Teen Writers’ Nook is BACK // life update & what you can now expect from your favorite teen-led, teen-focused writing site!
I’m 90% certain that we’re the only teen-led, teen-focused writing site y’all know of so I think it’s safe to assume that we’re your favorite. *winks*
But lengthy title aside, it’s official. TEEN WRITERS’ NOOK IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright so I know I’ve been like SUPER sporadic in my posting for over the last year. And then kinda dropped off the face of the blogosphere during the summer. What’s been up? Well, I’ve had a lot of life changes that I plan to be talking about soon on my personal blog. In fact, though I’ve been inactive here, I’ve FINALLY started posting actively(ish) on my personal site. Which is one of the first changes to Teen Writers’ Nook I need to talk about. I no longer plan to be talking a lot about my personal writing over here. Not saying that I won’t ever, but I want TWN to be focused on YOU and making YOUR stories the best they can be! However, if you want to keep up with all my writing life then come give me a follow right here on my blog!!!
Another thing that had taken most of my attention was focusing hard on completing the second draft of my WIP Project: Defender (more on that later), but as of today I HAVE FINISHED IT!!!! Which is great for you because now TWN is my main focus!!
But enough self-promo. Y’all two VERY important things have happened while I was gone from TWN.
The first is WE REACHED TWO HUNDRED FOLLOWERS. *shoots out confetti* Guys, just THANK YOU, a hundred million thank yous!!!!! Because we could NOT have made it this far without each one of you, from reading our posts to commenting to telling friends and family about the site, to following!! You guys are literally THE BEST writing community EVER, and I cannot express what a deep honor it has been to be taking this journey alongside each of you!!!!
The second thing is that we had our two-year blogiversary in July!!!!! Y’all HOW has TWN been here for over two years now??? Well, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things lately (been praying about a lot too), and y’all, I have MISSED Teen Writers’ Nook! So it is official! I am back. And not only back to posting, I’m coming back fully to the blogosphere!!! Yes, you can expect consistent posts ALL about writing!! With our signature teen support and encouragement alongside SO many new ideas I’ve been having for this site, I’m ready to enter this third year of TWN with a bang! I do believe that we’re going to have our BEST. YEAR. YET! We’re back and better than ever!
New look. New posts. New plans.
I can’t say all my future plans for this blog because a lot of things are still being finalized but I can say, that TWN is going to be bringing to you plenty of writing tip posts to help you with the craft! So if you want in on the ride, I highly encourage subscribing (form found on right on computer or at the bottom on mobile device) and tagging along for the ride! We’ve got SO many awesome things that’s going to be happening!!!
And it gets better!! WE NOW HAVE AN OFFICIAL POSTING DAY!!!!! Gone are the days of sporadic posts. ;P (Or well… hopefully. XD) You can now expect new TWN posts notifications showing up in your inbox (if you’re subscribed) EVERY FRIDAY.
Like EVERY Friday, every Friday???
AND I have the graphic to prove it!!!
*smug grin*
(Feel free to share this graphic with friends, writers you know, or on your socials!)
Here’s to the best of Teen Writers’ Nook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s chat in the comments! So y’all I feel like we haven’t talked in AGES. How have you been? How’s writing? Who’s excited for the new TWN? If you have any writing post ideas, please let us know!!!!
Until the next post,
Keep on being awesome and never stop blogging,
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry
Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.
YAYYYYYYYYYYYY Y”ALL ARE BACK!!!! *SUFFACATING HUGS* CONGRATS ON THE 200 FOLLOWERS AND 2 YEARS! *shoots confetti* Fridays are officially gonna be my favorite day of the week then! XD I can’t wait for everything y’all have planned and I’ve missed you guys on here and seeing the notification for these posts!! LOVE the graphic!!! *has thoughts on posting that to instagram for y’all* *shrugs* If it’s fine with y’all and my mom then i’ll spread the word! (tho i gotta redo my instagram bc it’s all over the place and very few authors follow… I got work to do. XD I CAN”T WAITTTTTTTTTT *bakes y’all a celebration cake* BYEE
Issabelle Perry
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WE AREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackle hugs Rylie* THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH RYLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it’s been 2 years honestly! Feels like just yesterday we started TWN. AAAAH GIRL THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO HEAR!!!! I mean, Fridays are already like the best days of the week, so I was like why not make them MORE awesome with a TWN post!!! EEEK THANK YOU!!!! I’m SO excited to for all my many plans! Aww, Rylie, you’re so sweet. That means SO much to us!! I’ve missed TWN too. So much! Now when are you gonna get back to blogging? 😉 THANK YOU!!!!! Hey, girl, it’s more than okay with me if you wanna share it on Instagram. 🙂 YES WE MUST SPREAD DEE WORD. (Hahaha, redos ARE the most fun things ever, though!) ME NIETHER!!!!! *happily takes celebration cake and shares some with Rylie* Bye! *waves*
Grace A. Johnson
Issabelle Perry
THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH GRACIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEKKK THANK YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Gotta say I’ve got a few genius (or maybe just crazy, I’ll let you be the judge) ideas here. One of which may be happening pretty soon. *cough, cough* THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THANK YOU AGAIN GRACIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace A. Johnson
Issabelle Perry
THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU’RE RIGHT. <33333333333333333333333
Welcome back!
