Cover Reveal for The House That Didn’t End by E. K. Seaver (And Other Bookish News!)
Yo, yo, yo, TWNers, welcome back to another post from yours truly. Today, I’m going to be talking about not one but TWO awesome books that are going to be release in September. (Because, I keep forgetting to talk about this other one and today is cover reveal day for the amazing E. K. Seaver, so y’all get twice the bookish announcements, which is a good thing because I am SO stoked for these two releases!!!) BUT FIRST, I do have some really quick announcements I need to make. The first one is: the winning authors who will have their works featured in TWN’s Imagine anthology will be PUBLICLY ANNOUNCED this MONDAY, JULY 12TH!!!!!! So be sure to catch that post and congratulate all the talented authors!!! I must say, a lot of y’all surprised me. EVERYONE’s story was simply fantabulous and I can’t wait until we get to share them with all of y’all. So if you’re not already following TWN, I do highly recommend doing so, so you don’t miss out on any of the awesome updates about Imagine as we’re moving forward. More details will be coming soon. 🙂 The second announcement is, as I’m some of y’all may have noticed (shout out to Lorelei for being the first to mention it–she’s awesome, y’all. Nuff said!!!!!) I have a new story up on my progress bar (to your right on computers, at the bottom on other devices). So did that mean I finished In Pursuit of Hope? Uh… no. It means, I just wasn’t in love with In Pursuit of Hope anymore and I felt that I really needed to focus on something else. But I do plan to talk more about my new wip, In Healing Hands, and why I decided to work on it instead soon. 🙂
Alright, now, onto the post. I’ll give y’all my second bookish announcement first because I know you’re dying to see this gorgeous cover and, well, it’s fun keeping y’all in suspense. (That means you are NOT allowed to scroll to the bottom of the post and sneak a peek at the cover. It’s not fun that way… *cough* even though that’s what I always do on cover reveal posts… *sheepish smile* Trust me, the wait is WORTH IT!!!!!!!!) Anyway, I kinda kept forgetting to mention this awesome bookish announcement which is why I’m putting these two book news in one post. So my totally awesome, amazing, best friend and writing twin sister, who did I mention is totally awesome and a superb writer, blogger, friend, and well, this list is getting long but y’all get the point… wait, where was I? Oh, right! My awesome friend, Grace A. Johnson IS RELEASING A NEW SHORT STORY IN SEPTEMBER.
I did not mean for that graphic to be that big, but, hey, we had to make sure we all got this awesome news!!!!!!! And here’s another graphic. 🙂
Which is also turning out really big. *shrugs*
But anyway, this is a 9/11 short story that releases on September 11th in honor of the 9/11 events 20th anniversary. All I can say is that I am SO EXCITED for this book’s release, which once you read this blurb, you will be too!!!
And here’s da blurb.
It was too late.
The whole world knew it, the nations shaking their heads at the fallen United States, our beautiful country of hope and freedom covered in blood and ashes.
Only the devil could’ve planned something so disastrous.
Only God could save us now.
Only God could save August.
It was all my fault that he nearly lost his life, dashing back into the hailstorm of debris to save a man who was already dead. I can only hope that he’ll recover—that we will recover.
Because some things will never be forgotten.
Grace Johnson is one of my FAVORITE authors, so I really just cannot wait for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now onto the reason for today’s post.
TODAY IS COVER REVEAL DAY FOR E.K. SEAVER’S DEBUT NOVELLA, THE HOUSE THAT DIDN’T END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look, even Darth Vadar agrees with me!!!! And now it’s time for y’all to see the cover, right?
Hehehe, did y’all really think I’d give it to ya that easy. XD Nope. Instead you’ll get the blurb for this novella!!!
Nothing, not even the creepy house in the woods, can dissuade Ly O’Dare from finishing this scavenger hunt. Where else can a broke seventeen-year-old get enough money to finance her art endeavors and start a business?
Even being snowed in with a sarcastic stranger isn’t too bad, and as long as he is helping her find the hidden staircase, she’ll tolerate his quips.
