Breaking News from the Book World

It’s Time to Imagine: Cover Reveal for Imagine Anthology

It’s time to Imagine! 

Well, in that case . . . Enigami ot emit s’ti!

*cough* Moving on… So today is the day we’ve all been waiting for. IT’S TIME TO REVEAL THE COVER FOR OUR IMAGINE ANTHOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But first, we’ve got some good ole honest suspense for ya. 😉 cuz in all honesty, cover reveals just wouldn’t be fun without it.

So, note from Is: NO scrolling to the end of the post to see the cover. Yeah, I’m looking at you Shruthika. No sneaking past me like you did last time. 😂 (Nah, I’m just messing with you. XD)

Anyway, here’s the “official” book blurb first:


Such a small word for such a huge impact it has. Every great story begins here—in that moment after the idea but before the story is completed. The spark. The vision. The idea that will expand into a story that clings to reader’s hearts for a lifetime. An author’s story is limited only by his imagination, and how far he is willing to go to breathe life into characters. To build the foundations of another world. To see the struggles and envision the victories. To search for the magic burning in the darkness.
Teen Writers’ Nook presents a collection of short stories and poems from talented young authors that will take you beyond the boundaries of your mind. From snarky protagonists to the tear-jerking sacrifice. From mystical fantasy worlds to indescribable sci-fi stories. Thrilling adventures, daring choices, inspiring messages, heartfelt romances, and everything in between. Maybe—just maybe—these tales will have you journey past reality and to the depths of your imagination. Will you take the risk and embark through the pages of this book?

Alaine Darkwood, Alexa Peterson, Allie Jo Andersen, Britt Chao, Chloe B. Christensen, Faith Elizabeth, Grace A. Johnson, Grey S. Park, Linyang Zhang, Lorelei Angelino, Penelope Rugan, Selah Sigmon, Victoria Crooks, and V. L. Smith! 

And now it’s time for a few more graphics to share!!! These come from Alexa Peterson’s “Sparks”, Victoria Crooks’ “To Risk the Truth”, and Linyang Zhang’s “Visionaries” stories!
Now are you ready for the cover?? You sure? Alrighty, then . . .


























Kat: (Should I keep on doing this?)


































*still Is* We’ve gotta keep that suspense coming!!!! I think I can literally feel y’all’s anxiety and pounding hearts


























Kat: (Alright, I’m done now.)

*Is pouts*

*Is sneaks into the post when Katherine’s not looking and adds more dots












typing dots is fun









typity, type, type












Alright, it really is time now before Kat notices all my extra dots. XD

Kat: Issabelle, did you go behind my back and add more dots???!!!

Is: *looks around the room, panicking* Um… *hides and runs off to Cedulnia*

Kat: *shakes head* Let’s just show our readers the cover already. I’m sure they’re dying to see it.


And with this celebration it only seems right to have an epic giveaway to go along, right?! So what will the lucky winner get? One Imagine desktop wallpaper, any one graphic image you want designed by Issabelle (examples: mock cover, bookmark, quote graphic, logo, anything!), a sneak peek at Katherine’s WIP, and a sneak peek of your choice of either Issabelle’s Heir to His Crown or her latest WIP, In Healing Hands!

How to enter? Simply let us know in the comments below what the last book you read was!!! (And make sure to comment under an email address we can reach you by if you win!!!!!)


  • Linyang

    Everything looks amazing! I love, love, love the graphic for “Visionaries”, and I’m looking forward to reading “Sparks” and “To Risk the Truth”! Do you mind if I share the graphic for my story on my Instagram?

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEEEEEE THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, LINYANG!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO glad you think so!!!! AAAHHHH, honestly, I feel like Visionaries graphic was the best one I’ve ever done!!! *is totally way too proud of myself* AAHHH YESS!!!! They are AWESOME and I can’t wait to share them with y’all. 😉 Of course not, girl!! Share away!! I am actually just SO honored right now that you’d want to. 😊

  • Grace A. Johnson

    EEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY IT’S HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE I MENTIONED HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS????? I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Mkay, so, last book? Lady Jayne Disappears by Joanna Davidson Politano. Y’all. That book. AAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH YOU MUST READ ITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! It was so good!!!


    • Katherine

      EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, YEEEEESSSSSS, IT’S HEERRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😃😃😃😃 Eeek, YAY, I AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO GLAD YOU LOVE THE COVER!!!!!!!!!!!😃 *squeals* I’M SOOOO EXCITED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!😃

      Ah, I KNOW!!!!!! They are SO GORGEOUS to look at!!!!!! Issabelle did an incredible job with them!!!!!

