A Second Chance

Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for stopping by to read my story!!!!!! Any feedback you guys have is greatly appreciated! I do have a few questions: is the story too depressing? Was the ending done too quickly? Also, I never named the son and father. So, if you guys have name suggestions for the son and/or father please suggest them. (P.S. this is my first mock cover that I designed, so I hope you like it. 🙂 ) Okay, without further ado . . . “A Second Chance”!!!!!!!!!

“A Second Chance”

I lay in bed awake, thinking. It was nearing midnight, and I couldn’t sleep. The events of the day had taken a toll on me. I climbed out of bed and went into my father’s bedroom. Except, he wasn’t there. He was still in the hospital. Earlier today when I had come home from work, I found him on the floor, unconscious. He had had a stroke.

I lingered around in his room, a million thoughts running through my head. Would Dad recover from this? Would I ever get to speak to him again? 

 I remembered back to an argument we had a couple of years ago:

“Why don’t you pursue a career in writing? Dad had asked me. “You’re really good with words.”

“No. I don’t want a writing career,” I told him.

“Why not? It’s something you enjoy doing.”

“I don’t like writing.”

“If you didn’t like it, why have you spent so much time doing it?” I didn’t answer his question. “Son, if you would just listen to me, I think you would be happy in a writing career.”

“I don’t want to be like you!” I suddenly yelled, ending the argument.

I exhaled, feeling a deep sense of remorse. Why did I spend all those years in opposition against my dad? Why did I waste my days with him engaged in arguments? I was so blind. Now, I realize Dad wasn’t trying to make me be like him. He was trying to encourage me in something that I actually really did enjoy.

We only had each other through all my life and yet, we were so alone. If I were given a second chance, I would truly change and try to mend our broken relationship.

I sat down at Dad’s desk where he did his own writing. And for the first time in a very long time, I wrote.

I wrote as if it were a letter to Dad, telling him of how much I loved him. I wrote how grateful I was that he stood by me all these years and never once turned against me. I wrote of my broken heart and how I knew it was time for love to heal our division.

And since that day I never once stopped doing what I loved doing.

I was given a second chance when Dad woke up in the hospital a couple of days later. We cried together as he read my letter. I was thankful that Dad was alright, and he was glad to hear I had picked up my writing again.

“I love you, son,” Dad had said.

“I love you, too, Dad.”

That was the start to healing our broken relationship.


  • Victoria

    KATHERINE, I LOVE THAT!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I didn’t think that was too depressing at all! It was short but that’s typical because it was meant to be a short story. I don’t think the ending came too fast either. It was VERY satisfying! Many times the short stories I read keep me hanging and confused but yours didn’t! I would love to read some more of your writing if you ever wanted to share it!!!

    • Katherine

      THANK YOU SO MUCH, VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how much it means to me that you read my story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phew – that’s good to know because I was really worried. Aw, thank you so much!!!! That makes me happy that you found the ending satisfying!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!! Maybe I will share some of my writing now that I know that you would like to read it. 🙂

      • Victoria

        YOU’RE WELCOME!!!!!!!!! Awwww! Well, I really, really, wanted to, so thanks for sharing it!!!! YEESSSSSSS! PLEASE SHARE SOME MORE!!!!! (Only if you want to though!) 😀

        • Katherine

          🙂 Aww! That makes me sooo happy that you really wanted to read it!!!!! I’m glad I decided to share it.
          THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT YOU WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! Alrighty, I’ll share more as soon as I figure out what it will be.😀😀

  • Jane

    That was so sweet, Katherine!!!!! I don’t think it was to depressing, it seemed like something broken was fixed. (If that makes sense)
    I thought is was a good amount of words. 🙂
    Hmm… for names, what about Jonathan for the son, and Chris for the father.
    Anyway, I really liked your story! It had such a great message!💕💕

    • Katherine

      Awwwww! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes perfect sense.🙂 Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Oooh, those are wonderful names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for suggesting them!!!!!!!!🙂 Aww, thank you! It means so much to me!!!!!!! Aww!!!!! I hoped the message was good. I’m so glad you liked it!💕💕

  • Trixie

    That was really good!!!! I didn’t realize how few ( is it five hundred?) five hundred words was until I read your story. I applaud you for making it short but detailed, I am terrible at making things short. But great job!!!!! <3

    • Katherine

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (haha, yes, it’s 500 words🙂) Awwww, THANK YOU LIKE A MILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333333 It means so much to me that you read it and like it!🙂🙂🙂