Jackson Evergreen’s quest was something he had been preparing for his entire life. And now he’s finally at the end of it, so close to saving the world when he gets snowed in with a bubbly blonde named Ly. The house is more dangerous than either of them prepared for, though, and Jackson’s suddenly thrust into a situation he didn’t intend to get in and is falling for a girl he only just met.
One thing they know for sure, however, in this house, nothing is what it seems.
Doesn’t that just sound so exciting y’all!!!!!
And now it’s cover time, right!
Now it’s time for all the links. Here’s a link to the author’s website. And here is a link to the book on goodreads, so you can add it to your tbr shelves and all that good stuff. And here is the link for you to go ahead and preorder your copy for this YA fantasy novella.
And now
it is time
for the
don’t know
what else
to write
that will
me showing y’all
the amazing cover
I could do the dash thingy
but I always
do that
and I’m trying something new
Dashes are waaaay easier though
I don’t have to
think of a lot
of things
to say.
And now I’m just
I normally ramble
all the time
but when I want to ramble
it’s actually
really hard.
I can’t think of
anything to
I guess
I should show y’all
the cover
Should I?
I should.
For real
this time.
It’s really gorgeous.
Did I mention
that y’all
going to love
you are.
Cover reveal time.
For real.
Are you ready?
Are you sure?
Are you absolutely
Are you absolutely
you are
I shall take that
as a yes.
Here’s the cover.
See. I told ya the wait would be worth it!!!!! Don’t you just love that purpley color and the font is just magnificent AND the key and lock and all that awesome stuff!!!!!
So, guys, talk to me in the comments!!! What do you think of the cover? Who’s excited for Johnson’s short story and Seaver’s novella? Who wants to learn more about my new wip? Better question, who noticed I had changed my book on my progress bar? Do you know of any awesome book releases coming in September? Who are some of your favorite indie authors? Who’s excited for Imagine? Until the next post…
Keep on being awesome and never stop writing!
~Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.

Kristina Hall
The covers for Daylight and The House That Didn’t End look amazing! You had me laughing as you were prolonging the cover reveal! 🙂 And you’ve got me interested about In Healing Hands! I love the cover for it as well!
Issabelle Perry
EEEEE YESSS!!!! They DO look amazing!!!! 🙂 Lol, awww, really? It always makes me so happy when someone says I made them laugh. (In all honesty, I was cracking up myself while writing it. XD) EEEE THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!! I’m SO glad!!! I can’t wait to share more about it!!! Awww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! 😊
Joelle Stone
(Just gonna say I did notice the new book bar progress thingy this morning – I’m just new enough that I had no idea they didn’t change on a regular basis. XD The cover’s very interesting, tho!!)
And OOH, this is the second time I’ve read a post for this cover reveal and I’m still as hyped as before. The style somehow reminds me of a fairy tale… hrm… *wonders where that came from* *goes back to staring at cover and dreaming of the day I’ll have an awesome cover for my stories*
(BTW, Issabelle, do you want to preview the blog post/interview/thingamabob before I post it?)
Issabelle Perry
(Hahahaha, that’s totally okay, girl!!!!! I honestly am shocked that anyone noticed, BUt you get ALL da chocolate for noticing!!! *ships cartloads of chocolate to your house* So, yeah, I normally only change the book when I finished my main one, so they could change pretty quickly or not, depending on how fast I write. *crossing my fingers I can get this first draft done in a month* Wish me luck!!! 🙂 Aww, you think so? THANK YOUUU!!!! <3333)
YESSSSS!!!! *high fives* I think I've seen the cover reveal for this one *counting* four times, (five if I can count mine, lol). EEEEEEEEEE I AM SO HYPED TOO!!!!!! *gasp* I didn't think about that but you are RIGHT!!! The style actually DOES make me think of a fairy tale, which just makes it even cooler. Lol, that just sounds so much like me to wonder where thoughts come from. 😂😂 *also goes back to staring at cover and dreaming about what the cover for Joelle's book would look like* XD
(Ooo, it's honestly totally up to you!! I'm okay either way, so if you wanna show me, send it right on or if you're too busy, don't go outta your way for li'l ole me. BUT I am SO EXCITED FOR THE INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals*) THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by!!!!
