Breaking News from the Book World

Imagine Anthology Blog Tour BEGINS! Kick-off Post!

Hey, TWNers, so as some of y’all may know, the anthology we’re releasing, Imagine: A Collection of Short Stories and Poems from the Teen Writers’ Nook Family, comes out in ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!! ONE WEEK!!! Can y’all believe it?

*crickets chirp*

Well, I honestly can’t. XD It seems like just yesterday we were announcing this li’l ole wacky idea for our one hundred follower celebration. (And guys, guys, GUYS, we’ve now reached over 150 followers. *faints* *revives* THANK YOU GUYS A HUNDRED MILLION BAJILLION TIMES OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s just a dream come true to see Teen Writers’ Nook expanding like it is and to know we can actually be a support for young authors! Each one of y’all are a blessing and joy to me and it means BEYOND words to know y’all wanna spend a li’l time out of your day to come hang with us. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *showers you all with chocolate, snacks, and other goodies*)

But now… It’s time to Imagine.

So in celebration of this anthology’s release, TWN is hosting our FIRST EVER blog tour. We’re going for two weeks between today and until the 28th and almost every single one of our authors will be featured, some on their own blogs, some right here at your favorite Teen Writers’ Nook, and… well, through the blog tour y’all will be stopping by fantastic blogs and getting a first-hand sight into sneak peeks of these author’s stories and learn more about the writers themselves! This is me trying really hard to sound like a professional marketer and failing quite miserably. Anyway, if you’d like to get to know the geniuses behind these stories and hear more about Imagine, I invite you to join the tour!!!! (Chocolate will be provided.)

Now are y’all ready to get this post a rollin’!!!!!

So to kick off this blog tour, I thought we should talk a bit about how Imagine came to be. As a lot of y’all know, back in March I became an official published author when my short story was released in an all-teen anthology collaborated by Owl Hollow Press and Teen Author Boot Camp. And it was life-changing… At least, going through the whole process taught me a lot about how publishing worked and gave me a chance to work with an editor and everything. Afterward, I began thinking about how I wished other teen authors could have this experience, especially my TWNers. Well, I didn’t think much more about it after that. 

Until Teen Writers’ Nook did it. We reached the coveted 100 followers. And obviously, I had promised y’all back when we made it to 50 that I would do something awesome for 100, and now I had to pull something together. And fast. So Kat and I talked and I decided to go with my first idea. I was going to ask either Nadine Brandes or Jennifer A. Nielsen if I could interview them or something on TWN. But, er, be thankful I’m a chicken y’all. Right when I was about to send a message through Nadine Brandes’ contact form, I chickened out, and later, Kat and I decided to try this anthology thing out. 

Of course, we had no idea what we were doing. I mean, it took us FOREVER to come up with a good name idea. (Shout-out to Kat for not settling with my idea to call it A Whim of an Idea and for coming up with an actually amazing title! I think we all owe you a LOT of gratitude. XD) Anyway, fast forward about four-five months and we’re one week away from release date. This journey has been crazy hard, a lot more time-consuming than I had first thought. We’ve had our ups and downs, we’ve faced roadblocks, had to take wrong turns and backtrack, and there have been plenty of moments through it all that Kat and I both have wondered: Why did we even decide to do this? I mean, wouldn’t it have been easier to have just done a normal 100 follower celebration like normal bloggers? But, y’all, every time one of our authors has come to us saying that they were so excited for the anthology and this was their first time being published… it’s just made every single challenge worth it. So first I must send the HUGEST thank you to each of our fourteen authors. They have put so much love and time and devotion to their stories, and they deserve this moment so much. Y’all stories have turned out better than I ever coulda hoped and each one of y’all are incredibly talented authors!! I hope this is the first of MANY publishing opportunities cuz the world would be a very sad place if we didn’t get more writings from y’all!!!!! So I encourage you, dream big and don’t be afraid to tackle your dreams. Yes, it will get hard. Yes, challenges will come. Yes, you will spend almost every waking minute wondering why am I even trying this writing thing, it’s too hard. Yes, there will be writers’ block and times when you just don’t feel like you are a “real” author. But I encourage you to fight those moments and to keep writing! In fact, just so much as a single doubt coming across your mind of what if this story isn’t good enough? What if no one will like it? Those doubts prove one thing: You are a real author. Because to doubt means you have your heart and love in your story. And that means it’s something worth fighting for!!!!! And I say this not just to our published authors but to EACH ONE OF YOU reading this!!!!!!!!!! It won’t matter unless you give it your all!