  • Joy Caroline

    Oh my goodness, I loved this! It was so beautiful, seriously. It was NOT depressing – it was heartfelt and actually the farthest thing from depressing because father and son reconcile in such a beautiful way. I think the best thing with stories, whether short or long, is when the characters are in darkness at the beginning and middle but the end is the light at the end of the tunnel.
    I don’t think the ending was too abrupt, and the story wasn’t too short. It’s wonderful when you can get a great message across in just a few words. You should try entering this in a contest or something 🙂

    • Katherine

      Aww, 😊 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT MAKES ME SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you didn’t think it was depressing because I was a bit worried. I one hundred percent agree with you.
      THANK YOU!!!!! I’m so happy you think that!!!!! 🙂 Wow – you think it’s that good? Actually, I wrote this for a contest back in the spring but it didn’t win. So now I’m sharing it with you guys because you guys are JUST THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3

      • Joy Caroline

        Of course! It WAS awesome. I have no idea why it wouldn’t win, it definitely wins with us! And for names – how about Peter for the son and Noah for the father? They’re the names of a father and son in a show I watch, LOL, so they just came to my mind.

        • Katherine

          Awwwwww! Thank you so so much!!!!!!! You are so sweet!!!!!!!!😊<3 Awesome names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for suggesting them!!!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!! (I thought you got them from the Bible lol) What show was it?

            • Katherine

              🙂 WHEN CALLS THE HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW THAT SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them so much!!!!!! They are so sweet!!!!!!!! Sadly, though, I’ve only seen most of the first season and some of the seventh season. I’m gonna have to get back to watching them. I LOVE Hallmark movies too!!!!!!! Have you seen Signed, Sealed, Delivered?

              • Joy Caroline

                You like When Calls the Heart?!?! You’re an even better person than I thought 😂 that’s what I’ve been binge watching during my week off from writing. I’m in the middle of season 3. From what you’ve seen so far, who are your favorite characters? Mine are Rosemary and Lee.
                No, I have not seen that one! I should ask for more Hallmark stuff for Christmas, because I can never have enough!

                • Katherine

                  YES!!!!!!!! I absolutely love When Calls the Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️ LOL Thank you!!!😂 That’s good to know!😂 Ooh, excellent choice for binge watching!!!!!!! My favs would be Elizabeth Thatcher, Jack, Albert Bickley, and Nathan Grant. Ooh, those are awesome characters!!!!!!!!!! I like them too!!!!!!!!! I highly recommend Signed, Sealed, Delivered. It’s sooooooooo good and soooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! You will love it. It will probably make you wanna cry. Yes, you should ask for more Hallmark stuff for Christmas, especially Signed, Sealed, Delivered!😆

                    • Katherine

                      YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I will definitely watch all of the seasons. I love to watch things in order. It is so much better that way. When I started When Calls the Heart I was watching them in order. And then somehow I forgot that is what I was doing and started on another series. *shrugs* Oh, well, I’m gonna start When Calls the Heart all over again and finish it this time. 🙂

                    • Maggie

                      I KNOW RIGHT SOOO MUCH AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS THE BEST SERIES EVER!!! YESS, YESSS, YESSS!!! Signed, Sealed, Delivered is just AMAZING! You’ll love it!

                    • Katherine

                      I KNOW RIGHT???!!!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pumps fist in the air* I know what I’ve seen is awesome . . . so I’m gonna have to watch the whole series all the way through now!!!!!! Yes, ask for Signed, Sealed, Delivered – watch it asap – and then tell me what you think of it.😉🙂

  • LittleNovelist36

    *mind is blown entirely* ANYBODY ELSE BLOWN AWAY BY THE FACT THAT THIS IS A LEGIT SHORT STORY WITH A GOOD PLOT? Seriously I am impressed. XD

    • Katherine

      Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!😃 THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am smiling so hard right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOO HAPPY YOU THINK IT IS THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • LittleNovelist36

        It is! It is seriously brilliant. I do not write that good. I have a new goal: Write a short story that somewhat resembles what I’ve learned about writing from this. XD And the story was touching…

        • Katherine

          Awww! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!😊 I’m sure you write wonderfully amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Aww, that is soooo sweet of you!!!!!!!!!!😊 I have no doubt that you WILL reach your goal!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with your writing!!! I know it will be fantabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aw, thank you!!!!!!!!! I am so so happy you think so!!!!!!!!!!!🙂❤️

  • Ally M.J.

