Issabelle’s Works

*If you want to stay more up to date on my latest writing plans and author journey, check out my author site here!*


“Fairly Impish” featured in Owl Hollow Press’ 2021 Change the World: All-Teen Anthology

My short story is published in the Change the World: All-Teen Anthology which you can purchase here on Amazon.

What do you do when the odds come against you?

Aria has been called many things but never hero. When a mysterious boy who had invaded her past dreams appears out of nowhere and asks for her help to save his kingdom, she is uncertain how she, of all people, could save the day. But wouldn’t it be nice to play hero just once? A journey filled with hidden secrets, unknown answers, and mysterious magic awaits Aria. She has to be able to look past her flaws and find the courage to do the right thing in this YA fantasy short story!

Credit: Cover designed by Grace A. Johnson

Fury of Our Flame

 Fight for hope. Die for freedom.

Her whole life, Anya has been told to fear the Fae Guardians and not question the rules of the Codification—the very one that claims she is cursed because she wasn’t born with the same magical Gifts as the fae. But now her chance has finally come to challenge those who have held Anya and her people captive for decades. All she has to do is complete the mission her father failed. The only problem? The Fae Guardians are after her and she’s on the run for her life. With the darkness creeping in and threats to stop her mission right on her heels, will she find the strength to stand and fight? Or will she succumb and let the darkness win?

Issabelle Perry brings you a fantastical short story about fighting for freedom, hope, and the strength to believe in the Light that never diminishes.



Historical Fiction

Project: Defender

Status: Currently writing second draft; in the hands of beta readers.

Information coming soon!

YA Contemporary Christian Clean Romance
In Healing Hands

Status: Currently writing at a little over 50,000 words. Aiming to have first draft completed by the end of January.

The only thing that hurts worse than breaking… is healing.

Three years ago Layla Yackensty’s whole world shattered when her father passed away. Now with her grades dropping and her proneness to get in trouble at school, she faces the threat of being expelled. But if that happens, Layla’s mom will never help fund her plan to fulfill her dad’s dream to open up a music store one day.

So she agrees to a proposition that if she helps a local church in their community outreach challenge, then her past offenses will be overlooked. But then she meets the youth pastor’s son, Brandon, who is quirky and intrigues her. The only problem is she’s starting to fall for Brandon, who mistakenly believes her to be a Christian like him.

Will she be able to keep the act up? Or will she succumb to the pressure and heartache from the last three years?

Issabelle Perry makes her debut into contemporary romance with a story full of heart, hope, and the challenge of learning to heal again.

Credit: Graphic made by Jane!


  • Lrose5

    Hey!! Heir to His Crown sounds really good!! (all of them do!!) Is it kinda like False Prince? (u’ve read that right?) have a wonderful day!!!!

    • Issabelle

      Heya, girl! Aww, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! I’m SOO HAPPY to hear you think that. That means a lot to me, girl! 😊 Yes, it kinda is!!!!!! I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s exactly like The False Prince, but I did get a TON of inspiration from that series!!!! And it’s definitely got fantasy world/royalty/medieval/snarky characters in it, like TFP. Okay, I must admit, all of my stories have at least something in it that was inspired by The False Prince, but that book series is just soooo good!!!!! (Yes, I have!! It is my FAVORITE series EVERRRR!!!!!! Hehehe #ObsessedFanOverHere XDD) THANK YOU!!!!! You too, girl!! (And THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for commenting!!! <333 This just made me soo happy!)

    • Issabelle

      Awww, Corrie, this just MADE MY DAY!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO SO SO SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! It just means BEYOND words when I hear that someone wants to read my stories!! THANK YOU, girl!!!!!! Aww, well, I shall try my hardest to write them and as quickly as possible so you can read them. 🙂 EEEEKKK!!! YESSS!!!! Ikr!! I’m just jumping up and down with excitement!!!! It’s almost hereeeeeee!

      • Corrie.S.P.

        I really like stories that are a re-telling of others! I always can’t wait to find out how the author changes it up! Have you read the Land of stories?! I loove that series oh sooo much!

        • Issabelle

          AAaaaah, YESSS!!!! Ikr!! Those are SO MUCH fun to read!!! Oh, yes, I TOTALLY agree! It’s always soo awesome to see how each brings his/her own unique touch to a retelling. Actually, right now I’m in the middle of a contemporary retelling of Cinderella and it has been SO GOOD so far!!!! Oooh, I haven’t read the Land of Stories yet, but Katherine has and she’s told me how much she liked it!!!!! Aaaah, that’s SO cool!!! I will have to get to it sometime then!!!! 🙂

  • Alexa

    Did I ever tell you that I loved Fairly Impish??!! I think it is AMAZING that you are published and I have your writing sitting on my bookshelf right this moment! And what is even cooler is that when you are a published author, I’m going to have more books sitting on my bookshelf from you, Katherine, and Alana! I can not wait to hear more from Into the Lamp and your other stories! And from what I’ve read, What Lay Beyond the Woods is amazing too! The Forbidden Series look EPIC!! And AHH, I can not stop obsessing over the Rizechsen cover! You are an astonishing writer!!

