2022 Teen Writers' Rally

Introducing the 2022 Teen Writers’ Rally

Heya, readers. I gotta admit, I am insanely excited for this post. Like bursting with excitement, jumping in my seat, wanting to squeal with delight excited!

BUT before we get into that, I want to let y’all know about an interview I got to do this past week! It is to date one of my favorite interviews that I have done. I share a bit into my writing life AND talk some about Project: Defender. Ya know, that WIP I have been so secretive about for like eight months. SO if you’re interested, click the link right here and read my interview with Madisyn Carlin!

Now, back to the post. I am SO excited to see TWN’s first ever Teen Writers’ Rally begin. The gals at TWN and I have been planning this event since August and it is the biggest thing TWN has done since Imagine! What IS a teen writer rally? Well, it’s largely an event my sisters and I made up but basically it’s kind of like the blog version of like a writing conference. For the next two weeks, we’re providing back-to-back posts with writing tips, advice, and encouragement from 13 different authors! We have posts from the team at Teen Writers’ Nook. Katherine will be beginning the event tomorrow with a post about defeating writer’s block. Madeleine-Grace (Alana) has a post on the 30th where she will share her brainstorming process, and on November 5th, I will be concluding the event with a post about redefining success. BUT, and this is where it gets awesome, not only will we be posting, but we have guests posts from indie author Grace A. Johnson, Mary @ Wild Writing Dreams, and from one of TWN’s first readers, Penelope Rugan. And finally, we are also featuring interviews from the following authors: Kara Linaburg, Hannah Currie, Caitlin Miller, Jenna Terese, Stefanie Lozinski, and Melanie Cellier! And guess what? This all begins TOMORROW. Posts will be live at 6:00 Eastern Standard Time between Monday, October 24th through Saturday, November 5th.Β 

This rally is our way to kick-off National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo, as it’s usually called, is a time that happens every year in November where hundreds of authors all challenge themselves to write 50,ooo words (a novel’s minimum length) in one month. That’s why the theme of this rally is perseverance. Because it doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to write a novel in November, edit a novel, seek feeback, attempt publishing. Every part of the writing process requires us to persevere. So I hope that not only will you be getting advice and tips, but I want this rally to be two weeks of encouragement to you. That even though writing’s hard, you can do it. And it’s worth it. It’s worth the long writing nights, the doubts and discouragement, the moments of fear and readiness to give up. It’s worth it because you have a story that you were meant to tell. And the world needs to hear it, whether they realize it or not.

So, by the end of this rally, I hope you’re rejuvenated and encouraged. And whatever it is you are trying to do with your writing, you walk away with the readiness to conquer your goals.

Now, in celebration of this event, we are putting Imagine on sale! That’s right! From now until the 26th, you can get an e-copy of Imagine for $0.00. That means FOR FREE!!!!!

Click the image to get your copy today!

Also, there’s even more exciting news! I told you this was the biggest event Teen Writers’ Nook has EVER done! We will also be running a giveaway through the entire rally, so make sure you check in tomorrow for more details on how you can enter. For now, enjoy this little teaser.

So, if you’re not all ready, make sure to subscribe to TWN via email so you don’t miss out on all the exciting posts that are coming!Β 

Before we wrap up this post, I wanted to ask a favor from all of our readers. Since TWN first began, I have been wanting to do an event for NaNoWriMo. I nearly did something last year but life circumstances prevented me from following through with it. Perhaps that is why I am so incredible excited for this! I do hope you will enjoy the posts and find help and encouragement from them. I would really love to do something like this next year, maybe even make the rally a yearly event. But this is the thing. Planning this rally has involved a lot of time, and while I do not regret it at all, for me to do it again, I need to know it’s something y’all enjoy. So basically, we need to get a good response and turn-out. This is what I want to ask from our readers. Teen Writers’ Nook needs you. If TWN has been any help to you at all. If we’ve brought you encouragement or advice or guidance or you’ve at least gotten a good laugh at some of our posts, would you consider sharing about this rally to someone, whether that’s online or with your friends? It would mean SO much to me. I do have a folder of several graphics I have made for the event that you can share or make your own!Β 

Alright, I think that’s all the information I need to share! I’ll see y’all tomorrow.Β 

Keep on being awesome and never stop writing!

