Katherine’s Works


A Second Chance

"A Second Chance" is a 500-word short story about a teenage boy who regrets the way he was towards his father all his life. You can read this short story by clicking the pink button below.⬇

Is the ice queen’s heart to cold to forgive? “Forgiving Fire” is a short story featured on Amateur Teen Writer. You can read this short story by clicking the pink button below.


Cover design by Issabelle Perry


Blurb for my story, “He Wanted My Heart” featured in this anthology

A rude and arrogant man from Clarissa’s past has shown up asking for her hand in marriage. Her initial denial doesn’t work as Greyson tries to win her favor. Through the next several weeks, she begins to see a side of him she never thought existed. Could it be he’s had a change of heart, or does he have some ulterior motive? And what of her own changing feelings?


Level Up image credit: Amazon


Blurb for my story, “Talented Mers Competition” featured in this anthology

The annual Talented Mers Competition has arrived. The winner will be granted a single wish from the wishing star.

Seaella’s mother has recently experienced an injury from which she is unlikely to recover. The prize from the competition may be Seaella’s only chance to save her mother. Unfortunately, she is competing against an extremely talented merboy named, Splash. With her chances of winning slim, will Seaella still be able to win the wish to save her mother?


Image with caption: Designed by Gracie J.Cover design by Grace A. Johnson


Love was never part of the plan.

After three years of careful planning, Commander Palladin is finally ready to avenge his father and obtain freedom for his people, the Morriors. While it may take war against the Fairies to achieve his goals, Palladin is prepared. It’s in his blood, and he won’t settle for anything less than success. The only thing in his way is a current peace treaty he may have to break. After all, he wasn’t the one who signed it in the first place.

Princess Rosalie never expected the Morrior dictator to arrive at the castle and propose an agreement. And she certainly never expected that capturing the Morrior commander would be part of that agreement. But what can she say? Agreeing to do this would mean stable peace for the Fairies and putting an end to the troubles the Morriors cause. The only problem is that she’s accidentally fallen in love with the Morrior commander himself!

Palladin and Rosalie are adamant that this “love” of theirs won’t get in the way of their plans. Palladin still has a father to avenge, and Rosalie still has an agreement to fulfill. Their love will have to end because it is nothing more than a crime.

Palladin from Behind the Blade, Without the Wings. This image was made for me by Kadotake-san.

Image with caption: Designed by Gracie J.

Cover design by Grace A. Johnson



A round object.

Can anyone be trusted?

After four weeks of high school, Delano is approached by a girl named Chelsie who claims she needs his help to find the owner of a strange, round object. An object that was supposedly stolen years ago. The object seems to have no value, however, and Delano isn’t in the mood for helping Chelsie with petty stuff. But Chelsie knows things—secrets about Delano that no one should know. And worst of all, she threatens to tell his secrets if he doesn’t do as she asks. Now Delano is forced to help Chelsie, and the object is proving to be more important than any of them thought. 

The Black Cat has acquired some information regarding a secret mission. It seems that someone is searching for a certain secret agent by the name of Gregory Corbett and is attempting to send him death threats. The Black Cat knows that Mr. Corbett’s life is in potential danger, but he needs to uncover more details before he can take this revelation to the agency.

If Delano and The Black Cat don’t acquire special information before it falls in the wrong hands and discover who is after this information, loved ones will die. They soon realize that you can’t hide every secret.


  • Alexa

    Ooh, I loved reading A Second Chance, Katherine! It’s one of those stories that made me feel! (If that makes sense. XD) And I’m so happy about your newest WIP, Behind the Blade, Without the Wings! It seems like a very interesting book, and I loved your blurb!!!! I can not wait to hear more from Commander Palladin ⚔️ and Princess Rosalie! 🌺 😁

    • Katherine

      Aww, really?!!!! I am so happy you enjoyed it!!!!!!! <333 Aww, thank you!!!!!!😊 (Yes, it makes perfect sense!😉) I love the kinds of stories that make me feel so emotional and tug at my heart! I'm so happy my story made you feel too!!! Eee, yay!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, Alexa!!!!!!!! 😀 You have just made my day with your excitement over my WIP!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! I have trouble writing book blurbs, but I'm so glad you loved it!!!!!😁 I am so ecstatic that you want to hear more about my characters and that you are interested in Behind the Blade, Without the Wings!!!!!!!!! Thank you, girl, SO much!!!!! <33333

  • Lorelei A.

    EEEEEHHHH!!!!! I love romances! And fantasy!!!!! Can’t wait for Behind the Blade, Without the Wings, Katherine!!!! Great job and KEEP WRITING, GIRL!!! <333333 😀 A Second Chance really hit me in the feels. <3 You totally know what you're doing 😉

    • Katherine

      😃😃😃 YAY, me too!!!!!!! *high-fives* Awww, thank you!!!!!!😊 That means so much to me!!!!!! <333 I do hope you like it once I finish it!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3 Awww, I am so happy to hear that A Second Chance hit you in the feels!!!!!!! TRULY!! <3 That has just made my day!!!!! Thank you, Lorelei!!!!😊

  • kimberly

    I love hearing about Palladin and Rosalie’s story. It is a great work-in-progress that has the potential to be a grand success.

    • Katherine

      Aww, thank you so much!!!!! I am so happy to hear that!!!! Awww, that is so sweet of you to say!!!!! Thank you!!!!!<333 Love you!💗 And thank you for commenting!!!!! It meant so much to me!!!😊

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