DIY,  Katherine's Posts

Extremely Simple Room Decor Ideas

What’s that? A crafty post here at the Nook? Yep, you read that right! Thanks to a suggestion from Ava and Alexa, I’m here today with a post about THREE room decor ideas!

Idea #1: Decorated jar for makeup brushes

[Click here to save this image on Pinterest.]

Decorate a mason jar and put your makeup brushes in it. Then set it out somewhere such as on a dresser so that the brushes will be easily accessible plus will be in a cool looking jar! The jar in the picture above I made by using Mod Podge to decoupage the tissue paper to the jar.

Idea #2: Decorating your room with tulle bows

[Click here to save this image on Pinterest.]

Place tulle bows around your room for an extra touch. I have tulle bows in places like on a lamp stand, on my craft table’s legs, and on my trundle bed’s handles. It’s super easy to do, and you can get tulle in any color!

Idea #3: DIY Garden flag turned wall hanging

[Click here to save this image on Pinterest.]

I really love this one because the flag is so pretty and matches my craft room perfectly! To make this project, hot glue jute to one end of a dowel rod. Then, slide the flag onto the rod and hot glue jute to the other end. You can hang it up with a nail or, what I prefer, with a Command hook. (These are the ones I use and work great with this wall hanging.)

And those are my three ideas. I hope you found them inspiring, and if you try them out, let me know! Thank you, Ava and Alexa, so much for suggesting this post idea!! I had so much fun putting it together!

This may be the last craft post I do on TWN (of course, I can be a bit unpredictable, so I never know what I’m going to do). But if you want to see more craft posts and other cool stuff, then check out my new blog at (I have a couple of upcoming posts over there that I’m really excited for, plus an upcoming giveaway! So be sure to subscribe to the new blog if you want to hear about those.😉)

And, before you leave, I have to tell you that TWN has updated its About page if you want to check it out. And, despite rumors, that is actually not a real picture of me. I think it was found on Unsplash. So yeah, you’re not going to see what I look like that easily, hehe. XP

Anyway, thanks for taking time to read this post! How’s your September going? Anyone ready for fall? Any room decor ideas you want to tell me about? Which one above was your favorite? I can’t wait to hear from you!

Creatively yours,



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