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEE YES THERE IS!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO I AM SO GLAD!!!!! I must say all of y’all’s stories were simply fantabulous and I cannot wait to share each of them with all of y’all!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS THE COVER IS SO GORGEOUS!!!!! Girl, you and me both!!! Same here. I’ve been working a lot on my covers and they’re getting semi-decent, but man, some people’s covers are just… they’re just gorgeous!!!!!!! Awww, girl, I am SURE they’re much better than you think!!! (Actually, I just checked out your WIPs page, and, girl, those covers are FANTABULOUS!!!! 😍😍😍 I wish my covers looked as good as them. 😂) Hahahaha!!! XD
Allie Jo Andersen
Oooh, both of these stories sound amazing!!! Actually, I recognize E. K. Seaver from YDubs…. we joined at a similar time, I think. 🙂 That cover is amazing!!! And so exciting about Grace A. Johnson’s short story!!! Congrats to both of you!!!!
Also, I can’t wait to hear who the winning authors are for the Imagine anthology!!! 😀 So exciting!!!!! And I’m so excited for your new WIP, Is!!! 😀
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEEEE THEY DO!!!!!!! Oooo, that’s right! I think I did know she was a part of that. 🙂 That’s SO cool!!!!! YESSS IT IS!!!! AAAAHHH I KNOW RIGHT!!!!! I am SO excited for her!! 🙂
WOOHOOOOO!!!!! All of the authors are just soooo talented and amazing and I can’t wait to share them all with everyone!!!!! EEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!! I am really just beyond excited for Imagine!!! 🙂 YASSSS!!!! Girl, that just means so much that you’re excited for it!!! Espeically since you’re pretty much the only one who knows anything about it, soooo yeah. If you’re still excited that must be a good sign, right? XD
Vanessa Hall
Both of these look so good! And I can’t wait to hear about your new book!! 🙂
Issabelle Perry
YESSSS THEY DO!!!! I’m so glad you think so!! *high fives* EEEE, girl, that just means SO much to me!!!! THANK YOUUU!!!! 🙂
Emily K Seaver
You… you really took longer than I did to show the cover on a blog post. I think I have a thing or two to learn from you about great reveals.
Thank you so much for sharing the cover, though! It means a lot!
Issabelle Perry
Hehehehehe, I did. I enjoy keeping my readers on the edge of their seats waaaaay too much. XD Awwww, girl, this comment just made my day. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! I like to think that taking a long time to show the cover just builds up suspense and excitement, but that could just be me. 😂
Awwww, girl, OF COURSE!!!! Thank YOU for letting me be a part of this!!!! I am SO excited for your novella!!!! WOOHOOO!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for stopping by!! 🙂
Sorry for not popping on here in a while!
I absolutely LOVED this post! The cover looks so professional!!!! Thanks for sharing and can’t wait to read more about the stories. Looking forward to reading more blog posts soon ♥️
Issabelle Perry
Girl, that is SO okay!!! I have been soooo terrible at keeping up with so many blogs, so I get that. (I’m actually REALLY sorry I’m behind on your posts. 😢)
Awww, girl, that just makes me SO happy to hear that. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! It DOES!!!! I was soooo impressed by it!!! The person who did it did a FANTABULOUS job with the cover!!! Of course. Thank YOU for reading and commenting!!!! EEEEE AWESOME!!!!! More’s on the way!!! <3333 Aww, THANK YOU!!!! <3333
Lorelei A.
AHHHH I LOVED THIS POST!!!! (And thanks for the shout out, as well. 😁) AND I love the questions at the end. I’ll try and answer some…
*gasps* the cover is GORGEOUS!!! 😍 You’re suspenseful prolonging thingy made me laugh. XD THE WAIT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT, GIRL!!!! Whoever designed it has TALENT.
