• Katherine's Posts

    The Blogmas Tag

    Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all had a merry Christmas!!!!!!! So here I am doing my FIRST EVER tag – THE BLOGMAS TAG! The wonderful Addie from Shining Star tagged me for this tag! Thank you very much, Addie, for tagging me!!!!!!!!!!!!  đź™‚ Addie also made an image for the tag: Addie, this is a gorgeous image!!!!! Thank you so much for letting me use it!!!!!!!!!! Here are the rules:  Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post.  Put the rules after the introduction.  Answer the 12 questions.  Tag 12 people to do the tag.  Create all new questions of your own to ask the people you tag.…

  • Katherine's Posts,  Uncategorized

    Guest Posting on Allie Andersen’s Blog Today!!!

    Hellooooooo everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m posting this to let you know that I am doing my first EVER guest post today. I am super excited about it! I hope you guys like it. It’s called Homemade Christmas Card Tutorial. Also, to let you guys know I put up “A Second Chance” on Critique Corner if you are interested in reading it. This is a picture of the Christmas cards on Allie Andersen’s site. So . . . yeah . . . that’s pretty much it. 🙂 If you have anything to say, feel free to chat in the comments. 🙂

  • Katherine's Posts,  Writing

    Where Is Inspiration When You Need It?

    Inspiration is sometimes hard to find. This topic is something I wanted to blog about since me and my friends first started this website, but I haven’t gotten around to it until now. So that brings me to today: Are you looking at writing a story but unsure of what to write about? (That’s me sometimes.) Are you stuck in your writing and clueless about what to do next? (Oh, yeah, that’s definitely me.) Do you feel like you’re all out of ideas? (I feel ya!) You’re probably asking yourself: “Where is inspiration when you need it?” You’re not alone. We all feel like we don’t get any ideas most…

  • Breaking News from the Book World

    Breaking News: An Online Launch Party for The Captive Kingdom

    Hello everyone! I know I’m supposed to have a post up tomorrow, and I still can if you want, but for today I wanted to share with you news about an exciting event happening Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 8 pm EST (important to note that the time is now 8 pm EST instead of 9 pm EST). If you love The Ascendance Series by Jennifer A. Nielsen, then you’ll love this. And if you haven’t read The Ascendance Series, I encourage you to do so. To celebrate the release of the fourth book in the series, The Captive Kingdom, Jennifer A. Nielsen along with The King’s English Bookshop from…