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Courage of Stars – a Poem by Ava Hope Coulter (celebrating a couple of poetry days)

Hello and welcome back to the Nook!! I’m here today because it is National Bad Poetry Day. And even better . . . Monday, the 21st is National Poets Day. I don’t know about you, but I love poetry! So I thought it would be cool to celebrate these poetry days. When I was looking at the calendar and saw these two poetry days listed, I knew instantly that I had to ask Ava Coulter to write a poem for TWN. And, thankfully, she agreed to do so!

Now, despite today being “Bad” Poetry Day, Ava’s poem is, in fact, not bad. She’s actually a really talented poet! Which is why we’re also celebrating National Poets Day with this post.😉 I figured it would be fun to celebrate both poetry days at once, and the post is going up on a Friday (today) because that is TWN’s posting day. Make sense?

Anyway, now that I’ve given a bit of an intro, it’s time to give you the good stuff—aka the reason you’re here. So, without further ado, I present to you “Courage of Stars” by Ava Hope!

courage of stars

by Ava Hope

the stars
captured my gaze
and drew
my eyes upward
when my head was downcast
and my heart was scattered
like the fragmented light
lying bleeding out against the
darkest night

the stars
captured my mind
and painted
my thoughts among nebula
when chaos crippled me
and my voice was shattered
like the blazing light
endless and divided out against the
coldest night

the stars
captured His beauty
and sculpted
from Him a lesson for me
when fear’s shackles kept me hidden
and He bought and broke me free
like the unwavering courage of light
so was I to be out against the
hardest night

Ava Coulter is a novelist, avid tea drinker, and daughter of The King with a love for fairytales and wild adventure. What started out as stories scribbled and stapled together on printer paper has turned into a passion for sowing seeds of light and hope with her writing. When she’s not typing up fantasy novels in the mountains of Colorado, you can usually find Ava reading way past her bedtime, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or making yet another cup of tea. Connect with her on her website at where she discusses all things whimsy, faith, and storytelling.


Wasn’t that such a beautiful poem?! It had a beautiful message, and I love the use of stars in it!! If you enjoyed this poem, then you can read FIVE more of Ava’s poems in The Life of a Writer anthology!

Thank you so much, Ava, for sharing your wonderful poem with us today!!! It was SPECTACULAR!!!

And now, readers, tell me, what did you think of Ava’s poem? Do you normally read poetry? Any poetry collections you recommend? Do you plan on writing a poem to celebrate today? (Now that I ask this, I realize I should probably go write a poem myself. XD) If you’ve never written poetry before, today might be a good day to try! 😉 


  • Kimberly J Perry

    What a beautiful expression of how the magnitude of God’s heavenly creation can permeate His love in our most humble lives when pain and fear invade. Thank you for sharing. such a touching poem. I truly enjoyed reading it.

  • Issabelle Perry

    Ava, I LOVED reading your poem! It was just so gorgeous, and I loved how you used the stars in the description. Such a beautiful message!! Thank you SO much for sharing it with us on Teen Writers’ Nook!!!! We’re so honored to have had you featured today!!! <333333

  • Lilly Tanis

    Wow such a beautiful poem!

    I never knew there was such a thing as national poet day! That’s amazing. I myself am a poet and have now a collection of over 100 writings.
    Maybaps I should write something in honour of poets. Something did just come to me the other night… perhaps I’ll finish it sooner than later in honour of such.

    • Katherine

      Hi, Lilly!!! Thanks for stopping by!!

      I know, right?! Ava did a fantastic job!!

      I had never heard of it either until this year. We should remember it next year.😉 Wow, that is sooo cool!!!! I’m impressed that you’ve written that many poems!😀 Do you have any of them published?
      Oooh, that would be so cool and fun!! Yes, perfect timing! 😉 Did you ever finish your poem?

      • Lilly Tanis

        Aw thank you. I have published one on KP a couple years ago called “A Tree”

        Yes I did finish it (or rather them. It ended up being two) here you are:

        ~Please Don’t~
        If you seek to applaud a poet
        Please we beg of you don’t
        We are simply expressing our soul
        Desiring that one day the world will be whole
        Through our pens we release our emotion
        That’s bottled up through life’s commotion
        Our imaginations getting set loose
        So we don’t feel a choking noose

        ~Soul Space~
        If I happen to share a poem with you
        It’s like exposing a part of my very soul
        To allow access of my very being to you
        Granting others through my door.

        If I share but a line or even two
        It’s like I’ve given you a peep hole
        A mere sliver to look into
        But not a smidgen more

        I must have appreciation for you
        If I offer you up a piece that’s whole
        Now that would be a window
        To view a room with a closed door.

        If I show you more than one or two
        Now it’s clear you’re really cool
        Like I’ve I’ve allowed you entry through
        To view my whole main floor.

        And to offer up all my writings to look through,
        (It’s never happened) it would indeed be a miracle.
        As if I let you into every nook and hidey-hole
        That were only formerly known to my Maker.

        • Katherine

          That’s awesome!! I found your poem on KP and just read it. It was beautiful!! I loved how you used a tree to describe changing seasons in our lives, and the message in the poem was touching.<3

          Yay, I'm glad you finished them! And thank you for sharing them with me!😀 I enjoyed reading them! ("Soul Space" is exactly how I feel with my own poetry. 😉 ) Wow, you are so talented!! I hope you publish more poems!

  • Tauriel Wingfeather

    Oh my!!! I wasn’t expecting a poem as good as that!!! And not that style either! Good job Ava!
    You picked the right person to write a poem on the National Poets’ Day!!!!

    • Katherine

      Hi, Tauriel!!
      Aah, I’m so glad you were surprised with a FANTASTIC poem!! 😉 Thank you for reading!!
      Thank you!! Ava is definitely talented, and I hope to have her again on Teen Writers’ Nook sometime!!

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