Sign Ups CLOSED
Would you like to join the beta reading team for Heir to His Crown beginning in May? Then don't miss the chance to sign up today!!!! And if interested in Heir to His Crown but don't have time/want to join the beta reading team or are unsure if you should, still read on as I will be talking a lot about my latest fantasy novel. I'll be sharing graphics, an interview with one of the characters, the story's synopsis and more!!!
How Do I Lead My Readers to Christ – Guest Post by Author and Blogger, Joy Caroline
Today we have the awesome, Joy Caroline, guest posting on Teen Writers' Nook!! We are honored to have her post on how writers can still lead their readers to Christ, regardless of whether they write Christian fiction or not.