      Oooh, I went to read what that book was about and it sounded A-MA-ZZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so intrigued!!!!!!! I’ll TOTALLY have to read it now!!!!!

      Haha, you keep on squealing, girl!!!! 😉 I’m going to continue squealing too and check out more about this new book you just told me about!!!!! 😉 CYA too! <333333

  • Gemma

    I’m super excited!!!! I’ll get it as soon as my birthday rolls around. *cough* only eight days after *cough* hehehe your timing is great! 😏 Anyways congrats on doing this!
    The last book I read…. *whispers* is it bad the last book I read was the one I published? The Queen’s Game. Literally my family wanted me to read it out loud to them a couple of days ago. Does that not count? If not hmmmmmmmmmm….. I’ve read multiple but I haven’t finished them. There’s the Illiad and there’s Sense and Sensibility. Those should work right? 😏 Well anyways congrats to you all! I’m looking forward to reading it!

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEE GEMMA SO AM I!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! *gasp* Really?? NO WAY!!! Well, then this is perfect timing!! (Like, literally, you’re the second person who told me your birthday was close to Imagine’s release. XD It’s crazy, but that must’ve been the perfect day to pick!!! XDD) Awww THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! *whispers* Girl, that is DEFINITELY not bad. My books are mostly all I’ve been reading lately cuz of not having any time XD Girl, IT TOTALLY COUNTS!!!!!!!!! Girl, it all totally works, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for entering!!! Here’s to hoping you win something. 😉 YESSSS I SECOND THE CONGRATS!!!!!!!! WWOOHOOOO!!!! I am SO thrilled to hear that, and I look forward to sharing the stories with you!!! I think you’d really enjoy the anthology. <333333

  • Abigail

    Hey guys! This looks totally amazing! (I adore this cover btw; all the suspense was torture XD but completely worth it:)
    The last book I read was Dark Horse by John Fischer, (I’ve probably read it a million times already).

    • Katherine

      Hiya, Abigail!!!!!!!! 😀 Thank you so much!!!!!!! (Yay, I’m so happy you love the cover!!! Hehehehe, definitely worth it! XD)
      Ooh, wow, that looks like a great book!!! I’ll totally have to check it out!!!!! 😀 (I bet it’s amazing if you’ve read it a million times!!!!😉)

  • Lorelei A.

    AHHHAHAHHAHHHHH!!!! *heart still pounding* I love the cover and…just everything!!!!! <3333333 :DDDDD

    Okay. *takes calming breaths* You guyssss *totally speechless* Great job!!! I love the cover and the story graphics!!! <3 *still stumbling over what to say* Hm, ALL I can say is just: y'all are awesome and I'm so excited to read all the wonderful poems/stories in the anthology! And thank you girls soooo much for taking so much time to do thissss, it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OOOH YASSSSS an epic giveaway! WITH A SNEAK PEEK OF YOUR WIPS???!!!??? 😱 The last book I read was… *thinks for way too long about it* The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielsen! (*wink wink* Is) :DDD
    Well, I hope you are having a FABULOUS day! <333333 God bless! ❤😊

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH *screams wildly* Girl… like, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!! THAT JUST MEANS SO MUCH!!!!!! *beams* EEEE, girl, you are TOO SWEET!!!!! <33333333333333333

      Hahaha *also takes calming breaths* D'awwww, Lorelei, I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT!!!!!! I was SO hoping all of y'all would love it, and Kat, Alana, and I just wanted to make it really fun and special for y'all. <3333 D'awww, girl, that is MORE than enough!!!! You are the sweetest and THANK YOU SO, SO, SO, SO, SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! EEE I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ THEM TOO!!!!!!! Girl, you are SO welcome!!! It's such an honor to be able to put this together for y'all and publish your stories!!!! 🙂

      YESSSSSS GIVEAWAYS ARE DA BEST HANDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehehehe I must admit, you're excitement over In Healing Hands was kinda the whole reason Kat and I decided to share a sneak peek. Hoping you win something!!!! *crossing fingers* *gasp* *rereads comment to make sure I saw it right* *does happy dance* EEEEEE GIRL YOU'RE READING THE ASCENDANCE SERIES?????!!!!! Like, how come this didn't come up before now that you had started it. XD I HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING IT!!!!!!!!!
      D'awwww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I am and I hope you are as well!!!! Always, girl, always. <33333

