Russian History Trivia with Cate (In Which I Pretend to Know More than I Do)
In celebration of my upcoming historical thriller based in Soviet Russia, I have collaborated with Cate from The Southern Story Scribbler in a trivia quiz on Russian history, highlighting our respective historical expertise. We discuss topics like Stalin's Five Year Plans, WWI alliances, and the origins of Christianity in Russia.
My First Collab Post with Jen Rose from Living Outside the Lines
via GIPHY Bonjour mes lecteurs! (Sorry, I literally had no clue how to start off this post. So, when I saw that gif, I was like why not speak French?! XD)🤣 Annywaay, as you can see from the title this is my FIRST EVER collab post!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!! I’m SuPeR excited for it!!!!!😀 But before I get into that, I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU LOVELY PEOPLE WHO FOLLOWED TWN!!!!!!!!!!!!😀 We have now reached over 100 followers (not counting me and Issabelle who of course follow our own blog XD)!!!!! via GIPHY ^^ That’s us trying to keep calm while internally screaming THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! via…
My Writing Process Collab with Kristianne from Whimsical Wanderings
Today I'm going to be going through my writing process step by step. You'll get to see how I take a novel idea and write from first drafts to the finish piece all with some fun GIFs and my signature wacky self. ;) Join me today and then check out Kristianne's site Whimsical Wanderings to read about how she does her writing process!
Never Have I Ever Collab with Shanessa from My Days In Montana
Today the AMAZING Shanessa from My Days in Montana joins me for a never have I ever collab! Plus be sure to stick around until the end for some amazing news!
My First EVER Collab Post with Addie From Shining Star!
Helllllllllllloooooooooooo you who made the not-so-wise choice to read another crazy post from MEEEE!!!! I shall try my best to stay composed and speak coherent words. *glancing around to see if anyone is buying this* *nods in respect to those who didn’t* XD Well, enough about me, I wanna introduce the AMAZING gal I’m doing this collab post with. ADDIE FROM SHINING STAR!!!!!!!!!! Don’t worry, she’s not as crazy as yours truly. Addie is just one of the KINDEST and ABSOLUTE AMAZINIEST (no questioning my made up words) GAL THAT I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo honored to be able to do this collab with her. Y’all NEED to go check…