How to Make Memorable Characters Part Five: My Attempt at Character Profiles (With FREE Resource!)
I'm finally making my return to my series on character development!! Today, TWN is going to be looking at character profiles with an example for the characters of my newest novel! So read on and stay turned until the end where I share a bit of news about my completion of the first draft for Heir to His Crown!
My Writing Process Collab with Kristianne from Whimsical Wanderings
Today I'm going to be going through my writing process step by step. You'll get to see how I take a novel idea and write from first drafts to the finish piece all with some fun GIFs and my signature wacky self. ;) Join me today and then check out Kristianne's site Whimsical Wanderings to read about how she does her writing process!
Join Heir to His Crown’s Beta Reading Team – Sign Ups CLOSED
Would you like to join the beta reading team for Heir to His Crown beginning in May? Then don't miss the chance to sign up today!!!! And if interested in Heir to His Crown but don't have time/want to join the beta reading team or are unsure if you should, still read on as I will be talking a lot about my latest fantasy novel. I'll be sharing graphics, an interview with one of the characters, the story's synopsis and more!!!
Meet My MC – A Writers Linkup Hosted by Blogger Maya Joelle
Wanna know a bit more about the MC from my latest WIP? Then don't miss this new post!