  • Mahitha

    Yeah, Shruthika, don’t skip over TWN’s posts, lol

    AAAAHHHHH THE BOOK COVER IS SOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And, yeah, you really did get my heart pounding with all those extra dots XD)
    The last book I read is The Queen of Nothing! (Part of the most AMAZING book series *second to The Ascendance Series* ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Ugh, now I just don’t wanna sit and wait for the book to be published! I want it to be published RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

    • Katherine


      AW, YAYAY, I’M SO SO GLAD YOU THINK THE COVER IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 It just makes me so happy!!!!!!!<3 (Hehehe, and to think I could have made it shorter. *shakes head at myself* XDD)
      Ooh, cool!!! (Funny story, but I almost named one of my novels Prince of Nothing. Good thing I changed it or it would have been too similar to The Queen of Nothing.😂) Wow, it sounds like a good book!! (Hehe, nothing can top The Ascendance Series! *wink wink*) I FEEL YA, GIRL!!!!!!! I wish it were published now too!!!! Waiting is so hard. *pouts*

  • Elicia H.

    Oh, my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is such an AMAZING cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the lined paper background!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Just to make sure you know, I’m NOT entering the giveaway, it’s awesome though!!!!!! I’m just not aloud to enter giveaways… 😊)

    • Issabelle Perry

      D’awwwwww really??? AWWWW ELICIA LIKE YOU JUST MADE MY WHOLE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO, SO (heheehehe we could be here all day…) SO, SO, SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaahhhh oh my goodness, YESSSS!!!!! That was actually my FAVORITE part of the cover too!!!!!! <333333
      (Girl, that is TOTALLY, COMPLETELY okay!!!!!! I 100% understand!!!)
      THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for stopping by!!!! <333 Your comment just made me smile so hard. <333333

    • Katherine

      Eee, yay, I’m so happy to hear that!!!!!!! OooOooOoo, I’ve been wanting to read that book and all the other ones in the Anne of Green Gables series!!!!!!!!! 😀

  • Tori

    Oof last book I read?!

    Hmmm. It’s been a hot minute 🤣 last book I finished I’m not sure but the last book I’ve read fiction wise was The WingFeather Saga: Dark sea of Darkness (or whatever it’s called 😂)

    • Issabelle Perry

      Lol, girl, that’s just like me SO MUCH!!! 🤣🤣🤣 AAAAAHHHH THAT BOOK SOUNDS SO AWESOME!!!!!!! I’ve been REALLY wanting to read the WingFeather Saga for a while now… (I have such a long tbr. XD) THANK YOU SO MUCH for entering and stopping by!!!!! <333333

  • Joelle Stone


    *calms down*

    *wonders if this was where that dot tactic came from*

    *agrees with Issabelle that the more dots is better*

    And aherm, last book I read… That would be Light of the Last, by Chuck Black. It’s so good, a fitting end to his Wars of the Realm series. *starry eyes* There were several tear-wrenching scenes, and Drew FINALLY figured out that he’s seeing angels and demons, and Sydney’s back and Validus got A TEAM which I always find cool and everything was just swaggy. *happy sigh* *flops back on couch in full Disney princess drama* *moans “I’m so happy” like Dash from Incredibles*

    Anywho, great post, guys!

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAAHHHH GIRL THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SO glad you think so!!!!!!! Hahahaha. XDDD

      *is very glad that Joelle agrees with me*

      Actually, I got the dot tactic idea from a few other bloggers who did it a lot. XD It’s so much fun… and addicting. XD I LOVE IT!!!!

      *gasp* GIRL, GIRL, GIRLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WERE READING THIS SERIES??????? Like the wars of the realm trilogy is hands down my FAVORITE one from Chuck Black!!!!!! *high fives* *also starry eyes* *sniffs* Girl, I know right!!!! I got SO emotionally attached to this series. Oh my goodness, YESS I LOVED THAT PaRT!!!!!!! VALIDUS AND HIS TEAM ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *contented sigh* Lol, girl, you just crack me up. XD


  • Jane

    Okay, so before I celebrate and go complete fan girl over the cover, I kinda fell off the face of the earth for the past few days and I’m gonna get to the two other posts I missed today. 😉
    And now, since I am about it explode with excitement and can’t type fast enough…. THE COVER LOOKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZINGLY AWESOMELY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *infinite exclamation marks*
    I- I HAVE NO WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT JUST LOOKS SOOOO FANTABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IM ACTUALLY IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dances around the room* *eats favorite snacks and gives everyone else their favorite snacks* *happy dances some more* *gives everyone a hug* *tackle hugs Issabelle, Katherine, and Alana* *gets out the never ending confetti*
    I’M TO EXCITED TO THINK ABOUT WHAT TO TYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There isn’t a word out there to describe how happy I feel right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333 😊

    (I do have one quick question, and it’s probably to late to asking this, but would it be okay if I changed my name from Jane to Penelope Rugan?
    Now, If it causes you guys any extra trouble than DO NOT DO IT. I know you all are already really busy and I don’t want to add another thing to your plate.)

