Book Reviews,  Katherine's Posts

The Princess Companion by Melanie Cellier Book Review

Genre: Fairy Tale Retelling and Romance

Age Range: 13 and up

Rating: 5/5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Reviewed by Katherine


If anyone had told me a year ago that I would find true love through a pea, I would have laughed.

Lost in the woods. A rainy night. An uncomfortable mattress. What next?

After getting caught in a terrible storm one night, Alyssa has no choice but to take shelter in the Winter Castle. However, while staying there, Alyssa finds herself as the new “Princess Companion.” She is growing fond of the royal family, but not everything is happy-go-lucky. It seems that danger is awaiting the royal family. Is Alyssa strong enough to save them?

My Thoughts on the Story

The first thing I gotta say is that I LOVED this book!!!!! I loved it so so much!!! It had a great plotline that kept me curious till the end! And it had WONDERFUL characters!! (Characters are my favorite thing in books, and these characters were superb!) I just can’t get enough of Max and Alyssa! Plus, it had a lot of side characters that I loved as well.

On top of loving the storyline and the characters, I was SUPER happy that this was a clean book! No bad words that I could tell (except I think the word “stupid” might have been used a few times). And when Max became engaged to a princess, there was a moment he wanted to kiss the girl he really loved, but didn’t. So, yeah, this book was very clean, and I wish I could rate it 10 stars. I think Melanie Cellier is going to be one of my favorite authors now, and I can’t wait to read more of her books!!! 😀

I recommend The Princess Companion to anyone who loves fairytale-type stories and a bit of romance.

Happy reading!



  • Lorelei Angelino

    EEEP I need to read this!!! *sniff* it isn’t in any of my local libraries, but hopefully i can buy it or something soon!

    • Katherine

      Eee, YES, you totally need to read it!!!!! 😉 It’s SO good!!!!!! Aww, that’s so sad! *cries* I hope you’ll get to buy it or something as well!!!!!! *tries to virtually send Lore a copy of The Princess Companion*

    • Katherine

      Yay, I’m so glad you think so!!!!!!! It’s a WONDERFUL book!!!!!! (It’s one of my favorites!!!😉) Aww, THANK YOU!!!!!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the review!!!!!

  • Ava Coulter

    Oooo this looks like SUCH a good book! I LOVE fairy tales and romance (as long as it’s clean, ya know ;))!! *Adds to tbr* Great review!! 😀

    • Katherine

      EeeEeeeEe, I know, right?!?! 😀 It sounds (and IS) so AMAZING!!!!!!! Me too!!!!!!! Fairy tales and clean romance are two things I love in books!!!!! 😉 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Katherine

      Really?? I LOVE fairytale retellings!!!! What’s your favorite genre? Eee, YES, you should totally check this one out!!!!!! 😉 It’s one of my favorite retellings!!! Aw, you’re so welcome, Lily!!!! Thank you so much for reading!!!!!

  • jahnavigouri13

    Wow! I really love reading fairy tale retelling and this book sounds so awesome. I’m looking forward to reading this one day. And Thanks for sharing this wonderful review with us. I really love reading TWN’s book reviews!!

    • Katherine

      Hello, Jahnavi!! Eee, me too!!!! Fairy tale retellings are amazing, and, yes, The Princess Companion is SO awesome!!!!!!!!!!😃 Awesome!!!!! Happy reading, and I hope you enjoy it!!! 😉 Aww, you’re SO welcome!!!!!! I’m so happy you liked the review!!! Aww, thank you!!!! You’re so nice!!!! I’ll write more reviews then! 😉

    • Katherine



      YAY, I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!! I think you’ll really like it!!! Oooh, and after you read it, you’ll have to let me know what you think! 😉

  • Lily

    Hmm, that’s a hard one XD I love mysteries, fantasy, dystopian, historical, and adventure all under the middle-grade book genre.
    You’re welcome! I enjoy reading your guys’ posts 🙂

    • Katherine

      Oooh, yes, those are GREAT genres!!!!!!!!!! Dystopian is one I haven’t really tried yet, but I’ve been wanting to! And middle-grade books are awesome, aren’t they?! 😉 Do you have any book recommendations in any of those genres?
      Awww, thank you so much!!!!!!! I’m so happy you enjoy reading them!!!!❤

      • Lily

        Oh dear, how much time do you have? XD
        Let’s see, for MG dystopian, The Giver (Lois Lowry) and The Girl Who Drank the Moon (Kelly Barnhill) are pretty good; the latter mixes fantasy in it as well.

        Avi does some pretty good historical MG novels, like The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, and Nancy Springer’s Enola Holmes series is a good historical/mystery blend.

        For MG fairytales, my favorites are Snow and Rose by Emily Winfield Martin, and An Ordinary Princess (in fact, can I rec them to you on Goodreads?)

        What other genres do you enjoy aside from fairytale retellings, and which of those books would you recommend?

