Dual POVs: The Pros and Cons of Having More than One Point-of-View
Dual POVs appear commonly in fiction, but there are pros and cons to having one. What may work for one book will only hurt another. If you're considering including a second perspective in your WIP, I have complied a list of the potential benefits as well as some areas to watch out for.
Reanalyzing the Comic Relief Character
Today, I am reflecting on the comic relief character type, recognizing its value in literature while acknowledging nuances distinct from animated films like Disney. I will also propose four tips for effectively writing these characters.
How to Know Who Should Be Your Novel’s Main Character
Every novel has a main character, but not every character should be the protagonist. Writers struggling to decide who the protagonist of their novel is should ask themselves this one question.
5 Unique Ways to Electrify Your Character’s Voice a Guest Post by Allie Jo Andersen
Teen author, Allie Jo Andersen, joins us today with a guest post on how to electrify your character's voice!
How to Make Memorable Characters Part Five: My Attempt at Character Profiles (With FREE Resource!)
I'm finally making my return to my series on character development!! Today, TWN is going to be looking at character profiles with an example for the characters of my newest novel! So read on and stay turned until the end where I share a bit of news about my completion of the first draft for Heir to His Crown!
How to Make Memorable Characters Part 4: Writing Deep Character Emotions
It's time for part four in my writing series on character development. This one I'm focusing on how to really make your character emotions shine. I hope you'll join me for it!!!
How to Make Memorable Characters Part 1 With Sneak Peek of My Current WIP
Does building strong characters seem like a tiresome task? Then check out this post with a sneak peek at my current WIP