    • Katherine

      Hey, it’s completely alright, girl!! Sometimes I fall off the face of the earth for a couple of months, so I totally feel ya.😉 AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, YAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SO HAPPY YOU LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 *infinite smiley face emojis* EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK, GIRL, I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOU SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIRL, I can totally believe it!!!!! You’re an AMAZING FABULOUS INCREDIBLE-TASTIC writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33333 I looooved your story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances with you* *eats snack* *gives Jane her favorite treat* *turns on some music and continues dancing* *tackle hugs Jane* *twirls in confetti*
      YAYAYAYAY, I'm SO HAPPY YOUR EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 Awww, girl, I'm so excited you're gonna get to be published!!!!!!!!!!!!!💗💗

      Not a problem at all!😉 I'm sure you already know this, but we've already changed it in the blurb. You're sweet, girl! But don't worry, it wasn't any trouble. <333

  • Ella Finkbeiner

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! CONGRATS EVERY AMAZING PERSON WHO CONTRIBUTED!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ *throws confetti and hands out slices of chocolate cake*

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEE THANK YOU SO MUCH ELLA!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT JUST MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!! YESSSS I SECOND THIS!!!! CONGRATS TO ALL THE AUTHORS AND EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333 *infinite hearts* *dances in confetti and happily accepts the chocolate cake* Yum, the cake was delicious!!! 😉 THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by!!!! <3333

  • Sisters Three

    Lol…the suspense was cracking us up….hahaha, we actually enjoyed it!!! Guys that cover looks fantastic!!! We love it!!! Just amazing job on that, really epic looking!!! And all the stories sound so fantastic, the blurb is intriguing!!! We wanty!!!

    • Katherine

      Hehehehehe. *rubs hand together mischievously* Maybe next time we should add more dots . . . . 🤔 😆 Glad to hear you enjoyed it!! *wink wink*
      Aw, THANK YOU!!!!!!!! We’re so happy you love it!!!!! <333 Aww, thank you!!! That's so sweet!!!! And I know that you made Issabelle very happy!! Yes, the stories are INCREDIBLE!!!!!! Thank you!!! I hope y'all will enjoy them as much as I have!!!! 🙂
      Thank you so much!!!!!!

      • Sisters Three

        Lol….maybe, it just made us laugh so hard…hahaha….Aww, we’re sure we will!!! So excited!!! Btw there’s another comment from us floating around here somewhere you can just ignore it…our laptop’s been acting up so we thought this comment didn’t go through, so we commented again….lol….

        • Katherine

          Lol, I was laughing so hard too when we typed it up.😂 Issabelle and I can be pretty silly together . . . .
          AW, y’all are so sweet, girls!!!!!! <333 Eee, I'm glad to hear y'all are excited!!!!!! 😀
          Haha, okay.😉 Totally alright! That happens to me a lot. If I had replied sooner, though, that would have helped. 😉

          • Sisters Three

            Hahaha, we’re glad!!!
            Hahaha, maybe but when we came over here it wasn’t even showing we had commented the first time until we commented again…oi, technology sometimes…lol…
            (Also, could you pass the word to Issabelle that the new cover on In Healing Hands looks great!!!)

                • Issabelle Perry

                  D’awww, girls, y’all just always make my day so much!!!!! 😄 AAAAHHHH THANK Y’ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I just can’t tell y’all how much it means to know someone likes something I’ve made.

                  Actually, I don’t. It’s too confusing for me, lol. XD I use a place called Pixlr and sometimes I’ll use Canva. There’s a free version and, though it doesn’t have all the options as Adobe has, it has enough for my li’l ole needs.

                  • Sisters Three

                    Aww, well it deserves to be liked cause it looks great!!!

                    Gottcha! We tried Canva but it was taking forever on our laptop….lol…so we struggled with Adobe for thirty minutes till we figured out how to work it…we’re pretty happy with some of the cover concepts we’ve made! It’s a lot of fun!!!

                    • Issabelle Perry

                      D’awwww, girls, y’all just make me smile so hard. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!