How did I not know you had a personal blog?
Don’t think too hard about being gone, I was gone for 2 months and basically three if you count I had only posted around 2 times before that😅
Issabelle Perry
Haha probably because I kinda forgot to tell everyone. XD Like anyone who’s found me, found me by accident. XD
Phew, girl, it’s honestly a relief to know I ain’t the only one who disappears once in a while from the blogosphere. Keeping up with a blog is a lotta work. But we’ve got this, and I think you’re doing great!
THANK YOU for stopping by TWN!
Madisyn Carlin
Congrats on the belated blogiversary and your writing! And the new look is perfect–nice, fresh, and clean.
Writing’s been crazy; two more novels releasing this year (and, no, I’m not to blame for the lengths. My characters are stubborn little monsters who take everything into their own hands despite that never working out well for them.).
Looking forward to seeing the posts you have planned!
Issabelle Perry
THANK YOU MADISYN!!!!!! That means so much to me!!! Aaah, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Yes, TWN has been in need of a revamp in design for a while now.
Phew, I’m sure, girl! AAAAH BUT THAT IS SO EXCITING!!!!! That’ll be like three novels releasing this year, right? HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?! (LOL. Amen, sister. You got that EXACTLY right. Haha actually I might need to borrow this reasoning the next time someone questions how long my books get to be. It’s not our fault. It’s the characters! They really do have a life of their own, don’t they?)
THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!! I hope they’ll be as awesome as they are in my head. XD
Hey!! I’m so glad y’all are back on a new track for this blog! TWN is going to be such an awesome place with these new updates!! See ya every Friday! 😆
Issabelle Perry
Aww THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH CHLOE!!!!!!! Eeeeek well that is the plan. 😉 Let’s hope everything works out. *crosses fingers* Haha YES YES!!!! See ya every Friday, sister!!!
Rose Q. Addams
Congrats, my friend(s)! 😀
Issabelle Perry
Vanessa Hall
Ahh, I’m so excited!! Can’t wait to read all the upcoming posts.
Issabelle Perry
AAah THANK YOU SO MUCH VANESSA!!!!!!! I’m very excited too!!!
how exciting! i love reading these posts! i’m proud of y’all!
Issabelle Perry
EEEEK THANK YOU SO MUCH AVA!!!!!!!!! D’awww, girl, that means SO MUCH to me!!! Thank youuuu!!!!! *beams*
Liz Boyle
Great news all around!
Issabelle Perry
Yaaaay! Ikr! I’m very excited for it all!! THANK YOU for stopping by TWN. 🙂
Joelle Stone
AHHH I’M SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!! Congrats, and I LOVE the new look. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you’ve got coming!
Issabelle Perry
AAAAAH THANK YOU SOOO MUCH JOELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me SO happy to hear!!! EEEK THANK YOU!!! I’d been meaning to give the site a new update for a while now. YESS YIPPEEE!!!! I can’t wait to share some of what’s been up my sleeve. ;P
Victoria Crooks
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY YOU’RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals* *jumps up and down* *throws confetti* *dances in confetti* *eats chocolate* *and cake* *and more chocolate* *and shares some with Issy* ASLDKJFALKSDJF I am SOOOOO STOKED to see TWN up and running again (and YES it’s BY FAR my favorite teen led teen focused writing site)!!!!!! ;P And noooow I’m gonna have another AWESOME reason to look forward to Friday!!!!! I’ve honestly been way too eager for this announcement ever since you hinted at it on your personal blog, so this has totally made my day!!! OH also, CONGRATULATIONS on 200 followers and even more so….LONG LIVE TWN!!!!!!! WOOT-WOOT!!!!