I can’t wait for both of those booksssss!!!! (And yes, the blurbs hooked me 😂❤) SO EXCITED!!!!
OH MEEEE! I want to learn more about your WIP! (Please tell me you’re gonna talk more about that in the future 😊)
Hmmm… my favorite indie authors (’cause they’re my friends…I’m just a bit biased… 😅) are Brielle Orama and Kaylor Fogie. ❤ They wrote The Rise of the Shiftlings last year, and I really love it!!!! You can find out more about that here:
If you want to. 🙂 (I’m just too proud of them, you know? :D)
I’m so excited for Imagine!!!!! CAN’T WAIT!!!!! <3333333
Also, I was just reading your bio and I saw that you were a big False Prince fan. I have heard about that series so many times in just a couple weeks, and was thinking of starting it (but I'm currently reading the Lunar Chronicles), so I can't wait to start that series as well. Do you mind telling me the series' setting and genre? Love ya, girlllll, toodles!!!! *realizes how long the comment is… thinks of shortening it….sends it anyway* XD
Issabelle Perry
AAAAAAHHHHH LORELI THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* (You’re very welcome!! 🙂 ) YES!!! I’m glad, cuz to be honest, I’ve been running out of good question ideas, so there’s that. XD
YESSSS I AM SO GLAD WE AGREE!!!!!!! It IS! 😍😍😍 Hahahaha, aww, it honestly makes me beyond happy when I can make someone laugh!! To be honest, I was cracking up just writing it! I have done some pretty ridiculous and crazy things before, but I think this makes it in the top ten. 😂 YEAAA!!!!!! I told ya it would be. 😉 YES I SO AGREE!!!!!!! *is slightly jealous over here* XD I mean HOW!! HOW can someone be THAT awesome at cover designing???? What do you think their secret is. 🤔😆
EEEEEEE SAME HERE!!!!!! Hopefully, I’ll be able to share more about them when new announcements and information are released!!! And TWN’s gonna try to get in on the blog tours for both of them, so we should be hearing more in the future!!!! (It is SO awesome when a blurb hooks you!!! EEEEE!!!! 🙂
Awwwww, YAAAAY!!!!! *pumps fist in the air* (Haha, don’t worry, I DEFINITELY plan to talk more about my new WIP in the future!!!! I won’t leave you in suspense for too much longer. 😉 I’m thinking about moving around my order of posts for my new series and maybe put my new WIP as the fourth post. So, yea, I plan to be talking about it really soon!!!!!)
Ooooo, I did check it out and that story sounds SO interesting!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for letting me know about them. I ALWAYS try to stay on the lookout for little known indie authors cuz I like to help authors out! (Girl, I TOTALLY get that. I always brag about one of my friends who is an indie author *cough* that girl would be Grace A. Johnson *cough* We gotta support our friends, don’t we? 🙂 )
Oooo YESSS!!! The False Prince is my favorite fiction novel EVER!!!! Okay, wait one minute. *steps away and squeals, screams, jumps up and down, dances around, repeats everything* Ahem. *composes self and returns* Hehehehe, sorry 'bout that, but you wouldn't believe how excited I get when peeps tell me they're thinking about reading The False Prince!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, I am probably WAY more excited than you for you to start the series. (You really wouldn't believe it. XD #ObsessedFan) Of course not! So The False Prince is a fantasy novel that when it was published was originally planned to be for the YA genre (which I still consider it a YA novel) but publishers, you know how they are, have decided that it isn't a true YA novel and now call it a middle-grade novel. (But, I STILL can't see it as one!) The setting is a made-up medieval type world that is honestly SO AMAZING!! I wish I could live in Carthya!!! If there's anything else you'd like to know just lemme know. 🙂 Aww, love ya, too!!!!!!! <3333 Lol, girl, NEVER think about shortening a comment!!!! Long comments are a bloggers favorite thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
Lorelei A.