                      Aaaahhh, I getcha. Those things tend to run slow for me, but I also just have a computer that likes to take its sweet, precious time to do A N Y T H I N G!!!!!! XD Aaahh well that is SO cool!!!!! I’d love to see some of those cover concepts if you’re cool with sharing! (Which just reminds me that I never responded to y’all’s email… oops *hides* Honestly, I have no idea where September has gone. XD)

                    • Sisters Three

                      Lol…glad to hear it!!! Our families know for smiling…hahaha…our dad smiled so much in high school they nicknamed him Smiley, so now it’s kind of what we do, smile and make people smile…hahaha…

                      Right, our laptop does that…some days it works great other days…ehhh, not so much…lol…Oh, well *blushes* we’ll have to think about it…lol…still getting the hang of the software but they’re getting better…we get one or two we’re proud of and we’ll send you an email…(Hahaha, it’s fine…you’ve been busy and we get it!)

                    • Issabelle Perry

                      Hahahahaha, that’s actually really funny about your dad. XD Lol, well, y’all girls are PERFECT at it!!!! *high fives*

                      Ugh, ikr??!! Hahaha, that’s totally okay!!! I completely get that. The first stuff I ever designed was terribly cringy at best. XD Aaaahhh THAT’S AWESOME!!!!!!! Okey-dokey!!!! Hopefullly I’ll be able to respond back to y’all’s email first. We can make it a game. Let’s see who can respond the quickest! (Why do I get the feeling that I’m gonna lose? XD) (Awww THANK Y’ALL for understanding! I’m hoping as soon as Imagine releases, I’ll get some more freetie. *crosses fingers*

                  • Sisters Three

                    Glad to hear it!!! *High fives*

                    Right, they just didn’t turn out like we wanted….the best ones we’ve done are the ones for our friends…and the one we just finished this morning…it looks pretty nice…Oh, no this email game is no fair…lol…we leave on Sunday, and will be two whole weeks without internet…hahaha…so you might win. (Totally! We’ve been a little busy ourselves with vaca and other stuff, such as school…)

                    • Issabelle Perry

                      *high fives y’all back*

                      Aaahhh, well, that’s really awesome!!!!!! You’ve gotta start somewhere, right? Lol, oh really? I have an advantage!! This could actually be the first time I’d ever win something like this. 😂 Oh, but I hope y’all have a FANTABULOUS vacation, you read lotsa books and eat lotsa chocolate (that’s what sane people do on vacation, right? It’s not just me XD), and maybe, hopefully, *crossing fingers* when you’re connected to the internet again, you’ll see an email waiting from me. 😂 (Girls, you’re not the only one. I’m just waiting for my breather moment. XD)

                  • Sisters Three

                    Right! We got two now that look pretty sweet! We’ll send them you’re way when we get back, cause otherwise we’re gonna spend the entire trip wondering what you thought about them…lol…
                    Lol…Yay for you!!! Hahaha, okay, now we don’t mind you winning…
                    Thank you so much!!! Lol…totally! *guilty looks at all the audiobooks downloaded for the drive and the insane amount of m&m’s packed….lol….*
                    Looking forward to our return then!!! (Whew! Good to know….life’s been a whirlwind…hahaha…)

                    • Issabelle Perry

                      AAAAAAHH I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THEM!!!!!!! lol, oh yeah, that’s probably for the best. The suspense can be killing. XDD
                      Hahahaha YESSSSS!!!!! *pumps fist in the air* Y’all are like the first peeps who have ever said that to me. XD
                      You’re SO welcome!!!!!! *is thinking that the Sisters Three know how to pack smartly XD* You can’t go wrong with m&ms XDDD Lol.
                      YESSSSSS!!!!!!! So am I, cuz you’ve got me excited to see those graphics and all. Plus, I have some pretty awesome news I’ve been meaning to share with y’all. XD (Hahaha, it has! It has.)

    • Issabelle Perry

      THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH KRISTINA!!!!!!!! that just makes me SO happy to hear that!!!! *beams* Hahahaha aaahhh, yes, er, let’s just say I was cracking up writing that part of the post. XD But I feel like the wait was worth it. XD

  • Emma

    YOU GUYS. THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE the book blurb!!! And the graphics for Alexa’s, Linyang’s, and Victoria’s stories!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THE COVER IS EXQUISITE!!!!!!!!! *chef’s kisses* I love it so much!!!!! And Issa, I loved the suspense dots!!! Basically this whole post was epic and I CANNOT WAIT FOR IMAGINE TO RELEASE!!!! Oh and the giveaway!!! I’m totally entering!! The last book I read was Rise of the Wolf by Jennifer A. Nielsen!