~Issabelle Perry

Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.


  • ✨Chloe✨

    OMGoodness this is so exciting!! I was planning on posting this week so I’ll definitely share this rally with everyone!

    And also, IMAGINE IS FREE ON DEVICE??? I am going to go get it on my phone right now! Thanks again for that awesome experience you gave us 14(?) authors last year, it’s crazy to think it’s been a year! πŸ˜†

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAH CHLOE I AM SO THRILLED THAT YOU ARE EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy the rally! Yaaay!!! Thank you SOOOO much, girl!!!! It means a lot that you’d be willing to share about the rally! And I can’t wait to see what post you have coming this week. πŸ™‚

      YESSSS!!!!! Aren’t free deals like the best deals ever??? WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!! I’m glad you were able to get the copy for free then!!! Awww you’re so welcome!!! It was my pleasure! I LOVED being able to give you and the other authors that experience!!! I know right?! Like I’m ninety percent certain it was just yesterday that I was editing A Dragon’s Choice. Wasn’t it??? Maybe we found a time machine along the way and accidentally jumped a year into the future. It could happen. πŸ˜†

      Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the writer’s rally!

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEEKKKK THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH RYLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO thrilled that you’re excited! I hope you get a lot of great tips and encouragement from the event. Aaahh, good luck with that. I’m sure your idea will be awesome. Do you have a general idea of what it will be, like genre or plot or something, or is it just up in the air? NaNoWriMo is just coming on us SO quickly. I can’t believe it’s like a week away. *shakes head* YES. IT. WILL. BE.

      Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the rally.

      • Rylie

        Thank you!!! Ya, no idea. I’m thinking of just starting with something random and jumping from project to project. My goal is just to write. XD Doesn’t matter if i change projects or not, i just want a word count goal and to write every day. XD

        • Issabelle Perry

          You’re welcome!!! Oooo, hey, I like that idea going planless. Who says you needed a plan? I think that is an AWESOME goal! You’re still challenging yourself to do something but you also understand that there are some things you just don’t feel able to do right now. That’s very smart! Girl, I KNOW you can do it!!! YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!!! I am totally cheering you on!!! *waves pom poms and sends you your favorite chocolate for motivation* Keep me updated with how everything goes!!!

      • Issabelle Perry

        EEEEK I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ARE EXCITED. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH KAYTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333 AAah! I hope so!!! I am INSANELY excited to see it really kick-off!!! D'awww, you're the sweetest. THANK YOU!!!!

        Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the rally!

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEK THANK YOU KALEY!!!!!!! I’m SO happy that you’re excited!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! Thank you SOOOO much for helping to spread the word. It means a lot to me. AND YESSSS!!!!!!! So great to have you reading along! I hope you enjoy the writer’s rally and it provides a lot of great tips and encouragement. Thank you for stopping by!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      YAAAAY THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your excitement is contagious! AAAAH! I can’t wait either! Only just a few hours left to go. *bounces with excitement*

      Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the writer’s rally!

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAHHH thank you SO much, Joy!!!! It makes me SO happy to hear you love the idea!!!! Eeeee ikr?! I can’t wait either. I haven’t gotten to read all of the posts yet, so I’m just as excited. Aaaah, I do?! I’m so glad. Phew, what a relief to know the hours I took into thinking through all these authors paid off. XD I was wanting authors that would be both new and familiar! YESSSSSS THERE IS!!!!!! Giveaways are like the best things ever!!! Well, right after chocolate that is. Perhaps I should add some virtual chocolate into the giveaway. XD THANK YOU!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy the rally and thank you for stopping by!