Hey, sorry if you think I’m avoiding you (because I obviously commented on that other post) but I have camp all week and I’m exhausted and sorta out of time. I will read The False Prince as soon as I can, I promise!!! 🙂
I’m sorry but I have to go sleep. Keep me posted! <33333
Issabelle Perry
Oh, girl, I would NEVER think you were avoiding me and all. Ooof, I feel ya. I’ve been really busy myself lately. (Which is kinda why this is a really late response… sorry. *hides*) But I hope you’ve had/are having an awesome time at camp. And be sure to get some rest, girl, so you don’t wear yourself out!!!!!!!!! Oooo yaaay!!!!! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂 <333333
Okey-dokey!!!!! 😀❤️❤️
ooooo!!! I’m SUPER excited for Daylight, ’cause I just LOVE books about 9/11. It’s a really sad event, but it IS super important!
Oh my gosh, that cover is STUNNING!!!!!! 😍🤩 *totally didn’t scroll to the bottom ahead of time* Welp, I’m exposed….I promise I DID try my hardest to not scroll though……
Hmm…any other releases I’m excited for? I really thought that The Shattered Castle would be coming out on SEPTEMBER 19th but then I realized that the date was OCTOBER 19th….😣
Eeeekkkk!!!! I’m SO excited to find out more about your new WIP! And for Imagine!! And for the next post! XD!
Anyhoo….you probably got bored reading this very long comment, but I’ve just gotta say this was an AWESOME post!!! <3
See ya!!!
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEEE, girl, THAT JUST MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited for Daylight, too!!!! Amen, sista!!!! You’re SO right about that!! I’ve actually never read any 9/11 stories, but I really should, so that’s another reason why I am SO ready to read Daylight!!!!!
YESSS IT IS!!!!!!! Lol, well, at least you tried. XD I guess I can’t be too upset since I do the same thing ALL THE TIME!!! (*cough* I actually just did it again today with another cover reveal a friend of mine posted on her blog. *cough*) 😂😂😂 The temptation’s just too strong sometimes. *shrugs* 😆
*gasp* Girl, the same thing JUST happened to me a couple days ago. When I posted this post, I wondered if I knew of any other releases for September. And then I was like, Ooooo, there’s the Shattered Castle. Until I realized it wasn’t coming out until October. *sniffs* EEEEEEE, girl, THAT JUST MEANS SO MUCH!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! I can’t wait for Imagine either!!!! YESSSS!!!!! *high fives*
Girl, I NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER get bored reading your comments. Actually, your comments ALWAYS make my day, and reading them is like some of the best things ever. So, y’know, keep ’em comin’. Awww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! <3333 <3333 <3333 <3333 <3333
Grace A. Johnson
IZZY!!!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing about Daylight!!!!!! And I am SOOOO SUPER EXCITED for your new WIP!!!!!!!!!! I need to know more!!!! And YES I AM SO IN LOVE WITH EMILY’S COVER I COULD JUST CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Issabelle Perry
GRACIE!!!!!!! 🙂 Girl, you are SO welcome!!! It’s my pleasure, and I’m actually SO sorry it took me forever to share about it. I kept forgetting, lol. XD EEEEEEEKKKKKK, girl, I just smiled SO HARD when I read this. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! (Like, seriously, keep that excitement coming cuz it’s like literally the best thing ever. 🙂 )YAASSSS!!! More’s definitely on the way!! I’m hoping to do a whole post spotlighting it soon!!! <333 AAAHHH I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!! IT IS THE DEFINITION OF FANTABULOUS I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33
Grace A. Johnson
Dude. I’m late. XD
Girl, it is no problem!!!!!!! I’m just so glad you did!!!
It is. It really is.
Issabelle Perry
Dude I’m even more late. XD (Like, really, really, REALLY late)
Phew, I’m glad you’re not upset. I’ve gotta work on this forgetful brain of mine. XD YAAAY!!!! 🙂
Yes. It really, really is. 😉
Eeek! I’m excited for Imagine! And these covers are super awesome! I’d love to know who did each one!