    That was incredible! I love short stories about fathers and sons/daughters. I made up one of the sort a few days ago, which I have suddenly decided to name, “Your daughter, Cora.” The first part, about the son not wanting to be like his father, reminds me of Lord Cassius and Keefe from The Lost Cities. (If you haven’t read it, I would HIGHLY recommend again… and again…. and again…) I K I N D A wish that eventually Keefe and his dad will get along like this, buuuuuuuuuut I don’t think that’s gonna be happening any time soon, for reasons you will not know unless you read the books. Fair warning, Lord Cassius makes it VERY EASY to want to throw a shoe at him and wack him with a fish.
    This story was really, really good. I don’t think it was too depressing at all, I think it was heartwarming. It also reminded me of the music video of Never Gone by Colton Dixon. (Great song) And honestly maybe I cried just a little? I LOVE short stories and am also out of reading content, so if literally ANYONE has more they want to share, I’m your girl. But we’ll done, Katherine, for real. You rock! 🤩
    Also sorry for this indecipherable comment. 😰

    • Katherine

      THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😊 Aww, thank you!!!!!!! I am so so happy you thought it was incredible!!!!!!!!! Me too!! Awesome!!!!! That’s a gorgeous title!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!! And Cora is a really pretty name! Cool!!! I really need to read Keeper of the Lost Cities! It sounds like something I would totally LOVE!!!!!!!!!! Maybe it will help provide inspiration for one of the novels I’m working on.😁 Okay, I need to get the Keeper book ASAP!!!!!!!! Maybe you should send it to me through asterisks.😁XD
      Aw, thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your comment is making really happy!!!!!!!! I am so happy you think so!!! I hadn’t heard “Never Gone” before but I went to listen to it right now and I thought it was awesome! You’re right – I see how the song and my story are similar. Colton Dixon is so talented! I love the song “Miracles” by him! Really? You cried a little? I am so thrilled to know my story did that (in a good way😉). I love short stories too!!!! Alrighty, I’ll find something else to share (hopefully, my writing is good enough). THANK YOU A THOUSAND TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😃 Awwww! You are so nice!!!!!!!!!!! I am smiling so hard right now!!!!!! You rock too!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for reading and commenting!!!!!!!!!!!!
      No worries. Your comment was not indecipherable. I understood everything.

  • Ribbon Ash

    I’m guessing you don’t mind late comments so here’s me commenting now. I just had to say that your story is brilliant. It wasn’t too depressing and it didn’t end too quickly. It was really moving actually and thanks for sharing!!

    • Katherine

      Hi, Ribbon Ash!!!!! I don’t mind late comments. I LOVE all comments no matter when they come in! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!!!! Awwww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy you liked it!!!!!!!!😀 THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Aw, that makes me so happy!!!!!!!!!!! You’re welcome!

  • Jen

    Oh, Katherine, this was GREAT! I don’t think it was depressing at all and for the length of the story, the ending was very nice! The cover is fantabulous! As for the father’s and son’s names, how about Evan for the father and Jason for the son? These were the first two to pop in my head, so no worries if you don’t like them/want to use them. 🙂 Again, GREAT STORY!!! <333

    • Katherine

      Thank you so very much, Jen!!!!!!!!😊 Thank you thank you!!!! I have to admit I was a bit worried about it being to depressing but I am so glad you didn’t think it was! Thank you so much!!!!!!! That makes me so happy you like the cover!!!!!!!!!!!!😀 Oooh, I LOVE those names!!!!!!!!!!! They are wonderful!!!!!!! Interesting fact: I named a character Jasen (spelled “en”) once. Thank you so much for taking time to read my story and commenting!!!!!!!! It means so much to me!<333

  • Saraina

    Ohhh, that gave me chills!!! What a sweet, touching short story!!! Just the right amount of sad and hopeful. I really loved it!!!

    • Katherine

      Awww, thank you!!!!!!!!!! *smiles really big* (I think I got teary-eyed as I was writing the short story, lol) That just makes me SO HAPPY that you loved my story!!!!!!!!! And thank you so very much for reading “A Second Chance”!!!!!!!!! It really made my day!!!!!! <333

    • Katherine

      Aww, thank you so much!!!!!!!😊 I’m happy to hear it carried those emotions through! You’re very welcome!!!!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!!!! Thank you so much for reading it!!!!!!

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