
Guest Posting On Allie Andersen’s Blog Today.

What’s up my readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to jump in and let you know that I’m gonna be doing my FIRST EVER GUEST POST on Allie Andersen’s blog. It’s Eight Christmas Movies You Need to Watch This Holiday Season. Check it out heeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


And as a quick reminder, if you haven’t read chapter two in What Lay Beyond the Woods, I HIGHLY recommend checking that out before my new chapter goes live Sunday. (And, no, I haven’t started working on it yet. XD)

Sooooo, let me know in the comments if you read my post. And, well, I’m totally open for talking about all things writerly in the comments if you wanna. I don’t got any other questions. In fact, do most people even put questions on posts as short as this one? *shrugs* Oh, well, go read my post! XDD

Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.


  • Jane

    Yay!!!!!!!!!!! Your first guest post!!!!!!!!!!! Was it fun?
    *gets back in time machine* *goes to the future* *comes back*
    Don’t worry, you get the next chapter up! Now remember, we’ve talked about this, don’t doubt my time machine! XD
    Of cores I read you post!!!! I mean, its not like I starred at the clock until your post was up and then read the whole thing to fast so I had to go back and read it again.*nervously glances around the room*

    • Maggie

      Oh, yeah, it was a BLAST!!!!!!!! In fact, now I’m hoping more people will ask me to guest post. I’ve got a couple of collab’s coming up that I’m just bursting over excitement for!!!!!!!!!!
      Phew! XD I’m gonna need to borrow that time machine one of these days. Um…what was that we talked about again? With your time machine? XD I think I forogt. *sheepish grin* XD 😉
      Aw, I knew you would!!!!!!! You’re like one of TWN’s most dedicated followers. You need to get an award for that one of these days. XD LOL!!😂 I DID THE SAME THING!!!!!!!! On watching the clock. I didn’t really read through what I wrote again. XD

    • Maggie

      I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!! I’m BURSTING with excitement over here!!!!! SWEET!!!!!

      Um…*nervously glancing around the room* If I could just stop procrastinating and actually work on it, I’d be able to blow this thing through the roof. Um…figuratively speaking, of course. *grins sheepishly* I’m soooooooo close. I’m hoping to wrap this thing up soon, though. Any new updates for The Apostle’s Sister?

      • Joy Caroline

        Someday you need to guest post on my blog! XD
        I know, right! It’s so much fun to imagine the outcome of our stories, but when it gets down to the actual writing it’s sooooo hard to make yourself open that Word Doc and do it. Don’t worry, you’ve GOT THIS! I NEED to read Into the Lamp.
        I’m actually covering a lot of ground on The Apostle’s Sister, though currently I’m struggling through a difficult scene. I feel like the scenes with a lot of action, even if it’s terrible, emotional action, are easier to write. But the ones with just a heavy conversation between characters are a lot harder, and that’s what I’m trying to do right now. So, yeah.
        By the way, I LOVE the book quote this month!

        • Maggie

          YES!!! I WOULD LOVE TO!!!!! Actually, just last night, Katherine and me were talking about your new site and we were like now we get to have her guest post on our site!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we were discussing some exciting big post to welcome you into the blogosphere. But due to the holidays, it probably won’t happen until after Christmas.
          SO, TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! Though, for me that’d be a Google Doc. XD Aw, THANK YOU, GIRL!!!!!! HA! I don’t know how good it would be, but I would LOVE for you to be able to read Into the Lamp!
          YAY!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!! *throwing out party streamers and handing you your favorite sweet* Ooof, well, hang in there. YOU HAVE JUST TOTALLY GOT THIS, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah, I’m sure. For me, though, it’s kind of the opposite. Dialogue is probably my one and only strength in writing. Wow, THAT just sounded pitiful. Well, as previously stated, YOU’VE GOT THIS. *waving pom poms and chanting* GOOOOOOO, JOY CAROLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          YAY!!!! I literally Google searched Christmas quotes from books and it was the first one that came up, so I stuck with it!

          • Joy Caroline

            Awww, yes!! That would be AMAZING. You guys are awesome! I’m lucky to already have friends around the blogosphere. Yeah, things are pretty hectic right now. I’m swimming in homework and trying to write at the same time!
            Hey, if you’re passionate about the story, that’s what matters most. And when the writer is passionate, a story is ALWAYS worth reading. A book with no passion, to me, is like peanut butter without jelly.
            Thanks! I envy you, LOL. I struggle with dialogue, especially when characters are supposed to insult each other. I don’t know what a good insult sounds like. But yeah, you totally got this!
            Glad you did! It really is a beautiful quote.

            • Maggie

              YES THAT WOULD BE SOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Aw, THANK YOU, GIRL!!! You’re AWESOME, too!!!!!!! I’m lucky to have YOU as a friend!!!!!! Wow, I can TOTALLY relate over here.
              THAT’S ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!!!!!! That’s a really good metaphor. (Except that I actually like peanut butter without jelly. Sometimes. And sometimes not. Depends more on my mood.)
              Trust me, girl, there’s nothing to envy over here. XD I mainly struggle with description more than anything. LOL!! Read The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen, and you’ll understand a good insult. 😆 THANK YOU! Same to you!!!!!!
              Yeah, ME, TOO!!!!!! Agree!

              • Joy Caroline

                Sometimes if I’m in the mood, I’ll just dip a spoon in some creamy peanut butter, haha. Or it’s really good with apples and bananas! Jelly wouldn’t work quite so well.
                Yeah, I REALLY need to figure out how to write some proper insults.
                You and Colin and Genie better have some fun today! 🙂
                !!!! I heard some rumors about killing Genie. Just PLEASE don’t do that. !!!!!!!

                • Maggie

                  Hehehe…Well, then you should go read The False Prince. I’m telling you the main character is as snarky as they come. XD
                  Oooh, yes. I’ve just sat down to write. I’m at an emotional scene where someone might have just died, so I don’t know how fun everything’s gonna be, but we’re definitely gonna go throw some words together. XD You have a good day of writing as well!!!!!
                  Wow, people are already spreading rumors? That’s like cool!!!!! XD As far as Genie’s life goes…*evil laughing heard in the distance* Ahem. *cough, cough* I’ve just gotta keep quiet about all of it. Sorry. 🙁 But I shall try to keep my authory-prone-to-killing-characters instincts away from Genie. XD

                  • Joy Caroline

                    I never knew there would actually be people who DON’T like apples with peanut butter. Oh well. *shrugs
                    Ooh, emotional death scenes. I wrote one of those a while back, and sadly the character who died was one I love. (Well, I love them all.) Oh, tears!
                    Haha, poor Genie. Well, the most important thing is RIPPING OUT READERS’ HEARTS! (That really did sound super evil… but true.) If a sad fate for Genie will do that, then more power to ya, girl!

                    • Maggie

                      I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!! For my family, I had to actually start the apple/peanut butter trend. PEOPLE DON’T REALIZE HOW GOOD IT IS!!!!!!!!!!

                      Oooh, emotional death scenes!! Aw, that’s sad. *wipes tear away dramatically* Ha! That’s me! I just L O V E all of my characters!!!!!!

                      Poor, poor Genie! *evil laughing heard in the distance* LOL! That actually did sound kind of evil! But, it’s true. We’ve gotta just RIP OUT ALL OF THEIR HEARTS!!!!!!!!!! Figuratively speaking, of course.

    • Maggie

      YAY!!!! I can’t wait to write it and for you all to read it!!!!!! I just know Robyn’s gonna get herself into a lot of trouble. It’ll be SOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!! Ha!! Same! *high-fives*

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