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEKK I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!!!! I am SO excited for Imagine, too!!!!! YAASSSSSS THEY. ARE. SO. AWESOME!!! *stares at each of them for a very long time* *realizes I need to finish responding to this comment and goes back to typing* Okay, so Grace Johnson did the cover for her short story. She tends to do the covers for her short stories and novellas and then gets a professional to do the cover for her novels. Then the cover for E. K. Seaver’s novella, The House That Didn’t End, was done by a graphic designer called Fantastical Ink.
Faith Elizabeth Quelle
Ooh, pick me, pick me! I want to learn about your WIP! And yes, I was wondering why you changed it. And I can’t wait for Imagine! And I think E. K. Seaver’s cover is cool and creepy at the same time! And I’m very curious to know more about Grace Johnson’s short story! And I think I’d better stop now… 😛
Issabelle Perry
Awwwww, girl, that just made me smile SO hard!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaahhh, I actually didn’t think anyone had noticed I had changed it, so yaaaay, Faith!!! *gives you chocolate for being one of the few who had noticed* EEEEE ME NEITHER!!! It is going to be so awesome!!! Especially cuz all the authors are crazy talented!!!! Ooooo, yes, I think you just perfectly described her novella’s cover. I can see the creepy part now, which, hey, might actually work perfectly for what the story’s about! EEEE YESSSSS!!!!!!!! Then you are in luck cuz I’m probably gonna talk more about Grace Johnson’s story considering that I am WAY TOO excited for it!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha, well, THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading and commenting!!!
Issabelle Perry
Hahahaha, you said it, sista!!!!! *high fives* My thoughts EXACTLY!!!!! 😃😃😃
Joy C. Woodbury
I can’t wait to read Daylight and The House That Didn’t End! I already added them to my TBR on Goodreads. Both covers are so beautiful.
I love the title of your new WIP. And I totally get that feeling of falling out of love with a story – I think my writing starts slowing up when I stop being excited about what I’m working on. I’m looking forward to hearing more about In Healing Hands!
Issabelle Perry
EEEEEKKKK, SAME HERE!!!! I am SO excited for these two books and I know they’re gonna be awesome!!!! Oooo that is awesome!!! I know both of the authors are soooo happy about that!!!!! Every little bit of support totally counts!!!!! *high fives* YESS THEY ARE!!!!!!!
Awww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Aaaahhh, yeah, I get that! It happens to the best of us. :,( I never like stopping a story but sometimes you just gotta do what ya hafta do. EEEEEE THANK YOUUU!!!!!! That means so much!!!! I hope more will be coming soon!!!!! I am just suuuuper excited for this story, in fact, I think I love it more than anything I’ve ever written. *turns to Colin’s hurtful glare and says, “oh, but don’t worry, Colin, you’ll always be my favorite main character”* XD Lol, yes, I did just randomly talk to my character in this comment. *shrugs* I do that sometimes. XD
Elicia H.
Haha, yesterday, I think, I noticed that you had a new story on the side bar!!! Hey, did you vote on my “Vote for the color” post? I’m just wondering cause I had to delete the poll cause it wasn’t letting me see the votes sooo, if you’d like to, could you vote again in the comments under the post?
Issabelle Perry
Hahahaha, YAAY!!!! WAY TO GO ELICIA!!!! *gives you chocolate for noticing* Oooo, I think I did. Aaahh, I see. Awesome, I will definitely try to remember to head over there and comment, but if I forget (which I tend to forget the important stuff… I have the worst memory you’ve ever seen, trust me. 😜), I think I voted for yellow or something. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for stopping by!!!!!!!!!! <333
Elicia H.
Mmmm, thanks! I love chocolate!! 😋 Okay, thank you! I kinda guessed you might vote for yellow… My pleasure! I love this blog! <3 <3
Issabelle Perry
You’re welcome!!! Aaahh YEA!!!! Chocolate’s the best!!!!! 😋 Of course!!! Oh, wow, you must be really good at figuring things out then. That’s actually really awesome you guessed correctly! WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!! *high fives* D’awww, girl, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!! It always just makes my day when someone says they love this li’l ole blog. 😊❤️❤️❤️
Issabelle! I am back!!!! (And I’m crazier than ever!!!) 😉
I loved this post, Issabelle! I can’t wait to read both books now!!!
