Five Days Until The Captive Kingdom’s Release
Five days until The Captive Kingdom’s release. This is a book you’re not going to want to miss. Are you ready for the latest installment in my countdown? (Also, don’t forget, if you missed the post before this one, check it out here.) Today’s post is going to be a little shorter, but not any bit less fun!! (And make sure you see the extra at the end.)
NOTE: Today’s post I will try very hard NOT to let there be any spoilers but be on guard just in case Also, the mood board will have spoilers so skip over it if you haven’t read The False Prince.
Let’s start off with my sixth favorite character.
And the winner for 6th favorite character is………………………….. *drumroll, please*…..
Yeah, I just had to make the wait a little longer.
But no more. Here it is.
Fink and Erick!!!!!!! Yes, I know I’m only suppose to pick one, but both of these characters deserve a spot in my list. So, Fink and Erick are both introduced in The Runaway King (book 2). When we first meet them, I wasn’t sure what I thought of either, but Fink quickly became a lovable character to me. I love how much he looks up to Sage and how he’s like a little brother to Sage. Below is what I think to be Fink’s most memorable moment.
“Listen to me,” I said to Fink. “Climbing up is one thing, but most falling happens on the way down. Every move you make is important. You don’t get to be stupid when stepping down, not even once.”
“Stupid?” Fink cried. “Like jumping off a cliff? Because that’s a really, really big step down…!”
Love it! (The quote was taken from The Shadow Throne by Jennifer A. Nielsen.) I didn’t say much about Erick, but that’s cause how awesome he is just speaks for itself. Really, if you don’t believe me go read the books (or reread them).
Mood board time!!!!!! These are my favorite parts of the countdown.
Ooh, all the anticipation this one brings! I love how Sage is like “I will finish it,” so sure of himself.
Sorry, but there won’t be any extra surprises today, but there will be more great stuff tomorrow!!
Answers to yesterday’s trivia:
#1. being able to fake tears
#2 “and my regents wanted to paint rainbows over reality and claim all was well.”
Now today’s trivia. You can put your answers in the comments.
#1. True or False, Fink’s name is his real one.
#2. Finish the sentence: I’d faced opponents twice my size, twice as mean, and, as a general rule,………… (Taken from The Shadow Throne)
#3. Multiple choice: Which one of these is not one of the Avenian pirates:
A. Roden
B. Erick
C. Sage
D. Fendon
Let’s chat! So what did you think of Sage’s choice to go after the Avenian pirates in book 2? Do you think he was being too reckless or made the right choice? Answer in the comments.
A week ago I participated in a cover reveal for Go Teen Writers’ upcoming book. Because of a giveaway they’re having for participants, you’re probably going to be seeing me share the cover a lot. And if you missed it, well here it is. Release date is December 3rd. Learn more here.
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.

Fantasy Girl
My answers to the trivia:
#1. False
#2. (Okay, I’m not sure I have this one worded quite right) “uglier than I ever hope to be.”
#3. D
Even though his decision seemed reckless, It worked out for him. And his worst decision ever was when he tried to convince Imogen that he didn’t even like her.
Nice cover. The book sounds cool. Oh, and I really love your mood board – great quote.
@fantasy girl, Yes, I have to agree that was his worst decision ever, and with Sage, that’s saying something. 😉
Thank you. This mood board is one of my favorites, too!!