    • Issabelle

      Awww, girl, you actually didn’t. THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME that you loved it!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! Girl, really? Like that makes me sooo happy I don’t even know what to say. YESSS!!!! I’ve honestly still been over the moon about it being published and it’s like what, three months later? XD D’awwww, girl, you’re just the SWEETEST!!!! THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!! And I’m gonna have ALL of your books sitting on my bookshelf. Actually, scratch that. I’ll probably have it on my desk, since that’s where I keep my favorite books!!!! 🙂 YAAAY!!!! Girl, I am SO happy to hear that!!!!!! You might be hearing some more about Into the Lamp soon. 😉 Eeeeekk, girl, I honestly felt like What Lay Beyond the Woods wasn’t my best work, so THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR SAYING THAT!!!!!!!!! Aaahhhhaaaa, yes, I’ve got some pretty awesome ideas for my Forbidden novel. Girl, you and me BOTH!!!!! I ADORED how my Rizechsen cover turned out!!!! Now I just have to write it. XD D’awwww, A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS, ALEXA!!!!!! You’re a FANTABULOUS writer, too!!!! *high fives*

      • RangerElfLegend

        Hey, I was wondering if you and your sisters had any tips for writing a novel? I know what happens, I’m just having trouble putting it all down on paper.

          • RangerElfLegend

            I started it, but I’m struggling with continuing it. I know what needs to happen, I just can’t seem to put it down on paper. Every time I write something down it sounds…lifeless I guess. I can’t seem to find the right words for anything.

            • Issabelle Perry

              Aah gotcha. I see what your problem is. Well, have you ever heard the phrase “you can’t edit a blank page”? This mindset has honestly been what has helped me SO much! Basically, it means that you can go back and edit ANYTHING after it’s been written, but if you don’t get something down you’ll never get anywhere. When I write, I let my first drafts be messy. I need to make it to the end of the story and understand what’s going on so I can go back and properly fix things like scenes sounding lifeless. Plus, just writing will help you improve your writing prose! You’ll be amazed by the leaps of progress you’ll make by writing! So my first piece of advice is to ALLOW yourself to write messy. It doesn’t have to sound perfect right now. The time for that will come later. Just focus on making it to “the end.” Then afterward, it’ll become time to begin the editing process. To fix that problem specifically with things sounding lifeless my best advice is to study your favorite novels. What about their wording and prose made this scene so immersive? Was it a word they used, descriptions, emotions? Then apply the same technique to your stories!
              Did this help and answer your question?

              • RangerElfLegend

                Yes thank you!!!! I guess I am a bit of a perfectionist…but I’m going to follow your advice and see where that gets me!

                • Issabelle Perry

                  You’re SO welcome!!! I am SO happy to hear it was helpful!!!! I feel you. I am a bit of the same way. YESSS!!!! Go for it!! I hope it helps you out and totally keep me updated on how it goes. 🙂

  • Anna

    Iss!!! Did you get something new published, and I missed it??
    I can’t believe that I missed that!!! It looks really cool!!
    Also, Heir to His Crown is AMAZING!!!!!!! I can’t wait for it to be published so I can buy copies for all of my friends and family!!! I’m in the process of trying to convince my mom to buy me Imagine, and Change the World.

    • Issabelle Perry

      Anna!!!! Aww, well, don’t be too worried. It hasn’t actually been released yet, and I haven’t really talked about it at all. But, right-o!! I’ve got a short story that’s going to be featured in an online magazine soon. I’m sooooo excited!!!!!
      THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That just means a lot to me!!!!
      D’awwww, Anna, you are THE sweetest. Just THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! That means a LOT to me that you think so!!!! EEEEEEEKKKK GIRL JUST YOU ARE THE MOST SWEETEST AND BEST!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Just, aaah, I can’t even TELL you how deeply it means to me just to know you’d even wanna buy ONE copy of Heir to His Crown. THANK YOU. <333333333333333333 OooooOOOoooo really? Well, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Hopefully, you can convince your mom soon. ;P

  • Ava

    All of these look super cool! I’m really excited for Heir to His Crown! I saw that you got inspiration from THE FALSE PRINCE and that made me like, 10 times more excited. Can’t wait!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      Hey, Ava, thank you SO much for stopping by Teen Writers’ Nook. D’awww that makes me THE happiest to hear that. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Aaaaaa YAAAAY!!!!! I hope one day I can share Heir to His Crown with all of you. <3333 THANK YOUUU!!!!!!! YESSS I did get a lot of inspiration from The False Prince for this book (but in all honesty, The False Prince finds its way somehow in all of my books. I think I am obsessed. XD) THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333

  • Jaicee

    WHEN DOES IN THE HEALING HANDS COME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sounds soooooo good. I cant wait for it to come out I would LOVE to read it!!!!!

    Great job love what you are doing on the website.

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAH JAICEE YOU ARE SO SWEET. THIS HAS JUST MADE MY ENTIRE WEEK!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I don’t have any official release date plans yet because I still have to finish writing the book and then go into edits and release date will largely depend on how quickly edits go, BUT I would like to open up beta readers for this book at some point (people who read an early version of the book and offer advice/feedback). Just like in the future since I have to finish writing first, haha. XD

      Awww, Jaicee, THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!! I can’t say how much it means to me! God bless!!!

  • Iona

    I am so excited for all of these I can’t wait to read them!!!!! Way to go, girl!!!!!! I love your blog I’m so happy to be finally reading it xD
    GOd bless y’all! xxxx

  • Ceryna

    Hey Issabelle, are you still writing ‘In Healing Hands’? A lot of these comments are old so I thought maybe it’s already published…. Is it? Because I really want to read it.

    • Issabelle Perry

      Hi, Ceryna!!! I am not currently writing In Healing Hands, but I actually plan to return to it and do a major rewrite after I finish my current drafting project. Aw, it means SO much to me to hear that you really want to read the story!!! I would love to get it published one day!!! If all goes well, maybe I’ll have some details and updates to share about it by 2025. =) Thank you SO much for stopping by!!!

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