Issabelle Perry
WOOHOOOO MAHITHA IS BACK!!!!!!! You know I was really beginning to miss talking to ya, so it’s great to have you back!!!! (Oooo, we should celebrate!!! *passes around cake, cookies, and chocolate*) (Lol YESSSS!!!! You know I love crazy. XD)
AWWW, THANK YOU SO MUCH, girl!!!!!!!! Aaahhh, yes, same here!!!! I am SO excited for their releases!!!
I LOVE bookish news!! *eats popcorn* Every time I see one of these types of posts, I know I’m in for a treat! *pulls out the candy* Want some? Oh and we can not forget the cake! 🍰 Can we just talk about how The Shattered Castle is coming out THIS October!! *squeals* *runs around the house* I know you guys did a countdown for The Captive Kingdom so I ReAlLy hope you guys do a countdown for book 5! AAAAAAHHHHH!
*cough* Excuse my fangirling. (No, just kidding, every time is fangirling time if you know what I mean 😉)
First off, I’m BEYOND excited for Daylight! 9/11 has always fascinated me (even though it is heartbreaking) so this is a book I’m DEFINITELY looking forward to!!!
P.S: speaking of new books, love the new WIP cover on the sidebar Issa! I always love seeing and watching your progress as you make your way through novels. Now that we are on this subject, can I ask you a question? Good, ’cause I’m asking you anyway. How do you write your WIPs without spending a gazillion hours on a screen? I’ve been trying to find ways to write my current WIP off the computer such as in my notebook or in sticky notes or in my head. And when I’m on the computer, it takes me about an hour to write 1,000-ish words on average. (Not when I’m having a speedy day though) I know there are things such as the Freewrite typewriter thingy but I don’t want to spend my money on that. So, better question, how do you manage all that time on the computer/whatever you write on? (Sorry for the huge ramble *hides in corner*)
*cough* Now, FINALLY, I will get back to this post. (Tired of me yet? XD) I ADORE the cover. Like seriously though, that’s a chef’s kiss cover. I’m just loving this bookish news post! Oh and I love the new way of giving us suspence instead of dashes. (That’s got to be a ton of work though XD)
Now to answer your questions at the end. I did notice you changed your WIP, which I was a bit confused but when you said somewhere (can’t remember where) that you weren’t really having it with In Pursuit of Hope and needed to change things up, I understood better. In fact, I REALLY want to learn about your newest WIP. DO NOT KEEP ME IN SUSPENSE! (That’s one of my favorite parts on here is learning about your WIPs!) And I’m so excited for Imagine too! (I may have spread the word a ton to my family and friends *sheepish smile*)
And the roleplaying announcement thing you have on your footer TOTALLY MADE MY DAY! ❤ Thanks guys! 🥰
*wonders if I should shorten this comment* *clicks “post comment” button anyway*
Issabelle Perry
YESSSS SAME HERE!!!!!!!! *high fives* (You wouldn’t believe the number of book blogs I follow and all that good stuff. Actually, sometimes I wished I had started a book blog instead.) Ooo yes!!! *happily accepts candy* Of course not!!!! *brings some extra chocolate cake to the party* Ohmygoodness YESSSS, Alexa, I just cannot wait for The Shattered Castle’s release!!!!!!!!1 *squeals for an eternity* And have you seen the cover for it, cuz it is drop-dead gorgeous! *dreamy sigh* Eeeekkk, girl, you really want me to do a countdown? Then I’m TOTALLY gonna hafta do it!!!! I wasn’t planning it at first, buuut now that you mention it, well, it’d be SO Much fun!!!! (Plus, who’d turn down a good excuse to fangirl over this series!!! But I might need some brainstorming help, so you might be getting an email from me about that if you don’t mind.)