    • Katherine

      EMMA, HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😃 *waves* AWW, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333 Yay, I'm so happy to hear that!!!!!!!!!! Ah, yes, Issabelle is so talented with designing!! I'm amazed! EEEEKKK, GIRL, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 I hope you love the book just as much as the cover!!!! Hehehe, they were quite a bit of dots, weren't they? 😉 Aww, thank you so much!!!!!! That means so much to me that you think the post was epic!!!!!!!<3 EEEE, ME NEITHER!!!!!!!!!
      Yay, I hope you win!!!! Oooh, AWESOME!!!!!!! I haven't read that one yet. How did you like it?
      Thank you so much for commenting!!!! Made my day!!!💗

      • Emma

        EEEKKK!!!!!!!! *waves back* I finally figured it was time to start commenting here!! 😉 Awww, I’m so glad my comment made your day!! *hugs*
        Ah, yes Rise of the Wolf was really good. I didn’t like it as much as the Ascendance series (but that series is really hard to beat!) XD And *coughs* there is a snarky boy!!!!!!!!! Oh, also it was set during the Roman times so that was really cool! The only content caution is that it talks A LOT about the Roman gods and magic but not to the point were it made me really uncomfortable. So if that doesn’t bother you, I think you would really enjoy it!!!! <3<3<3

        • Katherine

          😃😃 Haha, well I’m glad you did!!!! I like talking to you!! Aww, girl, hearing from you always makes my day!!!!!<333 *hugs you back*
          Oooh, really? I'm gonna have to read it then!!!!! *puts Rise of the Wolf on my TBR* (I know, right?! It's so hard to beat The Ascendance Series!!) Oooo, yayay, that's so exciting!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness that does sound really COOL!!!!!!!! Okay, thanks for the caution warning. 🙂 Aah, it just sounds sooo good; I can't wait to read it!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3

    • Issabelle Perry


  • Victoria

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SOOOOO EXCITIIIIIING!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down and spins and somersaults and cartwheels into a wall* I AM SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOO er…uh…*tries to think of a word besides excited to use* STIMULATED AND IN A TIZZY OVER THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cover is just SPECTACULAR and I LOOOOOOVE all of the graphics!!!!!!!! (Especially the middle one—I feel biased over that one for some reason…) 😉 😛 Plus, I was laughing my head off with your dots, Is!!! XDD Typing them really can become an obsession……*coughs and looks everywhere but at myself* *GASPS* YESSSSSSS, A GIVEAWAAAAAAY!!!!! The last book I read was The Captive Kingdom! 😀

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, girl, I am like so excited, I never knew it was possible for a human body to contain this much giddiness. XD *also jumps up and down and spins and dances and watches Victoria somersaulting and cartwheeling but knows I’m not excited enough to break my arm trying to do that* XD YESSSS WE’RE BOTH SO STIMULATED!!!!!! XD D’awwwww, girl, that just means SO much to me that you like it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! <3333333 (Aaahhh, well, that middle graphic was one of the best. XD I couldn't imagine why you'd be biased over it. XDD) D'awwww, YESSS!!!! Obviously my dots were a fan favorite. XD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I was cracking up just writing!!!! Aaahh THEY CAN!!!! I mean, you haven't really lived the blogging life until you've used them. XD *is totally pointing fingers at Victoria right now, while conveniently forgetting about myself* XDD YESSSSSS!!!! GIVEAWAYS!!!!!! Ooooo now that is a good book. 😉 THANK YOU for entering!!

  • Kads


    GUYS IT LOOKS AMAZING EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! It seriously looks SO GOOD and I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING OH MY WORD. The graphics for the short stories look AMAZING, I especially love the one you made of Visionaries!!! <33333 WOW this is actually happening and we'll all be in print!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???? *passes around chips to everyone* 🎉🎉🎉 Imagine is coming out 3 days before my b-day and I'm so excited for it!!!!! :DDD <3333333 Thank you guys for this amazing opportunity!!! <33333333

    Well, ofc I'm not gonna say no to the giveaway. 😉 The last book I read was a French one actually, haha. XD So if you speak French, perhaps check out "Olga et le machin qui pue" by Elise Gravel! It's intended for younger readers but I just wanted somewhere to start with my French reading. I had already read the book a few years ago and liked it, so I thought, "perfect!" XD