Which brings us to the second group of awesome peeps I must thank. Every. Single. TWNer!!! It’s because of you guys that we’re even doing this in the first place!!! Your love, encouragement, motivation, and support have meant the world to me and I thank you A HUNDRED GAZILLION TIMES OVER!!!!!!!!!!! Every comment every expression of excitement or love for this “whim of an idea” has just touched this li’l ole wacky gal more than words can ever express. And I hope more than anything you will enjoy the anthology as much as these authors have enjoyed getting it ready for you guys. <33333

Thank you next to Allie Andersen for ALL the help she has put in to getting this blog tour ready and together. I can promise you this much: there wouldn’t even be a blog tour if she hadn’t come to me first and asked for one. THANK YOU ALLIE because I am SO happy I get to do this!!!!!!!!! (And thank you for all the awesome zoom chats and letting me go on and on and on about Imagine. XD You’re a blessing to me. <33333)

Thank you to Grace Johnson, Grey S. Park, Alexa, Chloe, Linyang, Alaine, Penelope, Victoria Crooks, Lorelei, and Tori for just EVERYTHING! Your help in getting this blog tour together, your brilliant ideas, your encouragement, helping me get this story out into the world, and just every time you said: “I am so excited for Imagine!” Y’all are what keep me fighting for this. 

Oh and another huge shout out to author and YouTuber Bethany Atazadeh for creating such incredible and helpful YouTube videos! They’ve honestly taught me so much y’all about formatting and published and the like.

Thanks to google for making more problems that I have to fix and for being of absolutely no use at all. I’m glad to know our relationship hasn’t changed. XD

And of course, I must send a thank you to my fellow TWN founders and editors, Katherine and Madeleine (a.k.a. Alana)!!!!!! If I wasn’t doing this with y’all, then why am I even doing this at all? Y’all make it waaaay more fun. Plus, there was NO WAY I’d be able to edit those superb poems when I can’t even write poetry to save the life of me. XD

And the final hugest thank you to my Heavenly Father for supporting me and being like, “Yeah, Is, I know you can’t do this which is why I’m here.” I know, I know, I’ve gotta let You take the wheel and run this show, but thank you for sticking by me even when I mess up miserably. Teen Writers’ Nook just wouldn’t even be here today without ya!!!! <333 Love ya. <3333

That’s a wrap! Be sure to check out the other stops by following this handy dandy graphic below!

And don’t forget to snag your copy of Imagine when it releases September 21st! But why wait, right? You can go ahead and pre-order your e-copy on Amazon today by following this link. Not a kindle reader? Can’t say I blame ya. Paperbacks will be available to order soon!

Now it’s time to announce that winner, right? Okay, here we go.

But first, here’s another awesome graphic! From V. L. Smith’s poem, “Evil Queen!”

I do love keeping y’all in suspense. Alright, it’s late, so I’ll just go ahead and give ya the winner. 

MAHITHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO girl, you’ll be getting your prizes very soon!!!!

And cuz I just love drawing names, Kat and I chose to do a second one!!





TORI!!!!!! YIIPPPEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll be getting your prizes very soon. 🙂 

Edited to add:

As the posts coming rolling in, I’ll be linking them all here so you have quick and easy access!! 

15th –

16th – Grace A Johnson’s site.