Issabelle Perry
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *also jumps up and down and dances in the confetti with V* *happily accepts the chocolate and cake and gobbles it down* Ah, that’s the best part of this blog. All the free chocolate I get. XD EEEEK THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!! Girl, you have no idea how happy that makes me to hear that!!!! (WOOHOO!!!! Glad you agree. ;P) YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! That’s why I picked Fridays. Cuz what’s not to love about Fridays AND getting a new post from TWN I hoped would make it all the more fun!!! AWWWWW GIRL I am smiling SO hard over here. Seriously? THAT MEANS SO MUCH!!!!! EEEEK THANK YOU!!!!!! AND THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH AGAIN!!!! YESSSS LONG. LIVE. TEEN WRITERS NOOK. *pumps fist in the air*
*runs in throwing confetti around* YESSSSSS TWN IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cheers* Ahhhhhh I can’t wait for these new posts!!!!!!! Fridays are already one of my favorite days of the week, and this is just gonna make them even MORE epic!!!!!!! *squeals* Congrats on the 200 followers!!!!!! That’s awesome!!! And I can’t believe that it’s been two years since y’all started this blog!!!! *mindblown* That’s just crazy. I felt like it was just yesterday when it was 2020 and I started reading your blog. XDDD I just can’t wait to see what y’all have in store!!!!! And that graphic is da bomb. XD It looks so professional and pretty!!!!!!
Oh oh oh I have a writing post idea! You could do one on outlining…because even though I know the basics of outlining for a WIP, the more help and advice I can get on it the better because when I don’t outline for a WIP (*coughs* *totally not looking at my 100-for-100 WIP* *coughs*) I either have no idea where I’m going with the story like 3 chapters later and I lose inspiration or I keep writing randomness *totally not referring to my 100-for-100 WIP again and how I’m just sometimes writing random things so I can get my words in*. XP SO yeah. A post on outlining would be much appreciated. XD And if you already did a post on outlining and I just forgot that you already did one, then I’ll just go find it later and you can forget what I just rambled on about. XDDD
Oy!!! AWESOME JOB on finishing da 2nd draft of Project Defender!! *hands you chocolate* That reminds me..I need to go beta read what you’ve recently added. *tackle hugs you to celebrate TWN’s return and then scurries off to read* XD
Issabelle Perry
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WE ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO sorry for how long it took me to reply! Still getting into the swing of this return and all. EEEK THANK YOUUUUU!!!! Niether can I! YESSSS!!!! Fridays are my favorite days of the week too! That’s why I was like, why not make it more fun with a post to kick off the weekend! I HOPE SO!!!!! THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! I can’t either. I still feel like such a newbie to the blogosphere. IT IS. Why do I feel SO old? XD THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!! Awww, girl, you’re soooo sweet! You’ve made my day. THANK YOU!!!!
YESSSS!!!!! I’m sure you saw my newest post but I am getting SO many great ideas of what I could talk about for an outlining post so be expecting lotsa posts about that topic coming your way! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the suggestion!!!!!! Haha yeah outlining is REALLY difficult. Hahaha oh no. XD then we MUST talk about outlining to save your stories. FOR THE BOOKS!!!! XD I’ve actually never posted about outlining before, mainly because it’s not usually something I do and for whatever weird reason I always forget that other writers are NOT like me. (Probably a good thing. XD)
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happily accepts chocolate* Hahaha oooo I hope you enjoy it!!!! *tackle hugs back*
Glad to see you back!!!
Issabelle Perry
THANK YOU TASHA!!!!!! It’s great to be back!!! I’ve missed the blogosphere and TWN specifically SO much!
Issabelle Perry
EEEEE THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH SARAINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *beams* AAAAAH GIRL YOU ARE SO SWEET AND THANK YOUUUUU!!!!! I can’t believe we have 200 followers! Honestly, it seems like just yesterday I was getting excited over having 20! YES IT DOES DESERVE ALL CAPS!!!!! YA GOTTA APPRECIATE A BLOGGER WHO AIN’T AFRAID TO USE ALL CAPS!!!!!!!! EEEK THANK YOU SOOO MUCH SARAINA!!!!! I can’t wait either!
Oh, and you finished Project Defender? 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 YAY!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!
Issabelle Perry
YES I DID!!!!!! EEEEEK GIRL YOU HAVE JUST MADE MY DAY THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m smiling over here SO hard!
You’ve reached 200 followers??! Congratulations, girls!! *shoots confetti out of canon* I’m so excited to hear you guys are coming back and I can’t wait to see your upcoming posts!!
Issabelle Perry
YES!!!! I have zero clue how in the world TWN has 200 followers. Honestly, when we started all of this I thought it was a miracle to get TWENTY. Aww THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! *dances in the confetti* Awww THANK YOU SOO MUCH LILY!!!!!!! It’s great to be back! EEEEE THANK YOU!!! I hope they’re as awesome as I think I’m making them out to be. XD
Sarah Twilight
Woot woot!!!!! *confettiie explosion* 200 hard earned followers? That. Is. AWESOME!! We’re glad to have you back! 😀
Question. What will you call this blog when y’all ain’t teens anymore? lol but seriously. This question just pooped into my mind.