  • Emma

    *screams* AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ISSABELLE I’M SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next two weeks are going to be AMAZING!!!!!!!! The line-up of authors and posts you have are exquisite!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals* I can’t wait for tomorrow!!!! This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* *hands out chocolate and throws confetti to celebrate* <333

    (Oh also I read that interview you did with Madisyn! I loved it, your answers were beautiful *hugs*)

    • Issabelle Perry

      *also screams because why not* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA EEEEEMMMMMMMMMAAAAA *realizes how weird that looks because you can’t do the double m if there are already a lot of m* I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY THAT YOU ARE EXCITED. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! Aaaaah, I hope so! (I mean, I think they’re gonna be pretty epic but I might be biased) Awww, I’m SO thrilled you think so! I was hoping y’all would like the authors and posts we chose for the rally. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! *also squeals* I know right! Me neither. Especially cuz I haven’t read Kat’s post yet. *looks at Kat* U gonna share? THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! I love your enthusiasm! Brought such a smile to my face that I needed today! *jumps up and down with you and starts grabbing for the free chocolate and dances in confetti* <33333333

      (Ooo yaay! Awww, thank you!!!! I'm so happy you thought so. It's my favorite interview I have ever done to date. *hugs back*)

      Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the rally!

  • Lorelei Angelino

    OH. MY. WORD. THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!! I just- I just can’t believe…. *is speechless* I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING (and AHH you are so beautiful)!!! *launches confetti and hurries off to share the rally*<33333

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAAH THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH LORELEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your excitement! Aaaah I know right! I half believe I am in a dream and I’m gonna wake up to find that everything was just pretend. XD ME NEITHER. IT’S CRAZY. I hope you love it! (D’awww, THANK YOU, girl!!! You’re so sweet.) *jumps in confetti* And thank you for sharing about the rally. πŸ™‚ It means SO much!!!

      Enjoy the event, and thank you for stopping by!!!

  • Diamond

    AHHH I’m so excited! All of this literally sounds so amazing. Hopefully it serves to prepare us all for NaNoWriMo!
    (I’m not participating this year, but I wish everyone luck!)
    I’ll share this with as many people as I can! So excited!

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAH GIRL I AM SO EXCITED THAT YOU ARE EXCITED. THANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! Awww, I’m so happy you think so!!!! It just brings a smile to my face! YESSSS!!!! I mean, that’s the preferrable goal. XD I guess if it doesn’t work out, I will just change it from kicking-off NaNoWriMo to Issabelle Just Needed Someone to Post for Her Because She’s Out of Writing Tip Ideas. XD It’s believable.
      (Yeah, I totally get that. I was wanting to do something this year, but I don’t think I will either. Yes!! Good luck to al writers, and may the best author survive till the end. XD Because I can’t really say “win” since it’s not a race. XD)
      YAAAY. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, DIAMOND!!!!!! I can’t say how much it means to me!!!!

      Thank you for stopping by, and enjoy the rally!

  • Allie Jo Andersen

    Wow, this is awesome!!! Sooo excited and cheering on everyone participating in NaNo this year!!! Sadly, I’m passing on NaNo this time around because I’m not in the drafting stage yet in the Author Conservatory and want to really focus my energy on the project I’m working on in the program. πŸ™ƒ (Honestly, though, if I was drafting right now I would eagerly jump on board XD) This is sooo excitinig, though!!!! Can’t wait for this; I’ll definitely be following along!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      THANK YOU SOOO MUCH ALLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO thrilled that you’re excited! Aw, yeah, I totally understand. That makes complete sense! And it’s good that you’re trying to focus on one project at a time. I find for myself at least, that it makes it much easier to see a project to completion when I don’t let myself get distracted by other ideas. Good luck with the Author Conservatory and your project! You’ve got this!!!! *waves pom poms* I’m not doing NaNo this year either. I had wanted to do something but since I’ll be wrapping up edits on Project: Defender by early November (if not sooner), I’ll be too mentally exhausted to jump into a new project. (Hahaha, I know right! Me too. XD There’s something about when you hear everyone at once talking about their stories and writing that makes you just want to tag along!) Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!! Yaaaay! Me neither! It’s gonna be awesome!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!! SO glad to have you reading along!!!! I hope you enjoy the writer’s rally, and thank you for stopping by!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEK THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy that you’re excited! It just makes me even more excited!!!! Awww THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I spent waaaay too much time on those graphics, but I do so adore them. XD Which is crazy cuz I usually don’t like what I design. *shrugs* THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!! Aww thank you! I hope you enjoy the interview!!!! <333333

      Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the writer's rally!