        • Katherine

          LOL, as much time as you need to give me recommendations. XD 😜
          Oooh, I’ve heard about The Girl Who Drank the Moon and that it was really good! And Alana read Snow and Rose and really enjoyed it! These books sound AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I’m definitely adding them to my TBR!!!!! 😉 Thank you so much for the recommendations!!!!!!! (Yes, you can rec them to me on Goodreads. That would be great!😀)

          Hmm, even though I like reading a variety, I feel like most of the books I’ve read have been in the fantasy and fairytale retelling genre. And then after that, realistic MG and historical fiction. I also LOVE mysteries but have had a hard time finding mystery-type books (so I’m SUPER excited to check out the ones you recommended!!!!!).

          For recs (all of these are MG, btw): E. D. Baker writes some amazing fairytale retellings and fantasy! (Some of my favorites by her are The Frog Princess series, The Wide-Awake Princess series, and The Fairy-Tale Matchmaker series.) Liz Kessler’s The Tail of Emily Windsnap is super good. And if you like superhero stories, you might like Kessler’s Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins. For historical fiction, Aim by Joyce Moyer Hostetter is the best one I’ve read. And for realistic fiction, I totally recommend Sixth Grade Secrets by Louis Sachar. (That one cracked me up! XD)

  • Diamond

    Ahhhh I love this book so much!
    *fangirls with you*
    I love all of Melanie Cellier’s books honestly…though I still have a bunch I need to read. Which ones have you read?

    • Katherine

      *squeals* EEeeEeee, ME TOO!!!!!!!😃 It’s a new favorite!!!!!!
      *continues fangirling*
      Melanie Cellier is a FANTASTIC author, isn’t she?! 😉 Same!! I have a lot more to read as well. I’m pretty new to Melanie Cellier, so I’ve only read The Princess Companion (and the bonus chapters in Max’s perspective). BUT I got some more of her books for Christmas, and they’re at the TOP of my TBR! Do you have a favorite series by her or a favorite book?

      • Diamond

        Ahhh you’ve got a lot of great stuff ahead of you! I think my favorite book is The Princess Game, although for a favorite series I’d probably have to say the Beyond the Four Kingdoms is my favorite.

        • Katherine

          Hehe, yep, I guess I do! 😉 Ooh, I have that one!!!! It looks like it’s going to be super good!!!! Cool!!!!! My sister read all the books in the Beyond the Four Kingdom series and really enjoyed it! So, I’m SUPER excited to read those books now!!!!

  • Rose Q. Addams

    Aaah! I’ve read this one and really liked it, too! (I also read the 12 dancing princesses one she did for her second series in this world… they were both very good! I need to read more of these but they’re not very accessible through my library system.. XD)

    • Katherine

      Really?? THAT’S AWESOME!!!!!!! (You might have told me that before, but I can’t really remember for sure, lol.🤔😅) It’s SO GOOD, isn’t it?! (COOL! I love the Twelve Dancing Princesses story, so I’m sure I would LOVE Cellier’s version of it!!!!!! I’m gonna have to read it!!!!😉 YES, you totally need to read more!!!! Aw, that’s so sad that they’re not accessible through your library! My library doesn’t have them either, so I’ve asked for more books for Christmas and birthday. *tries to send Rose Melanie Cellier books through the computer* XD)

      Also, thank you SO much for stopping by Teen Writers’ Nook!!!!!🤗

      • Rose Q. Addams

        You’re welcome!
        *I meant to come by earlier when you recommended it in August… I lost the link in my many, many bookmarks and just found it again with “housecleaning” and then bumped into you at CWW which really made me feel bad that I hadn’t been here, lol*
        Speaking of TBR’s…
        Have you read Jessica Day George’s 12 Dancing Princess trilogy!?! IT IS THE BEST.
        The Cinderella one (book 2) scared the willies outta me!

        • Katherine

          Lol, that’s totally fine. I feel ya.😅 I’ve saved links before and then forgot about them because I have so many. XD No need to feel bad, girl.😉

          No, I haven’t. I’ve heard of Jessica Day George, but I haven’t read anything by her. What is the book called? Haha, I’ll take your word for it! 😉 (Oh dear, not too scary I hope . . . .)

          • Rose Q. Addams

            Princess of The Midnight Ball (1) , Princess of Glass (2) , and Princess of the Silver Woods (3) are the three…
            And heavens, no.
            I’m a massive chicken (Seriously. My siblings laugh at just how much bothers me. The 12yo has taken it upon herself to tell me when to look away for jump scares and such… she’s massively good at predicting them and isn’t afraid of anything except dogs.), so if it scared me, it was mildly creepy to other people.

            • Katherine

              Okay, thank you!!!!!! I’ll make a note so I can check them out!!!! 😀 They look like they’ll be good books!!!!

              Haha, that’s good to know that it’s not too scary. Eep, I can be a chicken at times as well, lol. XD (Aw, you poor dear. Tell your siblings I said not to laugh at you.😉)

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