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Guest Post from Debut Fantasy Author, E. K. Seaver (The House That Didn’t End Blog Tour)

Heya, TWNers!!!!  So we’re taking a quick break from the Imagine blog tour (and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, I highly recommend checking the post before this one). Anyway, we’re taking a quick break so I can talk about a new YA fantasy novella that JUST released earlier this month! The House That Didn’t End!!!!!! I’ll keep my intro brief. So if you have no idea what this novella is, then check this out:

Nothing, not even the creepy house in the woods, can dissuade Ly O’Dare from finishing this scavenger hunt. Where else can a broke seventeen-year-old get enough money to finance her art endeavors and start a business?

Even being snowed in with a sarcastic stranger isn’t too bad, and as long as he is helping her find the hidden staircase, she’ll tolerate his quips. Jackson Evergreen’s quest was something he had been preparing for his entire life. And now he’s finally at the end of it, so close to saving the world when he gets snowed in with a bubbly blonde named Ly. The house is more dangerous than either of them prepared for, though, and Jackson’s suddenly thrust into a situation he didn’t intend to get in and is falling for a girl he only just met.

One thing they know for sure, however, in this house, nothing is what it seems.

Get a copy on Amazon or Barnes and Noble and find it on goodreads!!!!!!!

Now, I present to you, the guest post E. K. Seaver wrote all about self-publishing and the like!!!!!! *squeals* 


Is indie publishing real publishing? That’s a question I used to ask myself a lot. I assumed indie publishers couldn’t be legit, because if you didn’t have someone else’s approval for your book, could you really be published?

Do you see the messed-up train of thinking there? I used to think to be a legitimate author, or a legitimate writer, you needed someone to give you validation. Much less, this society tells us that if a giant company that’s taking most of the money from the book you write, yet still making you do most of the marketing, is the only way to be a legitimate author. The society also tells us that the only reason to do something is that you’re good at it.

First off, since when does loving something mean that you have to be amazing at it? I enjoy baking, but the amount of time I’ve put baking soda in the pancake mix instead of baking powder is more than I would like to admit (Seriously, it’s disgusting.) I also like to paint and act. Am I amazing at either? No, not really. But I enjoy it. If writing
is something you enjoy, do it. If you’re not writing to be published, that’s okay. If you are writing to be published, it’s good to get feedback. Still, seeking validation will only hurt you in the long run. Not everyone is going to like your book. For example, I’ve already gotten 3-star reviews on it, critiquing it because my YA Fantasy book has too much
magic. Did that get me down? Yeah. But I will not let it ruin my writing career.

The second problem with traditional publishing is the moneymaking aspect. Writers are always told not to write for the money, but let’s be realistic—if we want to make a living off of our writing, we need to get paid. Large traditional publishing houses, you know, the ones we all dream of our book being picked up by, take most of the money. This isn’t inherently wrong—they are paying editors and cover designers and for ISBN numbers. However, the author gets the short end of the stick, because we make less money. Indie publishing is more work—and costs more in the beginning, but having control over the process and being able to make more money per book sold, Lord willing, will be worth it. (I don’t actually know, because my book has just started selling. Other indie authors have told me it is worth it, though.) And yes, indie authors will try to skimp on covers and editing. Please, for the sake of the indie rep, don’t. You don’t want your book to be something people look at and associate with being indie published.

To sum everything up: Indie publishing is just as legit as traditional publishing but has negative stereotypes. Society likes to burden the things we enjoy, but if we’re honoring God with our time and talents, we don’t have to be making money off of them. No one needs to validate your work if, again, you’re honoring God and you’re enjoying the process. Work hard, play hard. And if you ever need someone to talk to about indie publishing (or even traditional– I’ve done a ton of research) My DMs are always open.

About the Author:

To find an E. K. Seaver, you must set a trap. The best option is to lure her in using chocolate, blankets, and a typewriter, but if none of those are on hand, spare books and Broadway music can be easily substituted.
She prefers to be wild and free, though. Whether it includes adventuring through the Rocky Mountains or curled up at a local bookshop, she uses her freedom to produce art. From books to scarves to paintings, Ms. Seaver strives to honor her King in every aspect of her creative works. She desires her stories to hold a meaning beyond the tale and attempts to follow in the footsteps of storytellers who came before her. You can find her and her wild adventures at or on Instagram

Catch the rest of the tour!

Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.


  • Penelope

    Well, it looks like I missed the discount thing, but the book sounds really neat!!! And I loved all the stuff about how you don’t need someone approval to become a “real author”. I think that if I ever get a story finished I’ll look more into indie publishing. 🙂
    (And I loved how you don’t need to be good at something to enjoy it. Kinda already put that one into practice in almost everything I do. XD)

    • Issabelle Perry

      Lol, I didn’t even know there was a discount thing. XD Just shows how little I pay attention to anything. XDD IT DOES, doesn’t it? YESSS ME TOO, Penelope (still almost called you Jane… this shall take some serious getting used to XD). Oooo, girl, that sounds like such an awesome plan!!! If you have any questions, I’d be happy to help ya out. I’ve done a lot of research into indie publishing. Oooo and I’ve got an indie author who’s gonna be guest posting soon on TWN with some advice about how to choose which is the best publishing platform to use. So that might be something you’re interested in!!!!!!!!
      (Aaahhh, girl, same here. I mean, when I first started writing, I was TERRIBLE at it. And kinda still am… Lol, first off, girl, that is NOT true! You’re an AWESOME writer and graphic designer!!!!! <333) THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by!!!

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