17th  – A Fangirls’ Hideaway

19th – Confessions of a Reading Geek

19th – Linyang Zhang featured on Teen Writers’ Nook

Issabelle Perry is a proud Jesus follower, an extroverted writer, and a homeschool graduate. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, jamming to Skillet, studying history, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or envisioning herself wielding a magnificent sword (but due to her clumsiness, let’s hope that never happens). This self-proclaimed exclamation mark enthusiast can be found hanging out at Teen Writers’ Nook, a community of teen authors Issabelle co-founded in 2020. She is the author of Don't Let Me Go (Sky's the Limit Press 2024), May We Make Them Proud (2023), and a co-editor for two anthologies. What she’s probably doing right now is fangirling about her favorite books to random people or scanning the pantries for chocolate.


  • Penelope

    EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m sooooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE AREN’T WORDS OUT THERE TO DESCRIBE HOW HAPPY AND EXCITED I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dances around the room* I cant believe its only a week away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gaps for air* I mean, I NEVER, in a billion years thought that finding this blog last year would lead to me being published by you amazing gals this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hugs* I’m just soooooooooo excited i don’t know what to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333 I mean, seriously THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know where i would be with out you guys!!!!!!! *infanitne hugs* <333

    Oh also, as you probably noticed, I changed my name to Penelope instead of Jane, and my sleep-deprived brain wants me to tell you that it's like when a candy brand changes its package and puts "same flavor different look" so more of like "same person different name". I don't know why, I just felt like I really needed to put that. XD (I'm gonna regret this in the mourning…)

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jane…. *cough* I mean, Pippi. (This is gonna take some getting used to. XD) Anyway, girl, like, THAT JUST MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! You and me both, sista! Like I literally cannot believe this is happening. *screams and jumps around and happy dances in my room to the song Happy Dance by MercyMe* I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THIS LI’L BABY’S GONNA BE OUT INTO THE WORLD THIS TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I’m dreaming, girl. XD Someone needs to confirm that this is happening. XD Girl, you are SO welcome!!! Thank YOU for all you’ve done for this blog!!!! It just means beyond words to me!!!!!! Girl, NEVER in a billion years did I ever think I would be your publisher!! It’s just so crazy to comprehend!!!! *hugs you back* SAMEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I guess we should just resort to screaming and dancing around. XD Girl, you are SO welcome. THANK YOU for this sweet and touching comment. It’s just made this week and if anything, it makes me even more excited to release this anthology. It just wouldn’t be the same without ya. *tackles hugs Pippi* GIRL I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I’D BE WITHOUT YOU!!!! YOU ARE SUCH A BLESSING TO ME AND TWN, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333

      Hahahaha, I honestly didn't notice it until you said something. Lol, girl, you just crack me up. No, don't regret it! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Hahaha, same person, different name! It's genius and perfect!!!!! XDDDD I love it so much. I'm glad you sleep-deprived brain was working at this moment, cuz it's a genius. XD But now, go get some rest, so you'll be ready to scream when Imagine's release. XD

  • ✨Chloe✨

    HELLO IS!!!!!! Can I just say, that was an AMAZING intro to the blog tour!!?!??! I Could not have done better myself!!! I’M LITERALLY GONNA GO CRAZY WAITING ANOTHER WEEK FOR THIS AMAZING WORK TO BE RELEASED OUT INTO THE WORLD!!!!!!! I’ve just had such an amazing journey with each and every one of you and I’m just so proud of all of y’all for all of the hard work you’ve put into this thing! Imagine is just what I look forward to every waking second, and every dreaming hour. All that runs through my mind, “Imagine, Imagine, Imagine,” Like, seriously! (Okay, I realize that sounds a *little* obsessive… But hey, it’s been kinda my life for the past four-five-ish months!) Is, I just want to thank you SO MUCH for this incredible opportunity. It’s been the best thing that has ever happened to me and has really shown me that I want to be an author. Before I wasn’t sure, but now, I know it’s what I’m meant to do. So again, THANK YOU SO MUCH, IS, YOU JUST DEFINED THE SHAPE OF MY FUTURE!!!! <333333
    I was gonna email you that I went through my story one last time (because it scares me to death that I might miss something!) but I might as well tell you here. I don't know how I'm gonna repay you for all of this, but I will find something. You're just too kind, Is, too kind.
    Well, this comment is getting a little bit lengthy, so this is where I part. Cya 'round the blog tour!!!!!!! *realizes no real emojis were used in this comment til now* *whips out the emoji keyboard* 🎊 🥳 🎁🎉🎆🎉🎊 🥳 🎁🎊 🎊🎁🥳 🎁🎆🎉 (And of course, the chocolate🍫, and sparkles✨😉)

