My First Collab Post with Jen Rose from Living Outside the Lines
via GIPHY Bonjour mes lecteurs! (Sorry, I literally had no clue how to start off this post. So, when I saw that gif, I was like why not speak French?! XD)🤣 Annywaay, as you can see from the title this is my FIRST EVER collab post!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!! I’m SuPeR excited for it!!!!!😀 But before I get into that, I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU LOVELY PEOPLE WHO FOLLOWED TWN!!!!!!!!!!!!😀 We have now reached over 100 followers (not counting me and Issabelle who of course follow our own blog XD)!!!!! via GIPHY ^^ That’s us trying to keep calm while internally screaming THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! via…