  • Ellie

    Oh my goodness this is soo exciting!! I can’t wait!! I’m also gonna share this with my best friend!πŸ˜‰ Can’t wait for tomorrow!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEK THANK YOU SOOO MUCH ELLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy that you’re excited!!!! ME NEITHER. I just hope it’s as awesome as I’m advertising it to be. XD WOOHOOO!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING ABOUT IT!!!! Best friends are always the best people to share things with!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I can’t wait either!!!

      Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the writer’s rally!

    • Issabelle Perry

      WOOHOOO!!!! THANK YOU MARY!!!!!! I’m SO happy you’re excited! (I’m very excited for a certain guest post coming up from a certain person named Mary. *grins*) I hope you enjoy the rally and thank you for stopping by!

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK I LOVE YOUR EXCITEMENT SARAINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you SO much for sharing about the rally! It means a lot to all of us at TWN!!!

      THank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the writer’s rally!!!

  • Grace A. Johnson


    ALSO, just so everyone knows, I just checked, and Imagine is NUMBER ONE in Teen and Young Adult Short Stories on Amazon!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE RALLY HAS BEGUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! We’ve only been waiting for like FOREVER for it. Hahaha yes, who cares! Better late than never right! I truly live by those words. XD AAAAAH I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ARE EXCITED. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SWEET WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it lives up to expectations! *suddenly gets nervous* AAAH THANK YOU!!!!! I only lost nearly all my free time and half of my sanity, but who cares, right? It’s not like anyone’s noticing. XDD And thank YOU for being apart of it! I am SO stoked for your guest post!!!

      *screams and jumps up and down wildly* That. Is. The. Coolest. Thing. Ever. I… I still can’t believe it. *is still in total shock* THANK YOU for letting us know! Now, let’s keep Imagine there because teen writer’s are NUMBER ONE.

      Thank you for stopping by, and enjoy the rally!

      • Grace A. Johnson

        RIGHT!! Haha, same, girl! XDD AHHH OF COURSE!!! YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! PSH I KNOW IT WILL!!!!! Oof. *pats you on the back* MY PLEASURE GIRL!! THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME!!! ME TOOOO!!! I HOPE IT’S GOOD!!!!

        I. Know. Right. WE ARE NUMBER ONE! WE ARE NUMBER ONE! πŸ˜‰

        I know I will!!! πŸ˜€ <3333

        • Issabelle Perry

          YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!!! It was my pleasure!!! Plus, you write great posts so it’s like a win-win situation. XD IT IS GOOD.

          YESSS!!! *continues chanting and pumping fist in the air* WE ARE NUMBER ONE. WE ARE NUMBER ONE. WE. ARE. NUMBER. ONE.


  • Lillianna Joy

    I know I’m a little late to the party but AGHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUNNNNN!!!!!!!
    These authors you have lined up are like… gonna have some epic stuff to share XD SO EXCITEDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      That’s totally okay! Better late than never, right?! AAAAAAHHHH I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU THINK SO. YOUR EXCITEMENT IS SO CONTAGIOUS!!!! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Yes, they DO have epic stuff to share! I can’t wait to reveal it all to everyone! They have SO much wisdom and advice and it’s just been amazing getting to work with each of them for this rally! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy the rally, and thank you for stopping by!

  • Corrie.S.P

    Oooooooooooooo! This is gonna be a blast!!!!!!!
    I will make a post tonight sharing it on my blog. I gotta jump over to the next post now and see what it is!!😁😁😁

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEEEEK THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH TASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO thrilled to hear you think so!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!! Awww you’re very welcome! Thank YOU for stopping by and reading!!! I hope you enjoy the writer’s rally!!!

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