    • Issabelle Perry

      Heya, girlie! D’awwwww, girl, you’re too sweet. Lemme just go ahead and say this whole comment just about put me into tears, and I have no idea if I’ll be able to properly express how much it touched my li’l ole wacky heart!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! GIRL YOU AND ME BOTH!!!!!!!!! IT’S LIKE IT’S NEVER GONNA GET HERE AND IT’S SO CLOSE ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, so have I! Being able to experience what it’s like to be a publisher and an editor… well, it’s be crazy and fun and it wouldn’t have been the same journey if you and all the other authors hadn’t tagged along for the ride!!!!! D’awww, girl, that just means SO MUCH to me to hear that!!!!!! That’s really all I’ve been looking forward to for the past weeks myself. XD (Lol, girl, you’re SO right!!!! It doesn’t sound obsessive at all when you consider just how much work you’ve been putting into this!!!!) D’awww, girl, you are SO welcome a thousand times over. Thank YOU for participating and joining in and for all the hard work you’ve put into this!!! It wouldn’t have been possible without your story and all the other ones!!! Girl, like… I don’t even know what to say. THAT JUST MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!!! Girl, you should be an author!!! You’ve got the skills, passion, and dedication for it!!!! Even I can tell that!!!!! YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! D’awww, you are TOO sweet!!!! This just means so much and is putting tears in my eyes!!!! Though, I must say, it wasn’t just me. Kat and Alana, and really, it just literally wouldn’t have happened if Jesus didn’t give me the idea and the motivation to pursue it.

      Hahahaha, yep, THANK YOU for letting me know!!!!!! Hey, that’s really good to go through it on your own one final time. I can’t tell you how much I wished I had done the same for my story. XD Girl, all you can do for me is to just keep writing!! That’s repayment enough. Because I WANT to see you publish more stories, okay? I want to be able to join in on your blog tours and cover reveals and scream to everyone to go read your book. If you do that for me, this will all be worth it!!! Keep writing and keep being awesome!!!! Hahaha, YESSS cya ’round the blog tour!!!!!!!! I am SO excited for your character interview!!!!! Lol, LOVE the emojis!!!! *pulls out my emojis I only use on special occasions* 🎉🎉🎈🎈🏆🏆 YESS YOU CAN’T FORGET THE CHOCOLATE AND SPARKLES! Thank you again, girl, for the sweetest comment ever and for everything!!! *hugs*

  • Allie Jo Andersen

    Woohoo!!!!! So excited for the release of the book and the blog tour!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Congrats to reaching over 150 subscribers, Teen Writers’ Nook!!!! And congrats to all the authors being published in Imagine!!!!

    Aww, thank YOU, Is, for hearing me out on the blog tour and making it happen!!!!! All of you are the best publishers ever!!!! ❤❤ So excited for the next couple of weeks!!!

    • Issabelle Perry

      WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! AAAAHH SO AM I!!!!! THANK YOU, girl!!!!!!!!!!! (If you can’t tell from the all-caps and exclamation marks, I’m just literally bursting with excitement right now!!!!! I mean, this blog tour has already started off with a bang and we’re only four days into it. XD) D’awwwww, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ALLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally cannot believe it with how many people that is. Before blogging, I barely knew five folks and now 150? Insane. YESSSS CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You guys just deserve this so much!!!!