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GIRL LIKE A HUNDRED THOUSAND MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ve just made my day and I’m grinning like crazy over here after reading this!!!! <333 Girl, I'm the one who can't believe this is happening. I've had this idea for a while now and to see it finally happen... to see all of y'all's stories in a book... it's insane and wonderful all at the same time!!!!! D'awwww, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!! Your story's on my next round of graphics so keep your eye out. 😉 AAAHH VISIONARIES WAS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE ONE!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! GIRL I CAN'T BELIEVE IT BUT I AM SO CRAZY PROUD OF Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *opens chip pack and begins munching on it* Yum! Thanks!! EEEEE!!!! This is your early birthday present then from me. 😉 YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!!! <33333333333

      AAAAHHH YESSS!!!!! You can't ever say no to a good giveaway, amiright! XD Oooo THAT SOUNDS SO EXCITING!!! I've always wanted to speak french. 🙂 THAT IS SO COOL THAT YOU'RE LEARNING TO READ FRENCH!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha YESS!!!! Well, THANK YOU SO MUCH for entering the giveaway. 🙂

  • Roshni

    Heyy, guys!!!! The cover looks beautiful!! Congratulations!💕 I can’t believe I missed this. Im definitely going to participate in the giveaway! The last book I read was Matilda by Roald Dahl!✨

    • Katherine

      Hiya, Roshni!!!!!! Aww, thank you so much!!!!! I’m so happy you think so!!! THANK YOU!!!!💗 😀 No worries! It’s all good! 😉 😉 Oooh, that’s an AWESOME book!!!! I’ve seen the movie and LOVED it, so I TOTALLY want to read the book!!!!!! How did you like it?

      Thank you so much for entering!!!! Winners will be announced soon.

  • Alexa

    *gasps* THE COVER IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I’ve got to say, ladies, you’ve impressed me!!! Man, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the graphic you made me!!! Seriously, I can not stop staring at it!! We’ve surely got some talented graphic designers in the house! 😉 You guys, I’m SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!! I can’t stop jumping up and down! (It is going to be very hard for me to wait until September 21st to read all the stories. XD) Ooh, the giveaway sounds AMAZING!! *dances* The last book I read was…. *thinks* Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. I didn’t really enjoy it that much so the book I’m reading (*cough* rereading) currently is The Traitor’s Game!! (Which is a much better book if I do say so myself 😂) Gals, this is SUCH a huge celebration!! *gives you chocolate, cake, ice cream, and all the candy in the world* Honestly, I don’t know how y’all are pulling this off!! This must take so much dedication and time out of your day! If y’all ever need any help, I got your back!! <33

    • Issabelle Perry

      *also gasps* EEEE THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ALEXA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D’awwww, girl, you are TOO sweet!!!!! Seriously, A HUNDRED MILLLION THANK YOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! D’awwwww, girl, seriously, I’m smiling SO hard right now!!!!!! YESSS WE DO!!!! 🙂 Girl, you and me both. I feel like I’m saying every second now how excited I am for this book as if my family forgot when I said to two minutes ago. XD BUT I AM SERIOUSLY SO EXCITED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hahaha, well, I know the wait will be worth it. They are all SO awesome!!!!) Oooo that sounds like an awesome book. Lol, YESSSSS THE TRAITOR’S GAME IS SOOOOOOOOO AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals* YESSS IT IS!!!! *happily accepts the chocolate, cake, ice cream, and all da candy in the world* *munches on it as I continue reading Alexa’s comment* Honestly, girl, I have no idea how we’re pulling this off. XD It does, but it’s worth it for all of y’all. D’awww, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, girl!!!!!!!!!!! I SO APPRECIATE THAT!!!!!!! <33333333

  • Shruthika

    THAT COVER IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wait, you guys have another sister? hOw dId I nOt nO tHaT???!!!! 🤥
    I TOTALLY didn’t scroll down…..OKAY FINE!!!!!!!!!!!! I. did. Whoopsie.
    But to be fair, I scrolled down before I read the “Yeah, I’m looking at you Shruthika. No sneaking past me like you did last time.” Hehe.
    Those graphics are so awesome!!!!!
    I laughed so hard at the “Is pouts and decides to add more dots” part XD 🤣

    My entry~
    The last book I read was The Shadow Throne by Jennifer A. Nielsen. (Well, I did read a history textbook thingy for school buuuuttt I don’t think that counts)

    I know you said to leave an email, but I don’t really wanna put my email in the comments, but I’m pretty sure you guys know my email anyways 🤗

