Feathers and Roses: All Things Fairy Tale DUAL COVER REVEAL hosted by Jen’s Author Assistance
Come see the cover reveals for TWO fairy tale retelling books releasing September 2022!!
My First Collab Post with Jen Rose from Living Outside the Lines
via GIPHY Bonjour mes lecteurs! (Sorry, I literally had no clue how to start off this post. So, when I saw that gif, I was like why not speak French?! XD)🤣 Annywaay, as you can see from the title this is my FIRST EVER collab post!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!! I’m SuPeR excited for it!!!!!😀 But before I get into that, I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU LOVELY PEOPLE WHO FOLLOWED TWN!!!!!!!!!!!!😀 We have now reached over 100 followers (not counting me and Issabelle who of course follow our own blog XD)!!!!! via GIPHY ^^ That’s us trying to keep calm while internally screaming THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! via…