Issabelle Perry
YESSSSS CONFETTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tosses the confetti around and jumps up and down and dances in it* YES!! It’s way too crazy to fully contemplate being at 200 followers. And I have you and all the other TWNers to thank for it!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!! Awww, girl, you’re SO sweet. THANK YOU! It’s great to be back!!!
Haha but that’s a great question actually!!! To be honest, some of us at TWN are already reaching past the teenage years, and I myself only have a couple of years left. That’s why I changed our site tagline. It’s not really “made by teens” anymore. But Teen Writers’ Nook is still going to be called the same because we’re still gonna be focused on helping teen authors we just won’t be teen-led anymore. *sobs* But thank you for the question! It was a great one!!!
*marks calendar for Fridays*
As if I needed another reason to look forward to the weekend…
I’m so excited that you guys are back! I’m sure you’ve got some great posts coming up! I can’t wait to see!
Also, congrats on finishing your second draft! That’s a great accomplishment!
Issabelle Perry
YESSSS!!!!! If Fridays isn’t the favorite day of the week yet, it might be by now. XD
Hehehe I know right!!!! But honestly Fridays just makes everything better. Like pizza and movie nights. They’re SO much more exciting on Fridays!!! So I was hoping that’d mean TWN is more exciting too. Hehehe. XD
Awww THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!! That means SO much to me! It’s great to be back! I’ve missed the blogosphere and especially hanging out at TWN! Haha I hope so. *looks at the pile of crazy ideas and incomplete drafts* Maybe don’t have TOO high of an expectation. XD But THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!
Awww THANK YOU SOOO MUCH, girl!!!!!! YES!!! I might’ve been celebrating a lot after completing it. 😉
Ack! You’re back! Man, do you know it’s been a year since we first crossed paths on Goodreads which sent my sisters and I spiraling into the blogosphere! I mean switching to WordPress was your idea and our blog has grown so much since then! Eek! I’m so excited to see what you guys post! Ack! I am just so excited about new writing tips and tricks and eek!
Issabelle Perry
YESSSSS!!!!! *gaspeth* I DID NOT KNOW THAT!!!!! *mind is blown* I canNOT believe it’s been a whole year. It feels like just yesterday I was meeting y’all. Man, time flies! Yes! I remember recommending the switch to WordPress. I did the same thing for TWN and it’s helped our site a TON too! Honestly I am SOO honored to have played a tiny role in helping your blog out!!! EEEK THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!! I am VERY excited too!!!! AWW GIRL YOU’RE EXCITEMENT HAS JUST MADE ME SO HAPPY. THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!! (And I’m very sorry for the late reply. Still trying to get back into the full swing of things. XD)
Ava Coulter
WELCOME BACK!!! *Tackle hugs*
I can’t WAIT for future posts! Ya’ll are the best! <333
Issabelle Perry
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH AVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs back*
AWWW THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW RIGHT. I’m still reeling from shock over here. XD Awww girl you’re the sweetest. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I hope you enjoy our new posts!!! (And I am SO sorry for my delayed reply. Still trying to get back into the swing of things.)
EEEKKK! I know I got to this post late but I am SO EXCITED that you guys are back! (I’m seriously bouncing off the walls right now!) I CAN NOT wait to see what you guys have in store for us! CONGRATS ON 200 FOLLOWERS AND HAPPY BELATED BLOGIVERSARY!!!! I’m so pumped for Fridays! Fridays are already super awesome because I love the weekend but I think this makes them triple exciting. I also saw the Teen Writers Rally countdown at the bottom of your page and I’m SO curious to see what that is! I guess I’ll have to see on October 24, haha! SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK!
Issabelle Perry
Hey better late than never, right! Those are words I live by. XD AAAAAAHHH THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ALEXA!!!!!!! That makes me THE happiest to hear!!!! (AAAH GIRL YOU’RE SO SWEET!!!!! I’m beaming over here with your sweet comments!) EEEEK THANK YOU!!!!!! Maybe wanna get yourself ready, cuz if I’ve got any say in the matter, we got some crazy hopefully awesome stuff that’s gonna be happening. ;P THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! YeSSS!!!!! Fridays are my favorite day of the week! Hence the reason for posting! I love Fridays, I love writing, and I LOOOVE hanging out at TWN. Why not do all of that at once? YESSS!!! That makes me SO thrilled to hear that!!!! Hehehe, you’re officially the first TWNer to mention that. You’ve got a good eye. 😉 *hands you award* Hehehe well, you might not have to wait *that* long. I plan on announcing more about it in my next post due not this Friday but the next. So you may or may not want to check that out. 😉 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! SO GREAT TO BE BACK!!! I’VE MISSED CHATTING WITH YOU!!!! <33333 I hope writing and live have been well. <33