    I can’t wait for Imagine to come out!!! Good luck to everyone who enters!!!! <3

    • Katherine

      THANK YOU SO MUCH, SHRUTHIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
      Hehehe, yep, we do!!! 😉 Lol, sorry about that! I don’t think we’ve ever mentioned her before.
      WHHUUTTT????? YOU SCROLLED DOWN??????😲🤯 You sneaky girl! XDD Lol, I guess Issabelle should have said that sooner then! 😉
      Aah, yes they are!!!! Issabelle is so talented with graphic designing!!!! I’m amazed!!!!
      Haha, I did too!!!!!🤣🤣

      AAAAAHHHHHH *screams wildly* I LOOVE THAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 What did you think? Did you like it? (Lol, I guess it counts since it’s tecnically reading, right? XD)

      Girl, I totally want you to be safe on the internet, so I don’t want you to put your email in the comments. We just meant that when you leave a comment, the email address you type in (like when you type in your name) is one we could reach you by. That’s the one that shows up on our dashboard. But, yeah, we already know your email anyways. 😉 It’s all good.

      Eee, I’m so glad to hear that!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait for it to come out either!!!!!!!! Yes, good luck to everyone!!!!!!!! <33

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEKKK, Lily!!!!!! EEEEE THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, girl!!!!!!! <3333 I SO appreciate that!!!! Girl, A HUNDRED THANK YOUS!!!! Yeah, I did. I think I designed like three different covers for this anthology before I finally landed with this one. (And each design was so incredibly different. XD)

  • Diamond

    Ahhhh it’s so pretty!

    Ummm, the last book I read wassssssssssssssssssss…I think it was called Joy’s Summer Love Playlist. It was by an Indie author for an Indie readathon. THE GIVEAWAY LOOKS FUNNNNN

    • Katherine

      Aaahhh, thank you so much!!!!!!!! 🙂 I’m so glad you like it, Diamond!!!!!!!!!

      Oooh, that sounds like a cool book!!!!!! I’ll have to check it out!!! 😉
      EEEEEEEE, I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD

  • Alaine Darkwood (QueenRose39)

    And of course I was on vacation without Wifi when it got released…. BUT ITS AWESOMEEEE AHHHH now I’m more exciteddd.
    I’m probably way too late for this… but the last book I read…. well I literally finished ‘The Runaway King’ and ‘The Book Thief’ around the same time, so yea.

    • Issabelle Perry

      Hahahaha, oooof, sometimes life just doesn’t work in our favor. XD EEEE girl I am SO happy to hear you think so!!!! A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!!!! <333333 EEEE YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Girl, you are NOT too late at all!!!! I haven't even drawn the winners yet!!! So THANK YOU SO MUCH for entering and I hope you win something!!!! (and aahhhh I LOVE THE RUNAWAY KING... okay, not as much as the third book, but I'm a crazy tfp fan... so there's that XD)

  • ✨Chloe✨

    AAAAHHH!! I just LOVE the cover so much!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited and THRILLED for this book to come out!!
    Ooooh, contest you say? I love those! The last book that I read was… I think it was KotLC #6, and I loved it so much!
    Again, the cover is SO COOL!! I just love all the fun elements you added to it to add to the theme! Also, an idea I had, wouldn’t it be cool if you had electronic signatures on the last page from all the authors? Idk if that’d be possible, privacy stuff and all, but I just had that idea while I was sitting in my room hehe.

    • Katherine

      EEEEE, YAY, I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SO EXCITED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can’t wait, I’m jumping up and down!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

      Yep!! 😉 I know, right?! Who doesn’t love a good contest? 😉 Oooh, AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Keeper of the Lost Cities is on my reading list to get to super soon!!! Aaah, I’m excited to read that book!!!!!!!!
      THANK YOU!!!!!!! Glad you love it!!!!! The elements do look pretty cool, don’t they? 😉 Oooh, that sounds like a cool idea!!!!!!!! I’ll have to see if we’re able to do that. It would be so cool if we could, though!!!!!!!

  • Em Elizabeth

    In typical Emily fashion, I am late to the party, but I just wanna say that the cover is amazing, and I’m super impressed with you guys for putting this whole thing together! Congrats to all the writers who have their work in the collection! Can’t wait to check it out!

    • Katherine

      Haha, no worries, Em Elizabeth!! 😉😉 Aw, thank you so much!!!!!!! We’re glad you like it!!!!! Aw, that’s so nice of you to say!!!!!<33 I'll admit there were some obstacles along the way, but God is working everything out. Yes, congratulations to all the winners!!!!!!! Eee, I'm excited for you to check it out!!!!!! 😀

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