Girl, you’re SO right!!!! Fangirl away!!!!!
AAAHHHH I AM SO EXCITED THAT YOU’RE EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, that’s a huge reason why I’m looking forward to it as well!!!! Grace does such fantabulous historical fiction that I just can’t wait to see what she’s got coming with this one!!!!!!
D’awwww, THANK YOU SO MUCH, ALEXA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, this just… you just… COMPLETELY MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!! Of course, girl!! Questions are some of the best things ever!!!!! Lol. XDD First off, NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR RAMBLING!!!!!! That’s my second favorite thing in the world. (Well, maybe third. Chocolate’s obviously first and talking with my TWNers has to be second, so rambling’s gonna hafta settle for third. XD Actually, forget that. It’s gotta be fourth, cuz spending time with Jesus is first… you know what, forget that ramble, it wasn’t going anywhere. XD) Well, one thing I do is set writing times for myself. So for instance, this summer my friend Grace Johnson and I decided we needed some motivation to write, so we planned that every Tuesday and Thursday for a certain set time (it’s about two hours, but we always show up late so it ends up being more of an hour and a half) we write together. Sometimes I try to get up early in the morning and say, okay, Issabelle, you’re gonna write from now until the fam wakes up. But I just find that setting a certain amount of time to write helps me. And then, no matter what my word count is, I stop. Some people recommend working on the computer in twenty-minute increments. Like you set a timer for twenty minutes and when it goes off, you break and do something else and then come back. This doesn’t particularly work for me because when I’m in the writing zone, I have to keep going or I lose my thoughts. Also, know how much you can and can’t do, so you can set reasonable goals. For instance, I know if the thoughts are really flowing, I can write 1,000 words in forty-five minutes, but if they’re not, it takes about an hour. So if my goal is to write 2000 words a day, I just have to set about two hours writing. And those words add up fast. If I write 2,000 words a day, then I’ll have 14,000 but the end of the week. And then 60,000 by a month. (Now obviously, I don’t stay consistent, but 2,000’s always my goal for the day. If I reach it, great. If I don’t, there’s always tomorrow. I try to stay flexible cuz I know my schedule demands my attention to always be elsewhere. Or I have to work on other projects beside my WIP, like HTHC or editing Imagine stories, etc.) So I have no idea if that helps, but maybe try a schedule out? Or maybe this has given you another idea that will work better. Every writer is different so what works for me might not work for you, so don’t be afraid to try out different techniques.
Lol, girl, I am NEVER tired of you!!!!!!!!!! 😉 D’awww, girl, A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!!!!! (Now, I wonder what y’all are gonna think when I show you the second cover I did. It’s waaaaaay better!) Aaahhh YESS I AM SO GLAD!!!!!! I’m gonna hafta do these more often then! Lol, why thank you. XD The only hard part was trying to keep my rambling side up. XD
Aah AWESOME!!!! *high fives* I honestly didn’t think any of y’all had noticed that a new cover went up. XD Y’all are more perceptive than I’ve given you guys credit for. XD Oh, yeah. I was kinda sad to stop In Pursuit of Hope, but it just wasn’t working. I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to it. I mean, I made it halfway I think, so it’d be sad to let it go, but I really feel like what I did write for In Pursuit of Hope is really helping me out with my new novel, so it wasn’t a waste!!!!!! Lol AAHHH GIRL I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!!! Lol, I shall try my very hardest not to!!!! I’m hoping to get y’all some information about that out soon. (Girl, like, I am just smiling so hard over here after reading this!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! It just means so much that you actually enjoy learning about my WIPs!!!!!) WOOHOOOO!!!!! (Girl, you keep on spreading the word!! I’mma gonna have to make you the official newsreporter for Imagine. XD)
EEEEKKK I am so glad!!!!! Katherine’s the one who does the footer stuff, but I was SO happy when she put up about your roleplaying thing!!!!!!! You’re SO welcome!!!
*is very glad Alexa didn’t shorten the comment cuz I love her long comments*