      Girl, you are SO welcome!!!!!! I am so glad we got to put this together!!!!! It’s just incredible!!! And your idea was just SO genius, I would’ve never, not in a thousand years, have thought of it myself!!!! D’awwww, girl, you’re too sweet!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! ME TOO!!!!!! I’ve just been soaking this up and enjoying every minute of it!!!! <3333333333

    • Issabelle Perry

      EEEEEEE THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH KRISTIANNE!!!!! So am I!!!! D’awww, really? That means SO Much to me!!! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals excitedly just knowing that you’d wanna read them* THANK YOU A HUNDRED TIMES OVER, Kristianne!!!! I just… I just don’t think I can express how much your excitement over this anthology means to me!! It just warms my heart and makes me feel like I’m actually putting something together people might be interested in. Which is insane, when you think about it. XD *hugs and sends chocolate*

  • Grace A. Johnson

    IT’S TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S TIME!!!!!!!!!! *launches into song and dance* I am SOOOOO excited for this, Izzy and Kat!!!! Thank y’all SOOOOOO much for putting all this together! I am honored to be a part of this amazing blog and FANTABULOUS anthology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333333333333

    • Issabelle Perry

      YESSSS IT IS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! *watches Grace randomly burst into song and dance, wondering if my crazy side is starting to rub off on her* XD AAAAHH GIRL SO AM I!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! It just means SO much to me to know you’re excited and all. Girl, you are SO welcome!!!!! Thank YOU for all the hard work you’ve put into your story and for letting us publish it and for helping to spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!! D’awwww, girl, you just made me smile so hard. I am SO honored to have you a part of all this! It just wouldn’t be the same without ya!!!!! *hugs*

  • Lorelei A.

    AHAGAHAHAGAHHAHAHAHHAAGAHHAHHA *keeps typing* AGHAHAAGAHAHAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (how many exclamations can I use?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *composes self* *kinda*

    This is AMAZING I’m SO EXCITED and I LOVE how you told us about the whole Imagine journey!! ❤❤❤❤ AWESOME JOB IS, KAT, AND MADELEINE!!!!! *sends millions of hearts and balloons* *and chocolate (I know Is usually does that, but I think it’s time for HER to get some delicious chocolate, don’t you agree?)*

    Ooh, LOVE the graphic as well!!!! 😍

    🥳🎉📔 EEEEK! Congrats Mahitha and Tori!!!!!!!! *throws confetti*

    YESSSS, LET’S GET THIS PARTY (er, blog tour) STARTED!!!!! *dances around the room* *searches for fitting emoji* there is no emoji that can show my EXCITEMENT!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wonders how many exclamation marks could I use* Eh, I better not test it, or this would probably be the longest comment known to humanity. There’s never enough exclamation marks!!! XD

      *doesn’t even bother to compose myself but admires Lorelei for at least trying*

      AAAAHH GIRL I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR YOU THINK SO!!!!!!! Awwww, really? I thought y’all might find it interesting! GIRL THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! AWESOME JOB LORELEI FOR WRITING SUCH INCREDIBLE STORIES AND FOR SENDING THE SWEETEST COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hits my balloon around like the big kid at heart kinda girl I am* sends infinite hearts and shares some of my chocolate with Lorelei* (YESSSS I DO AGREE!!!!!! How could a girl say no to chocolate??? XD *eats some of my chocolate* Mmmm yum!! It’s delicious, girl!!)

      AAAAH THANK YOU!!!!! I’ve gotten a good idea for my graphic for you, so you should be seeing that one come up soon on the blog!!! <3333

      YESS CONGRATS GIRLS!!!!!! *adds to the confetti*

      YESSSS LET'S GET THIS BLOG TOUR PARTY GOING!!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!! *jumps up and down and turns on awesome music and dances too and doesn’t really know what to do so eats some more of my chocolate* Hahahaha, I know right????? The emoji people forgot to make an emoji for authors close to release day. XDDDDDDD But, girl, seriously, your comment has just made my day! THANK YOU!

  • Sisters Three

    Whoooo!!!! That’s so exciting!!!! Loved this post!!!! So excited for everyone involved and congrats on that huge accomplishment!!!!!

