how to craft deep, emotional prose ✍️ (WITH EXAMPLES) – a guest post by Saraina Whitney
Heya, TWNers! I am SO excited to have one of my favorite bloggers and dearest friends Saraina Whitney featured on Teen Writers’ Nook today! I’ve been wanting to get her on the blog for a while now so this is a real treat! She is bringing some amazing insights in one of the most important aspects of writing: how to craft deep, emotional prose. Before we jump into it, though, I want to let y’all know real quick that I am going to be going LIVE on YouTube TONIGHT at 7 PM Eastern Time. I’ll be having Author Conservatory student and writer Allie Jo Andersen with me so if you have any burning…
Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset as an Author – Guest Post from Grace A. Johnson
Heya, TWNers! I’m back today with another guest post from the one and only Grace A. Johnson! She truly needs no introduction as she’s practically become something of a TWN legend around here. 😉 Grace is one of my dearest friends AND the publisher who’s giving Don’t Let Me Go and the rest of the Lost Empire series a chance to sit on the shelves! It’s safe to say I wouldn’t be the person or writer that I am today without her support, guidance, love, and encouragement. She’s a wonderful young lady, both inside and out, and I’m SO excited to see where God’s going to take her in the…
Debunking Writer Lies 101 with Natasha Joy
Today TWN features author and blogger Natasha Joy on for a post on debunking writer lies and myths!
From Free-Time to Forever: Encouragement for Writers Seeking the Next Step // Guest Post from Grace A. Johnson
Join Teen Writers' Nook and Grace A. Johnson today for a post filled with encouragement to take the next step in pursuing your writing dreams! Author of the Christian romance Daughters of the Seven Seas Series, Grace Johnson has so much insight, wisdom, and advice to share for day ten of the 2022 Teen Writers' Rally!
The Writing Journey of a TEEN AUTHOR // guest post from Penelope Rugan
For day seven of the 2022 Teen Writers' Rally, we have a guest post from one of TWN's FIRST readers. One of the authors featured in the Imagine Anthology, Penelope shares her writing journey and experience while also offering a few handy tips that have helped her grow as a writer along the way!
Want a Higher Word-Count? Learn How to Type FASTER With These 5 Tips! // Guest Post from Mary @ Wild Writing Dreams
I am SO excited to be featuring Mary today with her guest post all about writing faster! Do you spend hours writing, only to peck out a few words? Do you get frustrated with how long it takes you to write a couple thousand? Then join TWN today as Mary unlocks her five best tips for writing faster.
Plotting a Character’s Life {WORDS Blog Tour}
A new post on Teen Writers' Nook about backstories and how they can and should impact the character and their life!!!
The Importance of Fiction in a Christian’s Life – GUEST POST
The Team at TWN for the first time ever, joined forces to write a post together. Read our post on the importance of fiction in a Christian's life on indie author Liz Boyle's site!!
5 Unique Ways to Electrify Your Character’s Voice a Guest Post by Allie Jo Andersen
Teen author, Allie Jo Andersen, joins us today with a guest post on how to electrify your character's voice!
Guest Posting on Allie Andersen’s Blog + Imagine Anthology Sale Announcement
Guest posting on Allie Andersen's blog about the best winter-themed books you NEED to read for her annual Christmas blog party.
Guest Post from Debut Fantasy Author, E. K. Seaver (The House That Didn’t End Blog Tour)
Heya, TWNers!!!! So we’re taking a quick break from the Imagine blog tour (and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, I highly recommend checking the post before this one). Anyway, we’re taking a quick break so I can talk about a new YA fantasy novella that JUST released earlier this month! The House That Didn’t End!!!!!! I’ll keep my intro brief. So if you have no idea what this novella is, then check this out: Nothing, not even the creepy house in the woods, can dissuade Ly O’Dare from finishing this scavenger hunt. Where else can a broke seventeen-year-old get enough money to finance her art endeavors…
Guest Posting on Shruthika’s World of Random
I'm guest posting on Shruthika's World of Random. Feeling a crafty lately? Then you might want to check out this guest post. ;)
Guest Posting on Amateur Teen Writer
I'm guest posting on the awesome blog, Amateur Teen Writer, about how to get excited to write. Come check it out to get some great tips!
How Do I Lead My Readers to Christ – Guest Post by Author and Blogger, Joy Caroline
Today we have the awesome, Joy Caroline, guest posting on Teen Writers' Nook!! We are honored to have her post on how writers can still lead their readers to Christ, regardless of whether they write Christian fiction or not.
What About Christmas Spirit? – Guest Post with Grace from Vibrant for Jesus!
Today we have the AMAZING GRACE from Vibrant for Jesus guest posting on TWN! She has an inspiring post to get our focus back on what really matters this Christmas season!
Guest Posting on Allie Andersen’s Blog Today!!!
Hellooooooo everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m posting this to let you know that I am doing my first EVER guest post today. I am super excited about it! I hope you guys like it. It’s called Homemade Christmas Card Tutorial. Also, to let you guys know I put up “A Second Chance” on Critique Corner if you are interested in reading it. This is a picture of the Christmas cards on Allie Andersen’s site. So . . . yeah . . . that’s pretty much it. 🙂 If you have anything to say, feel free to chat in the comments. 🙂
Guest Posting On Allie Andersen’s Blog Today.
Today I'm guest posting on Allie Andersen's blog on Christmas movies to watch. Check it out!