    We’re gonna snag us a paperback as soon as we can…lol…

    • Issabelle Perry

      YAAAAAAASSSSS!!!!!! It IS!!!! D’awww, girls, THANK Y’ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!! EEEEEEE so am I!!! They’ve just worked so hard, and I’m pretty sure they’re all more relieved than anything to see this thing published. XD At least, I know I am. XDD But seriously, girls, A HUNDRED MILLION THANK YOUS!!!!!! I know all the authors appreciate it!!!!

      Girls, like, it just means BEYOND WORDS that y’all would even CONSIDER getting a copy of this anthology. THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH!!!! It kinda just makes you feel good to know that someone out there would be interested, ya know?

      • Sisters Three

        We’re sure sometimes we think short stories are harder than novels cause you only have so much space to work with…in a novel, you can just go for as long as you want, so yeah in our minds short stories are harder… so all the authors are AWESOME!!!!

        Of course! It sounds awesome!!! And we totally understand…we had a little failed publishing experience which is super embarrassing and we don’t like to talk about….(we were young, mistakes were made all we’re going to say)…but we know we would have loved to know people were excited and actually wanted our book! So we’re excited to support this!!!! And it’s going to be awesome!!! (unlike our book which we cringe when we look at it now…yeesh, that should have never been done…lol….)

        • Issabelle Perry

          Girl, I TOTALLY agree!!!!!!! I even know of a few authors who have told me that they can’t write short stories. I mean, there’s such a short space and you’ve got so much you’ve gotta include, y’know? I think a lot of people struggle with how to write a strong plot and developed characters in such a short space. YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!

          Aaaahh THANK YOU!!!!!! Awwww, girls, I totally feel ya. But it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I can promise you 100% that you’re not the only authors who have done the same thing. I even know of a writer who has a very similar experience. And if I’m being honest, I’ve had my own failings in the publishing end that we speak not of. XD YESSSSS, girls, I completely get that!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! Aaaaahhh, I hope so!!!! (lol, well you know what they say, you live and learn. 😉 )

          • Sisters Three

            Yeah, we have to be in the right mood and groove to write a short story…lol…many stories were supposed to be short and ended up as novels…lol…we just keep expanding ideas…hahaha!

            Well, that’s good to know…mom says the say thing, You live and you learn…thanks for the encouragement, Is!!!
            (It’s alright to call you Is, right? We have another friend whom we’ve know since we were like babies and her name’s Isabelle and we call her Belle, so you have been dubbed…if that’s a alright…)

            • Issabelle Perry

              Lol, you and me both, girls! I’m the SAME way!!!!!! Hahahaha, the pain is real. 😉 I’m even working on a short story right now for school that is turning out WAAAAY longer than it’s supposed to be. XDD Hahahaha YESSS!!!!!! Personally, I think it’s better to have tons of ideas than to not have any. XDD

              Of course, girls!!! My pleasure. Your mom has some awesome advice if I do say so myself. XDD
              (Oh, yes, DEFINITELY!!!!!! Issabelle’s a really long name, and personally, takes too long to type. XD My sister and a few of my friends call me Is so it’s totally okay!!!!! Lol, you know what, Belle is one nickname I’ve never gotten. I’ve been Issa, Izzy, Is, Izzard Lizzard (don’t ask XD) but yeah, not Belle. XDD Yep, it’s totally alright, girls. <333)

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH, JOELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!! WE’LL DEFINITELY ANNOUNCE IT WHEN PAPERBACKS ARE RELEASED!!!!!! GIRL, JUST THE FACT THAT YOU’D EVEN CONSIDER GETTING A COPY MEANS LIKE BEYOND WORDS TO ME!!!!!!!! I guess, you just never know who’s actually going to be interested in something. 😂 THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by!!!! <3333

  • Saraina

    Ahhhh that is SO exciting!!! I’ll wait for the paperback since I just love a tangible copy, ya know… but anyway I definitely plan to get Imagine!!! Congratulations on over 100 followers – now closer to 200 than 100!! That’s so awesome and you all deserve it!

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAAAAHH IT IS!!!!!!!!! I am just SO stoked right now and it means SO Much to hear you are too!!! Aaahh, girl, I SO feel ya. I’ll never be able to understand people who enjoy e-books. I will forever be a strong supporter of physical books. If my bookshelf doesn’t prove that, I don’t know what will. XD Girl, like really? THAT JUST MEANS SO MUCH that you’d wanna get a copy of this anthology!!! *squeals* I don’t even know what to say except, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down and showers you with chocolate* Awww THANK YOU SO MUCH, Saraina!!!! Aaahh you’re right! Girl, you’re TOO sweet! THANK YOU!!!

  • Lily

    “Thanks to google for making more problems that I have to fix and for being of absolutely no use at all. I’m glad to know our relationship hasn’t changed. XD”

    🤣🤣🤣 Oh man, that’s so true!

    Anyway, Congratulations to all the authors!!! I’m super excited for you guys! And you too Issabelle, Katherine, and Alana! Over 150 followers??!! That’s amazing, guys! I’m so proud of you! I look forward to seeing the book when it comes out! (and amazing graphic, Is!)

    And thanks, Issabelle, so much for the pep talk! It really rang true for me. You may doubt your abilities as a marketer (actually, I thought it was pretty good), but you just gave an amazing motivational speech! (can I just frame it all and hang it on the wall or something?)😃

    *cheers y’all on and throws confetti*

    • Issabelle Perry

      Lol. See? I knew someone would agree with me. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      YESSSS CONGRATS AUTHORS!!!!!!!!! D’awwww, Lily, THANK YOU SO, SO, SOO MUCH!!!! I cannot tell you how much it means to this li’l ole girl. <33333333 YESSS the bit 150! I literally cannot believe it and if someone told me over a year ago when I started this blog that we'd make it to 150, I probably would've laughed in their face. XD D'awwww, girl, you're TOO SWEET!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! Aaaahhh YESS!!!! I am SO glad to hear that!!!!!! (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I think I'm almost as good as Amy on these graphics. XD)

      Girl, of course!!!! I really felt like someone out there needed to hear it, and it is ALL so true!!!!! D'awwww, do you know how much this comment has made me smile, girl???? THANK YOU A HUNDRED TIMES OVER!!!!! I was actually pretty proud over that motivational speech... now I just need to improve the marketing skills. XDD (Hahaha yes, you may absolutely do that. Oooo maybe I should make a graphic with it in it. Hmmm *thinks*)

      *dances in confetti and gives Lily some chocolate*

  • EmmaDJ

    *happily snatches chocolate and other snacks out of the air* 😀

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is so exciting and amazing!! I can’t wait for the release… and what a milestone!!!! I’m honored to be on this journey with you all and I’m stoked to see how this blog continues to grow and shine all the more for our Jesus!!! *hugs*

    • Issabelle Perry

      Hahahaha *showers Emma with more chocolate and snacks* 😀😀😀

      THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH GIRL!!!!!!!!!! Aaaahhh, girl, I am SO stoked to hear that you think so!!!!!!! EEEEE ME NEITHER!!!!! I just cannot believe this is really happening!!! (And, girl, I also wanna throw in a thank you hear for your support. I didn’t know if you’d be okay with me saying your name, so I just thought I’d tell you separately, but it just means SO much!!!!!) D’awwww, girl, it means the world that you’re here with us on this journey!!!!!!!! YESSS SO AM I!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs you back*

    • Issabelle Perry

      AAAAHHH GIRL IT JUST MEANS SO MUCH THAT YOU’RE EXCITED!!!!!! Wait, what?? *rereads to make sure I read it correctly* Girl… THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! Like… it still just shocks me that people would actually wanna read this anthology. I just… I just don’t even know what to say. A HUNDRED MILLION BILLION THANK YOUS, DIAMOND!!!!!!!

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